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October 1, 2020                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        City honors 2020

        Officer of the Year

           Melissa Vernon was chosen as the City  lot of different responsibilities and roles."
        of Northville Police Officer of the Year for  "She's a hard worker, does a great job
        2019, a recognition that presented at the  and is an exceptional police officer," said
        city council meeting  Sept. 21. While the  Maciag, who intended to present the
        meeting was online, Police Chief Alan  award when it was announced in June but
        Maciag presented a plaque to Vernon in  realized that in-person city council meet-
        person at city council chambers.       ings might not happen anytime soon.
           The award recipient is chosen annually  Vernon is also a newly minted on-call
        by fellow officers. Vernon stood out for her  firefighter for the city and has already
        work in bringing two Rape Aggression   been on fire runs. That is work she does
        Defense (RAD) training sessions to the city  outside of the Police Department., but also
        and instructing women in self-defense  shows her commitment to serve in the
        along with fellow officer Matt Duggins.  community, Maciag said.
        She is also the taser training officer for the  "I absolutely love Northville. The com-  Ofc. Melissa Vernon receives the Officer of the Year award from Northville Police Chief
        department.                            munity and residents have been so wel-  Alan Maciag, who presented it to her at city hall recently.
           "I felt honored to receive the award,"  coming," Vernon said.             she served two years on the Detroit Police  Charles, MO, where she attended as an
        Vernon said. "I worked really hard all year  Vernon has been on the Northville  Force. She holds a B.A. in criminal justice  NCAA scholar-athlete in wrestling and
        to be there for the community. I took on a  Police force since April 2018. Previously,  from Lindenwood University in St.   trained at the Detroit Police Academy.

           Training officer                                                          Northville golf course

           Kristen Romac has accepted the
           newly-created role of Professional                                        may not reopen next year
           Standards and Training Officer for
           the Northville Township Police                                               Area golfers received some bad news  Open.
           Department. This position is dedi-
           cated to supporting state and                                             last week from Salem Hills Golf Course   COVID-19 had a serious impact on
           national accreditation programs,                                          owner Frank Godwin.                   many golf courses throughout the state
           evaluating department processes                                              In a letter to customers, Godwin   which were shut down for several weeks,
           and developing training aligned                                           explained that the popular golf course will  but the pandemic was not the prime factor
           with best practice standards.                                             close permanently at the end October.  in the decision to close Salem Hills,
           Romac joined the Northville                                                  “It was always our hope that we would  according to reports.
           Township Police Department in                                             find a buyer that would continue operat-  The facility has an aging infrastructure,
           2004 and since that time, has                                             ing Salem as a golf course,” Godwin wrote.  one employee noted, although the volume
           been dedicated to supporting the                                          “Since that did not happen, we feel this  of golfers has been strong since the shut-
           agencies continuous improve-                                              decision is best for our family. These are  down of courses was lifted by Gov.
           ment, a  spokesman noted. She                                             difficult times for many.”            Gretchen Whitmer. Frank and Veronica
           serves as a departmental instruc-
           tor in the disciplines of firearms,                                          According to reports, the 6,992-yard,  Godwins also owned what now is Walnut
           defensive tactics, conductive                                             par-72 located off Six Mile Road in   Creek Country Club in South Lyon from
           energy weapons, R.A.D. (Rape                                              Northville, has not been sold, although  1969-88, and Marion Oaks Golf Club in
           Aggression Defense) and as a                                              there has been what was described as  Howell from 1990-2003.
           field training officer. Romac was                                         “some preliminary interest.” The course  “We will be forever indebted to our
           named Northville Township Police Officer of the Year in 2016 for her contributions  opening in 1963 and opened in 1963, and  loyal staff,” Godwin wrote last week.
           to establish best practice policies and training related to use of force. She is also  was designed by Michigan golf legend  “Thank you very much for your support of
           a member of the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers      Bruce Matthews. It was formerly the site  Salem Hills. We will remember and be
           Association.                                                              of a qualifier for the PGA Tour Buick  thankful for you all.”

                                                                                                           CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                        Sumpter Township                                                   NOTICE OF PUBLIC ACCURACY TEST
                                      Regular Board Meeting                                               NOVEMBER 3, 2020 GENERAL ELECTION
                                   Tuesday, August 25, 2020, 6:30 p.m.
                                 23480 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111              NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Public Accuracy Test for the November 3, 2020 General Election is scheduled for
                                           Minutes                                    Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 2:00 p.m.  in the lobby of  Township Hall, located at 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville,
         Meeting called to order by Supervisor Morgan at 6:30 pm. Roll call: Supervisor J. Morgan, Clerk E. Hurst, Trustees: Rush, Oddy,
         Swinson and LaPorte. Treasurer Bednark excused. Also showing present: Attorney Young, Deputy Clerk Burdick, Fire Chief  The Public Accuracy Test is conducted to determine that the program and the computer being used to tabulate the results of the
         Januszyk, Public Safety Director/Chief of Police Luke and approximately 15 attendees.  Election count the votes in the manner prescribed by law.
                                                                                      The public is welcome and invited to attend.
         *Opening Statement by Supervisor John W. Morgan – Board Meeting Decorum;
         This meeting is essentially a business meeting of the Township Board where the public is informed of upcoming public events,   Marjorie F. Banner
         etc. and where the public is given the opportunity to address the board about their thoughts and concerns. It is not a question and  Clerk
         answer forum. The vast majority of the time our meetings are orderly and everyone is respectful of the rights of others. So, let’s  Publish:  October 1, 2020  NT0092 - 100120  2.5 x 1.852
         be respectful of others during this meeting. Everyone who signs up to speak will be allowed 3 minutes to make his/her comments.
         For those who may have come here to disrupt, you will be given one admonition, after that you will be asked to leave the meet-
         ing. If a speaker leaves a question to be answered the question will be answered as soon as reasonably possible depending on the  Sumpter Township
         nature of the information sought. Remember, the keyword is “respect”. Let’s respect one another and let’s respect the protocols  Regular Board Meeting
         in place.
                                                                                                             Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 6:30 p.m.
         3. Agenda: Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve the Agenda. Motion carried.                23480 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111
         4. Public Comments on Agenda Items Only: No Comments.
                                                                                      Meeting called to order by Supervisor Morgan at 6:30 pm. Roll call: Supervisor J. Morgan, Clerk E. Hurst and Trustees: Swinson,
         5. Minutes:                                                                  LaPorte, Oddy and Rush. Treasurer K. Bednark and Trustee Oddy excused. Also showing present: Attorney Young, Deputy Clerk
            A. Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to approve the Regular Board Meeting Minutes of August 11, 2020. Motion car-  Burdick, Fire Chief Januszyk, Public Safety Director/Chief of Police Luke, Finance Director Cole-O’Connell and approximate-
              ried.                                                                   ly 7 Attendees.
            B. Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to accept the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of February 13, 2020.
              Motion carried.                                                         3. Agenda: Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to approve the agenda with the added Agenda Item
                                                                                      17. Closed Session as requested by Attorney Young. Motion carried.
         6. Warrants: Motion by LaPorte, supported by Hurst to approve the warrant total of $228,437.65. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor
         J. Morgan, Clerk E. Hurst, Trustees: Rush, Oddy, Swinson and LaPorte. Treasurer Bednark excused. Nay: None. Motion carried.  4. Public Comments on Agenda Items Only: No comments were received.
         7. Parks & Recreation/Chamber Report-Swinson:                                5. Minutes: Motion by Oddy, supported by Swinson to approve the Regular Board Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020. Motion
            •   All Parks & Recreation Commission meetings have been cancelled for 2020 and activities cancelled until further notice.  carried.
         Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to approve the Parks & Recreation/Chamber report. Motion carried.
                                                                                      6. Warrants: Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve the warrants totaling $690,158.01. Roll call vote: Yes: Rush,
         8. Planning/Zoning Report-Oddy:                                              Swinson, LaPorte, Oddy, Clerk Hurst and Supervisor Morgan. Treasurer Bednark excused. Nay: None. Motion carried.
            •   Planning Commission met on August 13, 2020 to consider a Special Exemption Use permit for Heart To Home. The
              Commission approved recommendation to the Board of Trustees to accept the application consideration.  7. Attorney Report-Young
         Motion by LaPorte, supported by Rush to approve the Planning/Zoning report. Motion carried.  Twp Lawsuits & Adversarial Proceeding 12%, Insurance matters 3%, Township Board meetings 9%, Meeting with Twp Officials
                                                                                      5%, Water & Sewer 6%, Police, Fire & Prosecutions 24%, Ordinance & Blight 4%, Labor Contract/LOU 8%, Employee Contract
         9. Senior Report-Hurst:                                                      Issues 4%, Republic 2%, Planning 3%, Library 1%, Parks & Recreation 2%, Storm Water Management & MDEQ 6%, Board
            •   The Podiatrist Dr. Redmond will be at the center September 3rd at 10am first come first served, social distancing will  Direction 3%, Audit 4% and Misc. 4%.
              be in place, call for insurance qualifications.                            •  Attorney Young requested the Agenda be amended to add Closed Session for AFSCME Agreement information and con-
            •   TEFAP (Commodities) Program distribution is on the third Thursday,         siderations.
            •   (September 17th) from 9:00am to 11:00am we distribute drive thru style at the rear hallway entrance, if you have any  •   Current activities in investigation on alleged, false statements as published in a letter sent to the Belleville Independent
              questions please call Maryann 734-461-9373.                                  referencing missing funds and royalties and actions in response to the accusations.
            •   Arthritis Foundation Exercise class is on Monday’s and Thursday’s at 10:30am  Motion by LaPorte, supported by Oddy to approve the Attorney’s Report. Motion carried.
            •   Bible study is on Tuesday’s from 10:15 to 11:45 in the gym.
            •   Transportation for shopping and errands is available; call on Monday’s to schedule an appointment 734-461-9373  8. Police Report-Luke:
            •   Masks are required in the Community/Senior center building and buses.  Motion by LaPorte, supported by Oddy to approve the Police Report. Motion carried.
            •   Cardio Drumming with Michelle Rodriguez on Tuesday’s & Thursday’s under the pavilion 6:30pm
            •   We strive to disinfect frequently touched surfaces after each program.  9. Building/Ordinance Report-Rush:
         Motion by LaPorte, supported by Oddy to approve the Senior report. Motion carried.  Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve the Building/Ordinance Report. Motion carried.
         10. Board Response:                                                          10. Fire Report-Januszyk:
            •   Clerk Hurst presented a statement in reference to recent mis-allegations, false reports and published articles on recent  Motion by Hurst, supported by Oddy to approve the Fire Report. Motion carried.
              elections activities and her support of her staff, election inspectors and the integrity of the elections process.
            •   Trustee Rush presented a statement and video support in opposition to inaccurate reports and allegations of him, the  11. Treasurer’s Report-K. Bednark:
              Clerk’s Office and the current Board of Trustees. Supervisor Morgan advised of his full support and approval of Trustee  Motion by Rush, supported by LaPorte to receive and file the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried.
              Rush’s actions and accomplishments for the Township.
            •   Trustee Oddy advised of his disapproval of the false reports, allegations, published materials and negative impression it  12. Supervisor Report-J. Morgan:
              all gave to the residents of the Township. He supported the Board fully.   •   Supervisor Morgan asked that Clerk Hurst present a statement on the recent Elections
                                                                                         Recount results.
         11. New Business:                                                            Motion by LaPorte, supported by Rush to approve the Supervisor’s report. Motion carried
            A.  Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to approve to re-appoint Mary Sherwood to the Planning Commission with her term
              to expire 9/23/2023. Motion carried.                                    13. Board Response:
            B.  Motion by Hurst, supported by Rush to approve to appoint Vincent Warren to the Board of Review term to expire  •   Trustee LaPorte addressed his appreciation for the effort and the Purchasing & Credit Card Policy draft as provided by
              1/1/2022. Motion carried.                                                    Finance Director Cole-O’Connell.
            C. Motion by Hurst, supported by Swinson to accept the Sumpter Township Planning Commission’s recommendation to
              approve the Special Land Use of 23560 Sumpter Road to be utilized as an Adult Foster Care Facility as outlined in the  14. New Business: None presented.
              Planner’s Recap & Review (attached). Motion carried.
                                                                                      15. Announcements: None.
              *Trustee Oddy introduced the Applicants present to address the Board of Trustees and meeting attendees
            D.  Motion by Rush, supported by LaPorte to approve to purchase six (6) prep radios for the fire dept. at a cost not to exceed  16. Open Floor: One (1) people spoke.
              $13,323.00. Motion carried.
            E. Motion by Hurst, supported by Oddy to approve to move DONNA STEWART from an Alternate Parks and Recreation  17. Closed Session
              position to a Full Time Parks and Recreation position. Motion carried.  At 7:14 pm, Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to move into Closed Session; pursuant to MCL 15.268(h) to consider attorney-
                                                                                      client privileged material exempt from discussion or disclosure by state or federal law referencing current AFSCME Agreement
            12. Announcements:                                                        status. Roll call vote: Yes: Swinson, Rush, Oddy, Laporte, Hurst and J. Morgan. Bednark excused. Nay: None. Motion carried.
            •   Clerk Hurst advised of the Township-wide Yard Sale being conducted August 28, 29 & 30. No permit required.
            •   Trustee LaPorte took a moment to express his appreciation (based on his own election experience) for the organization,  At 7:59 pm, Motion by Rush, supported by Swinson to open the Regular Board Meeting. Motion carried.
              knowledge and performance of the election inspectors and their service to the Township and the process.  Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to accept the Attorney’s recommendations and actions as advised during the Closed
                                                                                      Session. Motion carried.
            13. Open Floor: Three (3) attendees spoke.
                                                                                      18. Adjournment: Motion by LaPorte supported by Swinson to adjourn at 8:00 pm. Motion carried.
            14. Adjournment: Motion by Rush, supported by Hurst to adjourn at 7:44 pm. Motion carried.
                                                                                      Minutes prepared by,
            Minutes prepared by;                                                      Anthony Burdick, Deputy Clerk
            Anthony Burdick, Deputy Clerk                                             Sumpter Township
            Sumpter Township
            _____________________________________  ________________________           _____________________________________  ________________________
            Esther Hurst, Clerk                     date                              Esther Hurst, Clerk                 Date
            ______________________________________  ________________________          ______________________________________  ________________________
            John W. Morgan, Supervisor              date               ST0017 - 100120  2.5 x 10.925  John Morgan, Supervisor   Date                ST0018 - 100120  2.5 x 9.124
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