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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                       September 28, 2023

                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH
                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH

        Downs development plan OK’d by council

           Members of the Northville   not only bring new homes and                              ”                                 the roundabout at Seven Mile
        City Council voted 4-1 to approve  commercial space to the city but                                                        and Sheldon; $300,000 for street
        the $300 million Downs         would also generate new tax rev-           The $3.5 million tax abatement that              rehabilitation at Seven Mile and
        Development Agreement with     enue while providing the public         the developer will receive over a 12-year           Northville and at Seven Mile and
        Hunter Pasteur of Northville   benefits of new public parks, a                                                             S. Main Street, $263,000 for a new
        during a meeting this month.   daylighted river, and infrastruc-        period will not raise taxes on residents.          12-inch water main on Cady
        Mayor Pro-tem Barbara Moroski-  ture improvements. He outlined                                                             Street and $500,000 for 'gap' fund-
        Browne cast the lone no vote on  the construction schedule that                                                            ing.
        the agreement.                 begins with a demolition phase  according to officials.      city and company entered into    Those funds included those
           Hunter Pasteur Northville   in 2024 and extends to 2027 with  The council also established a  the agreement for the purpose of  needed to cover additional costs
        representative Seth Herkowitz  project completion.            Commercial Rehabilitation     setting forth the terms and condi-  for these projects and/or to pay
        told the council members that    The developer's final site plan  District (also known as P.A. 210) -  tions under which the certificate  for other infrastructure impacted
        the company, now operating as  next goes to the Northville    following a public hearing and a  would be approved and issued by  by the Downs development.
        Perennial Northville, LLC, was  Planning Commission for review.  council vote. Moroski-Brown also  the State Tax Commission for the  Councilman Andrew Krenz
        seeking approval of agreement  There were several conditional  cast the only no vote on this  property proposed to be exempt  pointed out that the $3.5 million
        negotiated by the developer and  items from the preliminary site  motion.                   from real property taxes.      tax abatement that the developer
        the city administrative team. He  plan approval that planning com-  Following approval of P.A. 210,  The tax abatement offsets  will receive over a 12-year period
        said the agreement had under-  missioners said would be       Perennial Northville, LLC, sub-  development costs for public  will not raise taxes on residents.
        gone extensive legal review and  resolved at the next stage. When  mitted an application for  benefits, officials said. The plan  This motion was also
        advice.                        finalized, the final site plan will  issuance of a Commercial  calls for the developer to pay $1.6  approved by a 4-1 vote with
           Herkowitz said the proposed  become part of the Downs      Rehabilitation   Exemption    million in up-front costs for three  Moroski-Browne casting the no
        mixed-use development would    Development      Agreement,    Certificate for the property. The  infrastructure items: $550,000 for  vote.

           Bright idea                                                               New waste center set to open

                                                                                        Residents from Northville Township
           Updated lights being installed                                            and the City of Northville will have
                                                                                                                              The hazardous materials may only
                                                                                     access to a free new Household
                                                                                                                           come from residential sources rather
                                                                                     Hazardous Waste drop-off center, which
                                                                                                                           than businesses, organizations or govern-
           in downtown parking deck                                                  opens Oct. 3.                         ment entities.
                                                                                                                              The HHW Center is one of the
                                                                                        Operated by Washtenaw County in col-
                                                                                     laboration with GFL Environmental, the  improvements Arbor Hills Landfill in
             Crews were scheduled to begin     while the work continues.             facility is located in the Arbor Hills com-  Salem Township agreed to make as part
           lighting upgrades in the Central      The lighting upgrades follow recent  plex at 10843 W. Five Mile Road, just west  of a lawsuit settlement with the Michigan
           Parking Deck in downtown Plymouth   upgrades to security cameras in and   of Napier Road.                       Department of Environment, Great
           last Monday.                        around the Central Parking Deck, offi-   The 2,400-square-foot HHW Center is  Lakes and Energy (EGLE).
             The work is expected to be com-   cials said. Members of the Downtown   open for residents by appointment only   This facility will be available at no cost
           plete in a week, officials said, but this  Development Authority board    Tuesday through Friday.               for 10 years to residents of Northville
           week up to 20 parking spaces on both  approved the upcoming lighting         It will begin scheduling weekday drop-  Township and the City of Northville.
           the upper and lower level may be    upgrades at the September meeting.    off appointments Sept. 25 for dates begin-  Arbor Hills, now owned by GFL
           closed so crews can work safely.      Questions can be directed to sply-  ning Oct. 3.                          Environmental, constructed the facility
           Motorists are asked not to move any or dda@ply-        To make an appointment or find a list  and is paying Washtenaw County $75,000
           cones or barriers in the parking deck                       of   acceptable    materials,   visit  annually for staffing.

        Track                                  the board of trustees. He said the signa-         To subscribe to The Eagle visit
                                               tures “could make a difference” in opin-
                                               ions of members of the board and would 
        FROM PAGE 1                            be helpful in the decision-making
        tion. In addition to the petitions,      Trustees Chuck Curmi and John
        Bernhardt and others have been wear-   Stewart disagree. Curmi said he doesn't
        ing yellow Stop the Racetrack stickers  need to see the petitions as he remains
        and supplying lawn signs and literature  opposed to the track.
        in the community.                        He cast the lone no vote in February
           Bernhardt claims the opposition to  when the development was first pro-
        the track is “huge” and that the petition  posed. He added that rumors claiming
        was “never a political thing.” Heise dis-  he is collecting the signatures for a polit-
        agrees and claims that Bernhardt is    ical mailing list are completely false. He
        attempting to create a database for    has called the proposed track
        political activism. Heise is currently  “Plymouth-destroying.”
        campaigning for reelection.              Stewart, who is also strongly opposed
           Heise said he has never experienced  to the track, said he does not need to see
        the necessity for a governmental entity  the petition signatures. He said he
        to request signatures on a petition. He  accepts the credibility of the people
        said he believed those who signed the  who come to each meeting and express
        petition expected it to be presented to  their opposition “to a gambling facility.”

                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                   REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL
         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed
         proposals at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, October 12 2023 for the following:
                            ROOF REPLACEMENT - VILLAGE THEATER AREA D
                                      FLAT ROOF (RUBBER)
         Bid may be downloaded on the MITN Purchasing Group website at or you
         may contact Mike Sheppard at: All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked
         with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and time of bid opening. The Township reserves
         the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
         sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.
                                    MICHAEL SIEGRIST, CLERK
         Publish 9/28/2023                                              CN2510 - 092823  2.5 x 2.176


                                                                  TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900
                              hours of the sale.  City of  2G1WB58N269419220  69188393 X MSW9   2013 Volkswagen 4D    2008 Ford P/U         work must be picked up
                              Canton fee is $100, no fee  2000 HONDA      RNK36432L192      92  3VW637AJ2DM218149     1FTPX14V78FA55074     from the Redford Police
                              for Romulus.          1HGCG1647YA035456     RINK  BOAT            2009 Toyota 4D        23-0008727            Department within 48
        On September 26, 2023 @  All vehicles are sold in "as  2014 FORD  69188733 X MSW9       4T1BK46K09U591239     The above vehicles are  hours of the sale.
        1PM Frazier's Auto Service  is condition".  Bidding on  3FA6P0HD6ER192356  KMHE34L10GA014814 16  2019 Chevrolet SW  impounded through the  All Vehicles are sold in "as
        Towing located at 35830  all vehicles will start at the  2003 CHEVROLET  HYUN  SONATA HYB    3GNCJLSB6KL348375   City of Plymouth Police  is condition". Bidding on
        Van Born Rd Wayne, MI  amount due for towing  2G1WF52E439188345   69189183 X MSW9       2010 KIA SW           Department. All paper-  all vehicles will start at the
        48184 will conduct a pub-  and storage.  Vehicles  2011 FORD      5NPE34AF8FH130885 15  KNDJT2A21A7119210     work must be picked up  amount due for towing
        lic auction of Impounded  may be deleted from this  1FMNE1BW2BDA18148  HYUN  SONATA SPO    2007  Hyundai  SW  from the  City of Plymouth  and storage. Vehicles may
        and Abandoned Vehicles.  list at any time prior to the  2006 TOYOTA  69189683 X MSW9    5NMSH73E37H108706     Police Department within  be deleted from this list at
        The following vehicles will  start of the auction.  This is  4T1BE32KX6U738606  1HGCV1F31JA812233 18  The above vehicles are  48 hours of the sale.   any time prior to the start
        be offered for sale to the  a cash only sale and all  2013 FORD   HOND  ACCORD SPO      impounded through the                       of the auction. This is a
        highest bidder.       vehicles must be paid in  1FMCU9GX6DUC42388  69191343 X MSW9      City of Dearborn Police  2012  Chevrolet  4D  cash only sale and all
                              full at the time of the con-  2014 FORD     2B3CA3CV0AH277474 10  Department. All paper-  2G1WB5E36C1139636   vehicles must be paid in
        Romulus               clusion of the auction.   1FADP3K28EL242849  DODG  CHARGER SX     work must be picked up  The above vehicles are  full at the conclusion of the
                                                    2010 FORD                                   from the  City of Dearborn  impounded through the  auction.
        2015 HYUNDAI                                1FMCU9D71AKC63404                           Police Department within  Redford    Police
        KM8JU3AGXFUD5439         PUBLIC AUCTION     2012 CHRYSLER         On Wednesday, October  48 hours of the sale.   Department. All paper-
        2011 HYUNDAI            MARTIN’S TOWING     2C3CCABGXCH279451     4th,  2023 at 11:30 am,
        5XYZG3AB9BG079556      17180 DIX TOLEDO RD  2000 GMC              Great  Lakes  Towing
        2011 CHRYSLER             BROWNSTOWN,       2GTEK19T8Y1112418     Impound and Recovery
        1C3BC1FB3BN526678           MI 48193        2002 CHEVROLET        Division located at 42350
        2003 CHEVROLET           OCTOBER 6, 2023    1GNEK13Z22R277447     Van Born Rd, Belleville, Mi,
        1GNDT135132255915           10:00 AM                              County of Wayne, will con-
                              2007 JEEP                                   duct a public auction of
        Canton                1J4GK48K37W541633     Copart has vehicles up   Impounded     and
                              2009 CHEVROLET        for public auction    Abandoned vehicles. The
        2003 GMC              1G1ZK57BX9F145619     Tuesday 10/6/23 at 10  following vehicles will be
        1GTGK13423F195615     1994 CHEVROLET        AM at  offered for sale to the high-
                              1GCCS14Z4RK173494                           est bidder.
                              2011 HYUNDAI          69182693 X MSW9
        The above vehicles are  5NPEBAAC4BH261802   3KPFK4A74HE087606 17  2011 Chevrolet 4D
        impounded through the  2008 SATURN          KIA   FORTE LX        1G1ZC5E18BF182441
        cities of Romulus and  3GSCL33P48S534089    69186623 X MSW9       2009 Lexus SW
        Canton.  All paperwork  2003 CHEVROLET      1FTFX1EF8BFB04857 11  2T2HK31U49C101542
        and fees are to be picked  1GNFK16Z83J265562  FORD  F150 SUPER    2010 Chrysler 4D
        up and paid for from the  2010 FORD         69187193 X MSW9       1C3CC4FBXAN191164
        city in which the vehicle  3FAHP0HA3AR323624  1GKUKMEF0AR225004   2014 Jeep SW
        came from, within 48  2006 CHEVROLET        10 GMC   YUKON XL D    1C4NJRFB3ED687720
   1   2   3   4   5   6