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Cherry Hill Village set to celebrate ‘ARTober’
ARTober is being celebrated addition to the student artists, the at 50400 Cherry Hill Road. In talents as they create works of Michigan artists along with some
at the Village Arts Factory and event will also feature resident addition, a Chalk Art Festival will chalk art. emerging talents, organizers said.
the Village Theater at Cherry Hill artisans from the Village Arts connect the two facilities. Festival-goers will also be able Additional activities include a
in Canton Township. The one-day Factory, who will also be on site Individuals of all ages, fami- to view the 29th annual Canton range of engaging fall-themed
arts festival will take place from selling their original works pro- lies, and businesses can purchase Fine Arts Exhibition, on display activities tailored specifically for
noon until 5 p.m. Sept. 30 viding festival-goers with a a bag of chalk with a designated through Oct. 28, in the Gallery at children, along with refresh-
throughout Cherry Hill Village. chance to peruse and buy one-of- sidewalk square for a nominal Cherry Hill inside the Village ments such as cider and donuts.
The Village Arts Factory, locat- a-kind creations. fee to create their own work of Theater, which showcases a Entry to ARToberfest is free.
ed at 50755 Cherry Hill Road, will Food trucks will also be onsite street art. In addition, local chalk broad range of artistic styles and For more information, visit
host a Youth Art Fair featuring between the Village Arts Factory artists Tim Cory and Nick Bair interpretations in a variety of or
the work of artists ages 8 to 18. In and the Village Theater, located will be on hand showcasing their mediums from well-established call (734) 394-5300 ext.1305.
Commissioner is named Volunteer of Year
Wayne County Commissioner Suburban Mobility Authority for
Al Haidous (D-Wayne) was ” Regional Transportation
recently recognized by Michigan I am humbled in receiving this honor (SMART) board and a member of
WORKS! earning the prestigious and take great pride in volunteering the Detroit Wayne County
Volunteer of the Year honor for Airport Authority board. He is a
2023. for Michigan WORKS! former long serving mayor of
Haidous, who represents Wayne.
Belleville, Flat Rock, Wayne, Michigan WORKS! Provides
Sumpter Township, Van Buren in volunteering for Michigan help build up their communi- job skills and job training servic-
Township, Huron Township and WORKS! and the great people of ties.” es to employees, employers and
Romulus, was lauded for his out- Wayne County,” Haidous said. Haidous is chair of the county those seeking employment. It
standing service to the Michigan “Michigan WORKS! is an organi- commission Economic maintains Wayne County centers
WORKS! System. zation that keeps Michigan mov- Development Committee and a in Wayne, Dearborn, Detroit,
“I am humbled in receiving ing by educating and inspiring member of Committee on Public Grosse Pointe, Highland Park, Wayne County Commissioner
this honor and take great pride people to seek employment and Services, is vice-chair of the Livonia and Southgate. Al Haidous
City water remains unsafe
Water from residential taps in the City site nine of 60 homes tested in Wayne had
of Wayne remains contaminated with high excessive levels of lead.
levels of lead, according to inspectors Exposure to lead can damage the brain
from the Michigan Department of Health and kidneys and can affect the production
and Human Services. of red blood cells in the body.
Wayne residents should continue to put Filters are available between 7 a.m.
lead filters on home water faucets and and 3 p.m. Monday through Friday at the
consider having children tested for lead in City of Wayne Department of Public
their blood following levels of the neuro- Works, 35200 Forest Ave. in Wayne. The
toxin found in city water supplies. department can be reached at (734) 721-
According to a posting on the city web- 8600.
Official welcome To subscribe to The Eagle visit
Jeremiah Roberts took his official oath of police service from City Clerk Tina
Rowe during the meeting of the Wayne City Council last week. Roberts graduat-
ed from the Washtenaw Police Academy Sept. 8, after 18 weeks of intense train-
ing in areas of weapon proficiency, defensive tactics and emergency driving.