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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           October 1, 2020

                                                        PLYMOUTH - WAYNE
                                                        PLYMOUTH - WAYNE

          Plymouth man charged with knife attack on mother

             A Plymouth man is facing                                                               scene and established a perime-  harm; assault with intent to
          multiple criminal charges after            Following the attack, he fled to               ter to evacuate neighbors.    commit great bodily harm -
          attacking his mother and hold-                                                              Initial reports said the defen-  strangulation; felonious assault
          ing police at bay for hours last            another part of the apartment,                dant requested that officers  and resisting and obstructing
          Monday.                                       still armed with the knife.                 shoot him.                    the police.
             Wayne County Prosecutor                                                                   Members of the Western       He was arraigned by video
          Kym Worthy has charged Todd   ately went inside the apartment  alleged he strangled her and  Wayne  County     Crisis   from his hospital room last
          Willard Holgate, 41, in connec-  and locked the door, she told  stabbed the bed near her head.   Negotiation Team responded to  Monday, according to the office
          tion with an attack on his 69-  police.                       Following the attack, he fled  the scene and attempted to  of the prosecutor and received a
          year-old mother, also of        It is alleged that her son  to another part of the apart-  negotiate with the man. After a  $500,000 or 10 percent bond.
          Plymouth. According to police  became irate and gained entry  ment, still armed with the knife.  two-hour stand-off, Holgate was  The court ordered him to have
          reports, the older woman was  into the apartment by breaking  She called the Plymouth police  taken into custody by officers  no contact with is mother, no
          outside her apartment located  a glass window on the front  who responded to the location.  and transported to a local hospi-  alcohol and a GPS tether should
          in the 390 block of Pinewood  door.                         The victim was able to leave the  tal for evaluation.       he be released.  A probable
          Circle at about 2:44 p.m. Sept. 26  Once inside the apartment  apartment when police arrived  The defendant has been    cause conference is scheduled
          speaking with her son.        while armed with a knife, the  but her son refused requests to  charged with false report of a  for Oct.9 and a preliminary
             When he became agitated    defendant chased his mother   surrender by police. Several  threat of terrorism; assault with  examination is set for Oct. 16 in
          and threatened her she immedi-  into her bedroom where it is  more officers arrived on the  intent to commit great bodily  35th District Court.

        Ready to serve

        Programs now open at Wayne

        Westland Salvation Army post

                                  Julie Brown  Energy utility assistance program usually
                                Special Writer  increases in the fall.
                                                 The Step Down Transitional Housing
           Wayne-Westland Salvation Army Corps  apartments are used by men and women
        Envoy Andrew is Barylski pleased with  separately, said Barylski. "There continues
        the improvements at the facility installed  to be many individuals who make positive
        during the COVID-19 restrictions.      steps forward" from addiction and other
           He noted that there has been work   issues, he said.
        done on the gymnasium basketball hoops   "We have the resources to be able to
        and a mat put up on the gym wall.  There  assist with food. We're ready," he added.
        is also a new phone system, with the same  This summer, the food program utilized  Capt. David Martinez, at right, with Envoy Andrew Barylski, Wayne-Westland Salvation
        number, he said.                       a drive-through system at the corps, which  Army corps administrator. The After School programs at the facility resumed on
           The facility has improved financially  can still be accommodated. Masks are  Wednesdays and Thursdays.
        and is in operation, Barylski said.    being used by staff, as is social distancing.
        Summer food distribution takes place on  For the upcoming holiday season, the                      NOTICE OF REGISTRATION FOR THE
        Tuesdays and Fridays at the facility, 2300  corps will have a Toy Shop for children                ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY,
        S. Venoy Road in Westland, and now     and Adopt a Family efforts, with other hol-                         NOVEMBER 3, 2020
        draws some 14-20 people each day added  iday planning under way. An After School              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN
        caseworker Gladys Beach.               Program on Wednesdays and Thursdays is  TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP:
           "People are going back to work," said  resuming, with a meal served each day to  PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that any qualified elector of Northville Township who is not registered, may register to vote at the
        Beach, who noted that the need for DTE  children, Barylski said.              office of the Township Clerk; the office of the County Clerk; a Secretary of State branch office, or other designated state agency.
                                                                                      Registration forms can be obtained at and mailed to the township Clerk. Voters who are already registered may
        Renovations set at Attwood Park                                               The last day to register in any manner other than in-person with the local clerk is Monday, October 19, 2020.
                                                                                      update their registration at
           Atwood Park playground is temporarily  the equipment. Officials said the new  After this date, anyone who qualifies as an elector may register to vote in person with proof of residency (MCL 168.497) at the
        closed in the City Of Wayne as prepara-  playground construction will begin in the  Northville Township Clerk's office, located at 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville MI 48168 at the following times:
        tions are made for the installation of a  next few weeks and signs will be posted at  •  Regular business hours: Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
        new play structure.                    the location about the closure and plans  • •  Saturday, October 10th from 8 a.m. to noon
                                                                                           Extended hours: October 15th, October 21st and October 27th from 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
           Safety concerns and necessary prepa-  for the new playground.                •  Friday, October 30th from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
        rations for the construction of the new  The demolition and new playground      • •  Saturday, October 31st from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
                                                                                           Election Day, Tuesday November 3rd from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
        playground have closed the existing struc-  are being funded through a grant from
        ture and the public is advised not to use  Wayne County Parks.                PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Northville Township residents in Precinct 7 will be voting on the following:
                                                                                        •  Board Member Plymouth-Canton Community School District
                                                                                        •  Board Member Plymouth-Canton School District Partial Term Ending 12/31/2022
                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                      INVITATION TO BID                               PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Northville Township residents in Precinct 1-6 & 8-12 will be voting on the following:
         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed  •  Board Member Northville Public School District
         bids at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, October 15, 2020 for the following:
                                                                                      PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that all Northville Township residents will be voting on the following:
                        REPLACE BACKUP POWER GENERATOR AT FIRE STATION # 1            •  Electors of President and Vice-President of the United States
                                                                                      •  United States Senator
         Bids may be picked up at the Finance and Budget Department, on the MITN Purchasing Group website at https://www.bidnet-  •  Representative in Congress 11th District or you may contact Mike Sheppard at: 734/394-5225. All bids must be submitted in a sealed  •  Representative in State Legislature 20th District
         envelope clearly marked with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and time of bid open-  •  Member of the State Board of Education
         ing. The Township reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on the basis of  •  Regent of the University of Michigan
         race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.  •  Trustee of Michigan State University
                                                                                      •  Governor of Wayne State University
                                    MICHAEL SIEGRIST, CLERK                           •  Wayne County Prosecuting Attorney
                                                                                      •  Wayne County Sheriff
         Publish 10/1/2020                                            CN2105 - 100120  2.5 x 2.051  •  Wayne County Clerk
                                                                                      •  Wayne County Treasurer
                                                                                      •  Wayne County Register of Deeds
                                                                                      •  County Commissioner 9th District
                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON                            •  Northville Township Supervisor
                                      INVITATION TO BID                               •  Northville Township Clerk
                                                                                      •  Northville Township Treasurer
         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed  •  Northville Township Trustee
         bids at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, October 15, 2020 for the following:  •  Justice of Supreme Court
                                                                                      •  Judge of Court of Appeals 1st District Incumbent Position
                          REPLACE BOILERS AT PUBLIC SAFETY HEADQUARTERS               •  Judge of Circuit Court 3rd Circuit Incumbent Position
                                                                                      •  Judge of Circuit Court 3rd Circuit Non-Incumbent Position
         Bids may be picked up at the Finance and Budget Department, on the MITN Purchasing Group website at https://www.bidnet-  •  Judge of Circuit Court 3rd Circuit Incumbent Position Partial Term Ending 01/01/2023 or you may contact Mike Sheppard at: 734/394-5225. All bids must be submitted in a sealed  •  Judge of Probate Court Incumbent Position
         envelope clearly marked with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and time of bid open-  •  Judge of District Court 35th District Incumbent Position
         ing. The Township reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on the basis of  •  Board of Trustees Member Schoolcraft Community College
         race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.  •  Board Member Northville District Library
                                                                                      •  State Proposal 20-1: A proposed constitutional amendment to allow money from oil and gas mining on state-owned lands to
                                    MICHAEL SIEGRIST, CLERK                             continue to be collected in state funds for land protection and creation and maintenance of parks, nature areas, and public
                                                                                        recreation facilities; and to describe how money in those state funds can be spent.
         Publish 10/1/2020                                            CN2106 - 100120  2.5 x 2.051  •  The proposed constitutional amendment would:
                                                                                           •  Allow the State Parks Endowment Fund to continue receiving money from sales of oil and gas from state-owned
                                                                                             lands to improve, maintain and purchase land for State parks, and for Fund administration, until its balance reaches
                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON                                 •  Require subsequent oil and gas revenue from state-owned lands to go into the Natural Resources Trust Fund.
                                 ACCESS TO PUBLIC MEETINGS                                 •  Require at least 20% of Endowment Fund annual spending go toward State park improvement.
                                                                                           •  Require at least 25% of trust Fund annual spending go toward parks and public recreation areas and at least 25%
         The Charter Township of Canton will provide necessary, reasonable auxiliary aids and services to individuals with disabilities at  toward land conservation.
         the meeting/hearing upon notice to the Charter Township of Canton.           •  State Proposal 20-2: A proposed constitutional amendment to require a search warrant in order to access a person's electronic
                                                                                        data or electronic communications.
         In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), the Charter Township  •  This proposed constitutional amendment would:
         of Canton will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs,  •  Prohibit unreasonable searches or seizures of a person's electronic data and electronic communications.
         or activities.                                                                    •  Require a search warrant to access a person's electronic data or electronic communications, under the same condi-
                                                                                             tions currently required for the government to obtain a search warrant to search a person's house or seize a person's
         Employment: The Charter Township of Canton does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its hiring or employment prac-  things.
         tices and complies with all regulations promulgated by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission under Title II of  •  Regional Enhancement Millage Renewal Proposal: Pursuant to state law, the revenue raised by the proposed enhancement
         the ADA.                                                                       millage will be collected by the Wayne County Regional Educational Service Agency and distributed to local constituent
                                                                                        public school districts including eligible public school academies within the boundaries of the Wayne County Regional
         Effective Communication: The Charter Township of Canton will generally, upon request, provide appropriate aids and services  Educational Service Agency based on pupil membership count.
         leading to effective communication for qualified persons with disabilities so they can participate equally in the Charter Township  •  As a renewal of authority which expires with the 2021 levy, shall the limitation on the amount of ad valorem taxes which
         of Canton's programs, services, and activities, including qualified sign language interpreters, documents in Braille, and other  may be imposed on taxable property in the Wayne County Regional Educational Service Agency, Michigan, be increased
         ways of making information and communications accessible to people who have speech, hearing, or vision impairments.  by 2 mills ($2.00 per thousand dollars of taxable value) for a period of six (6) years, 2022 to 2027, inclusive, to provide
                                                                                           operating funds to enhance other state and local funding for local school district operating purposes? It is estimated that
         Modifications to Policies and Procedures: The Charter Township of Canton will make all reasonable modifications to policies  2 mills would raise approximately $90.4 million when first levied in 2022.
         and programs to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy all of its programs, services, and activi-  •  The revenue from this millage will be disbursed to public school academies within the boundaries of the Wayne County
         ties. For example, individuals with service animals are welcomed in the Charter Township of Canton's offices, even where pets  Regional Educational Service Agency which are eligible to receive enhancement millage under the Revised School Code
         are generally prohibited.                                                         and the following school districts:
                                                                                           •  Allen Park Public Schools, Crestwood School District, Dearborn City School district, Dearborn Heights School
         Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to par-  District #7 Detroit Public Schools Community District, Ecorse Public School District, Flat Rock Community
         ticipate in a program, service, or activity of the Charter Township of Canton should contact the office of Barb Brouillette, Human  Schools, School District of the City of Garden City, Gibraltar School district, Grosse Ile Township Schools, The
         Resources Coordinator, Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Center Road, Canton, MI  48188, (734) 394-5260 as soon  Grosse Pointe Public School System, Hamtramck Public Schools, City of Harper Woods Schools, School District of
         as possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event.                  the City of Highland Park, Huron School District, School District of the City of Lincoln Park, Livonia Public
                                                                                             Schools, Melvindale-Northern  Allen Parks Schools, Northville Public Schools, Plymouth-Canton Community
         The ADA does not require the Charter Township of Canton to take any action that would fundamentally alter the nature of its  Schools, Redford Union School District, River Rouge School District, Riverview Community School district,
         programs or services, or impose an undue financial or administrative burden.        Romulus Community Schools, Southgate Community School District, South Redford School District, Taylor School
                                                                                             District,  Trenton Public Schools,  Van Buren Public Schools,  Wayne-Westland Community School District,
         Complaints that a program, service, or activity of the Charter Township of Canton is not accessible to persons with disabilities  Westwood Community Schools, Woodhaven-Brownstown School District, Wyandotte City School District
         should be directed to Barb Brouillette, Human Resources Coordinator, Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Center Road,
         Canton, MI  48188, (734) 394-5260.                                           A sample of each ballot is available at the Northville  Township's Clerk's Department and at the township's website:
         The Charter Township of Canton will not place a surcharge on a particular individual with a disability or any group of individu-
         als with disabilities to cover the cost of providing auxiliary aids/services or reasonable modifications of policy, such as retriev-  Marjorie F. Banner
         ing items from locations that are open to the public but are not accessible to persons who use wheelchairs.  Charter Township of Northville Clerk
         Publish: 10/01/20                                             CN2104 - 100120  2.5 x 4.72  Publish: October 1, 2020                    NT0091 - 100120  2.5 x 12.319
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