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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        September 8, 2022

                                                     INKSTER - WESTLAND
                                                     INKSTER - WESTLAND

        Free internet program offered by Comcast

           Inkster residents can now   enrollment help is located at                                                               skills they need to excel in
        learn more about enrolling in  27195 Cherry Hill Road.                                   ”                                 today's digital economy,” said
        the new Affordable Connectivity   In addition, through Project                During the last six months,                  Broderick Johnson, executive
        Program (ACP) to get Internet  UP, Comcast's $1B commitment                    Comcast has distributed                     vice president, Public Policy and
        service for free. Any Xfinity cus-  to advance digital equity and                                                          Digital Equity, Comcast.
        tomer across all Comcast mar-  help build a future of unlimited          well over $1 million dollars in grants .             In addition to retail, cus-
        kets who qualifies for ACP can  possibilities, the company is                                                              tomers        can       visit
        apply their $30 credit toward  partnering with its network of                                                    , www.inter-
        their monthly Internet and/or  thousands of non-profit organiza-                                                 , or call (844)
        Xfinity Mobile bill. Customers  tions in communities across the  Hispanic Federation and the  divide and helping people get  389-4681 for more information, to
        can also sign up for Internet  country to increase awareness  National Urban Indian Family  connected to the Internet      determine eligibility, and sign
        Essentials Plus, a service that  of, and participation in, ACP.  Coalition (NUIFC), as well  through Project UP. By working  up. A dedicated ACP Enrollment
        includes 100 Mbps speed, a cable  During the last six months,  organizations such as NPower,  with our partners at all levels of  and Support Center is available
        modem, access to millions of   Comcast has distributed well   with plans to invest millions  government and within the com-  from 8 a.m. until midnight daily,
        WiFi hotspots, and unlimited   over $1 million dollars in grants  more throughout the year.   munity, we can accelerate our  with multi-lingual capabilities to
        data for $29.95 per month. The  to support dozens of local non-  “We've never been more com-  efforts to ensure everyone has  assist anyone interested in the
        Inkster Verizon store offering the  profits affiliated with the  mitted to closing the digital  access to the Internet and the  program.
        Safety first

        Westland provides training for school crossing guards

           School crossing guards in   traffic flow, but also to assure the
        Westland went back to class-   safety of the children in the park-
        rooms themselves recently as   ing areas. Additionally, this year
        police conducted training ses-  schools and crossing guards will
        sions to help keep children safe.  be equipped with radios to facili-
           The program is new and inno-  tate quicker communication in
        vative, a police spokesman said.  the event of emergencies or any
        This remodeled approach        situation that may require a
        includes a much broader and    quick response.
        more expansive outlook on child  The improvement of the
        safety, he added. The new school  school crossing guard program
        crossing guard program has a   helps to put more responsible
        much more inclusive response to  eyes and ears outside of the
        child safety including training in  schools, the spokesman noted.
        CPR (cardio pulmonary resusci-  “The department's goal is to pro-
        tation) and first aid certification.  vide children with a safer school
        The new program also offers the  experience and allow children
        crossing guards training in    to be comfortable and secure
        response to missing children and  while walking to school,” he
        lockdown procedures. While the  added.
        police will respond to those situ-  Crossing guards recently
        ations, the spokesman said, help  attended workshop sessions to
        from crossing guards dealing   learn the new procedures
        directly with children will help  involved in the new responsibili-
        in any crisis situation.       ties.                          Crossing guards in Westland went 'back to school' recently to learn new safety techniques from mem-
           This year, some crossing      “The    Westland    Police   bers of the Westland Police Department as part of a new safety program in the community.
        guards will be assigned to work  Department would like to sin-
        in school parking lots. Their  cerely thank our outstanding   embraced their newly expanded  ued. “We appreciate their will-  order to improve safety for our
        duties are not only assist with  crossing guards who have     roles,” the spokesman contin-  ingness to learn and adapt to in  children.”
        Tree brought down by storm

           The storm last week caused damage  he heard a loud cracking noise which
        and fires throughout the area as high  rousted him from his living room along
        winds took down power lines causing   with his wife and young son. He said he
        multiple fires throughout the area. In  felt "very lucky" that his family avoided
        Westland, a huge tree was apparently  injury.
        struck by lightning and fell, nearly miss-  In addition to the damage to the two
        ing one home and landing on two cars  parked cars, large branches of the falling
        parked on Markey Street.              tree damaged the home of Stephan
           The 50-foot tree crashed into the vehi-  Rodwell, scraping the corner of the roof
        cles parked near the home of Steven   of the house. No estimate of damage was
        Novak last Monday, Aug. 29. Novak said  available at press time.
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