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September 28 – October 5, 2023                          NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 39                                                                                    www

                                       Construction at Northville Legacy Park under way

               Vol. 138, No. 39           Construction of amenities and buildings at
             A 1978 error in the place-  Legacy Park in Northville Township continue
          ment of a 1,000-foot water   with some expected openings as early as
          line in a ditch along        November.
          Rawsonville    Road    in       Unity Skatepark is well under way as
          Sumpter Township must be     Spohn Ranch Inc. staff members oversee the
          corrected and the lines relo-  10,000 square-foot community amenity. Plans
          cated.                       for the next weeks include the creation of a
                          See page 3.  pump track, rails, a bowl, ledges, pads and
                                       embankments being installed for those who
                                       enjoy wheeled sports. The projected cost is
                                       $655,500, with the bulk of the funding coming
                                       from individual contributions, various sup-
                                       porters  and fundraisers.
                                          The anticipated opening is planned for
                Vol. 76, No. 39        November, officials said.               enced trail builder to begin Phase 1 of the 17.5  which will house a second fire station, a new
             ARTober is being cele-       In one year, all but one remaining build-  miles of non-motorized trail to be established  public safety headquarters, a new public
          brated at the Village Arts   ings on the property which formerly housed  at the park. Rock Solid Trail Contracting,  works headquarters and some Northville
          Factory and the Village      parts of the Northville Psychiatric Hospital,  LLC, the largest trail building company in the  Parks & Recreation storage, is in the final
          Theater at Cherry Hill in    have been demolished. Building 14, the for-  country, which has a presence in both  design phase, according to officials.
          Canton Township Sept. 30.    mer laundry facility, will be repurposed, offi-  Bentonville, Ark., and Copper Harbor, was  These new facilities are expected to be
                          See page 5.  cials said. Contractors are currently demol-  one of four companies bidding on the project.  located at the northeast corner of Legacy
                                       ishing building foundations and tunnels on  The Rock Solid bid is not to exceed  Park, near the intersection of Traditions
                                       Buildings D, F, G, crushing the concrete and  $432,967for the installation and construction  Drive and Seven Mile Road.
                                       hauling the debris away.                of the trails. Pre-work design is set to being  Groundbreaking is expected later this fall,
                                          New trails will soon be accessible after  this fall and construction is expected to begin  officials said and construction will continue
                                       members of the Northville Township Board of  next spring. The target completion is fall 2024.   through 2024 with an anticipated opening in
                                       Trustees approved the hiring of an experi-  The new Essential Services Complex,  early 2025.
                Vol. 76, No. 39
             Katherine    Anderson
          Schaffner of Inkster, a         Private opinions?
          founder of the Motown
          Marvelettes, died Sept. 19.
                          See page 3.     Organizer refuses to reveal harness track petition signers

                                            Members of the Plymouth   members of the board of      Seven Mile and Sheldon in    unidentified area in the
                                          Township Board of Trustees  trustees should be able to see  Northville, would include a  plans presented to the town-
                                          appear to be as divided in  petitions being circulated   half-mile oval harness race-  ship. Rumors have circulated
                                          their opinions about petition  opposing the Northville   track, a two-story grandstand,  that the goal is to establish
                Vol. 23, No. 39           signatures opposing a pro-  Downs at Plymouth harness    racing building, horse barn  first slot machines and then
            Members      of    the        posed township racetrack as  raceway proposed for a site  and maintenance building on  gambling in this area of the
          Northville City Council voted   they are about the issue.   at Five Mile and Ridge Road.  the 128-acre site.          building.
          4-1 to approve the $300 mil-      Township Supervisor Kurt  The track, reportedly a move    Several officials have      Heise said he wants to
          lion Downs Development          Heise insists that he and the  from the current location at  questioned the use of a large  know who opposes the plan,
          Agreement with Hunter                                                                                                 which he has favored since
          Pasteur of Northville.                                                                                                negotiating the preliminary
                          See page 6.                                                                                           move of the track to the town-
                                                                                                                                ship. Online petitions oppos-
                                                                                                                                ing the racetrack have been
                                                                                                                                circulating since last spring
                                                                                                                                posted by Stop the Racetrack,
                                                                                                                                a grassroots organization
                                                                                                                                intent on preventing the con-
                Vol. 23, No. 39                                                                                                 struction of the harness rac-
             Crews were scheduled to                                                                                            ing facility. Dale Bernhardt,
          begin lighting upgrades in                                                                                            who has been circulating the
          the Central Parking Deck in                                                                                           petitions, has refused to
          downtown Plymouth last                                                                                                allow Heise to view the 1,500
          Monday.                                                                                                               signatures he says he has
                          See page 6.                                                                                           already collected opposing
                                                                                                                                the track. Bernhardt, who
                                                                                                                                lives near the proposed site
                                                                                                                                for the track, appears at near-
                                                                                                                                ly every township board
                                                                                                                                meeting opposing the project.
                Vol. 138, No. 39                                                                                                He claims the signatures
                                                                                                                                were not intended to be pre-
             Sidewalk repairs through-                                                                                          sented to township officials
          out the City of Romulus are                                                                                           and refuses to provide them
          currently under way, at no                                                                                            to Heise. He says the peti-
          cost to homeowners.                                                                                                   tions were an effort only to
                          See page 2.                                                                                           gauge the degree of opposi-

                                                                                                                                          See Track, page 6

                                       Canton Gallimore Elementary named as Blue Ribbon School

                Vol. 76, No. 39
             Wayne          County        Gallimore    Elementary                               ”                                value and support teachers and
          Commissioner Al Haidous      School in Canton Township               National Blue Ribbon Schools serve                staff through meaningful pro-
                                       was recently recognized as a
                                                                                                                                 fessional learning.
          (D-Wayne) was recently rec-  National Blue Ribbon School                                                                  Data from many sources are
          ognized    by   Michigan     by the U.S. Department of               as models of effective and innovative             used to drive instruction and
          WORKS! with the presti-      Education.                        school practices for state and district educators.      every student strives for suc-
          gious Volunteer of the Year     The Sheldon Road school                                                                cess, officials said.
          honor for 2023.              was among 11 in Michigan                                                                     National Blue Ribbon
                          See page 5.
                                       receiving the recognition which  staff at our National Blue  try, we take tremendous pride  Schools serve as models of
                                       is based on  overall academic  Ribbon Schools continually   in the achievements of these  effective and innovative school
                                       performance or progress in    inspire me with their dedica-  schools and their commitment  practices for state and district
                                       closing achievement gaps      tion to fostering academic    to empowering educators, serv-  educators and other schools
                                       among student subgroups on    excellence and building posi-  ing students, and engaging fam-  throughout the nation, the
                                       assessments.                  tive school cultures that sup-  ilies.”                     statement claims.
                Vol. 76, No. 39           “The honorees for our 2023  port students of all back-      According to a statement      A National Blue Ribbon
             Westland Mayor Michael    National Blue Ribbon Schools  grounds to thrive academically,  from Cardona’s office, National  School flag gracing a school
          P. Londeau will deliver his  Award have set a national     socially, and emotionally. As the  Blue Ribbon School leaders  entryway or on a flagpole is a
          first State of the City address  example for what it means to  Biden-Harris Administration  articulate a vision of excellence  widely recognized symbol of
          beginning     at   noon,     raise the bar in education,”  partners with states and      and hold everyone to high stan-  exemplary teaching and learn-
          Wednesday, Oct. 4 at The     said U.S. Secretary of        schools to accelerate academic  dards. They demonstrate effec-  ing, according to a prepared
          Friendship Center.           Education Miguel Cardona.     success and transform educa-  tive and innovative teaching  release from the federal
                          See page 6.  “The leaders, educators, and  tional opportunity in this coun-  and learning, and the schools  department of education.

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