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September 8, 2022                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        Community prepares for annual Pumpkin Festival

           The 24th Annual Romulus Pumpkin Festival is
        planned for Sept. 16, 17 and 18 this year at the Romulus
        Historical Park located at 11147 Hunt St. in the city.
           The annual Pumpkin Festival is a three-day event that
        starts on the third Friday in September and begins with
        the Parade of Lights, where everything is aglow, from
        bicycles to cement trucks. The Parade of Lights, spon-
        sored and organized by members of the Romulus Rotary
        Club, attracts a crowd of thousands, festival organizers
        said. The parade will begin at 8 p.m. Sept. 16. There is no
        entry fee for the lighted parade, but all entries must
        include multiple lights.  Applications are available at the
        Community Development Office in Romulus City Hall,
        where the completed form should also be returned. All
        questions about this event must be directed to the
        Romulus Rotary Facebook Page @RomulusRotary or
           Attractions this year also include the Classic Car Show
        and Craft and Vendor Show. “The event is a celebration of
        friends and family; a harvest celebration that generates
        an enthusiastic spirit and regenerates our sense of com-  chance to pick their favorite entries on the Facebook  Multiple contest entries have already been received,
        munity,” a spokesperson said. The Pumpkin Festival will  page. Participants in the tasting contests must drop off  organizers noted, although volunteers to work at the
        also sponsor tasting and digital photo contests leading up  their entries at the Romulus Senior Center and be judged  event are still being sought.
        to the festival. All entries will be due Sept. 9. Digital photo  by Romulus seniors.                     Vendor applications are still being accepted and dona-
        entries can be submitted online to the festival Facebook  Winners for all contests will be announced on  tions are appreciated, organizers said. To volunteer, regis-
        page    @DowntownRomulus        or  emailed    to  Facebook and contacted individually. All entries must  ter or for information, call the Pumpkin Festival Hotline The public will be given a  include the individual's name, email, and phone number.  at (734) 955- 4577.

           Vision                      process. He noted that,        Goodfellows host Witches Night Out
                                       “Future iQ has used sce-
                                       nario-planning via Think-        As the Halloween holiday    entertainment.                 older, organizers said.
           FROM PAGE 1                 Tanks across the U.S. and in   approaches, the Romulus          Many plan their costumes      No Child Without a
                                       Europe and Australia for       Goodfellows are already think-  long in advance as they prepare  Christmas has been a project of
           preferred future scenario   well over a decade.”           ing about Christmas.          for the anticipated costume    Goodfellows' organizations and
           for Romulus, validated by     The Think-Tank work-           This year the club is organiz-  competitions, organizers noted.  their supporters for nearly a
           the Think-Tank partici-     shop will be followed by       ing the first Witches Night Out  In Romulus, the event is set  hundred years.
           pants, officials said.      another extensive survey       in the community as an effort to  for 6-9 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 27 at  Through their efforts, they
              “The input from the      and focus group sessions in    help fund the annual No Child  the Romulus VFW Post 78,      have given the gift of a joyous
           Romulus community has       November. The Romulus          Without A Christmas campaign.   39270  West Huron River Dr.   Christmas to thousands of fami-
           been fantastic to date with  Community Vision Plan will      Witches Night Out is mid-      The evening will include    lies with children, many of
           so many thoughtful respons-  be presented in January       week event that has exploded  contests for the best witch cos-  whom would not have had any-
           es to the community survey.  2023.                         in popularity across the coun-  tume, the best  hat and, of  thing on their table or under
           This in-person Think-Tank     Read more about the          try during the past few years.   course, the best  broom.    the   tree    without    the
           is the next step in the     project, sign up for informa-    The event has a huge follow-   There will be 50-50 raffles  Goodfellows organizations.
           process, where we will be   tion and learn about the       ing in several states where it  along with food and non-alco-  Romulus Goodfellows, Inc. is a
           asking community mem-       extensive     community        has become a destination event  holic beverages.             501(c)3 non-profit organization
           bers to work together to for-  engagement events coming    drawing people from surround-    Adult beverages will be     and all contributions made are
           mulate four plausible       up at the Vision Romulus -     ing areas to attend the good-  available at an extra cost.   tax-deductible.
           future    scenarios    for  Our Community, Our Future      natured evening of Halloween     Witch attire is highly recom-
           Romulus,” said David        website                at      celebration.                  mended.                          For tickets or information,
           Beurle, CEO of Future iQ    https://lab2.future-             Attendees come to the event    The cost for the event is $30  contact the Goodfellows at (734)
           and lead facilitator for the       dressed as witches and war-   per witch and the event is limit-  322-7680 or romulusgoodfel-
                                                                      locks and enjoy an evening of  ed to those 21 years of age or
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