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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        September 8, 2022

                                                    CANTON - NORTHVILLE
                                                    CANTON - NORTHVILLE

        B.L.O.C.K. program registrations now under way

           Registration is now under way  these participants, and the com-                                                         Community Foundation for
        for the Canton Township Lead   munity-at-large, think about what                         ”                                 Southeast         Michigan.
        #LikeAGirl, Be A #ModelMan,    it means to Lead #LikeAGirl and                Program space is limited,                    Sponsorship opportunities are
        and Youth Advisory Council pro-  ultimately live #LikeAGirl.                       so applicants are                       still available for individuals,
        grams for the 2022-2023 school   Be A #ModelMan, established                                                               businesses, and foundations to
        year. These free programs are  in 2016, is designed to grow six               encouraged to apply early.                   assist in the development of
        available through The B.L.O.C.K.  core values, including: integrity,                                                       future sessions. To become
        Youth & Teen Center for local  empathy, compassion, inner                                                                  involved, contact Laura Mortier
        youths who are interested in   strength, courage, and respect.  community service projects, lead  Interested future candidates are  at (734) 394-5376 or email
        developing critical life skills,  Monthly one-day themed work-  special events, participate in  encouraged to apply through The
        such as self-confidence, interper-  shops take place from October  local decision-making, and  B.L.O.C.K. Youth and Teen     The B.L.O.C.K. Youth and
        sonal communication skills,    through May and are designed to  award annual grants to organiza-  Center. Applications are current-  Teen Center, located on the third
        stress management, and leader-  inform program participants   tions that benefit Canton Youth.  ly available on The B.L.O.C.K.  floor  of  the  Canton
        ship skills.                   ages 11-16 about healthy mas-    “Each year, we look forward to  Youth & Teen Center website at  Administration Building at 1150
           Lead #LikeA Girl was devel-  culinity, leadership and commu-  getting to work with such a bright and  S. Canton Center Road provides
        oped in 2015 by The B.L.O.C.K.  nity involvement. In addition,  and talented group of young peo-  must be submitted by Sept. 23.  a teen-friendly environment
        Youth & Teen Center. This free  this program curriculum encour-  ple,” said Chelsea Straub, pro-  Program space is limited, so  where students from ages 11-17
        program enables participants to  ages participants to interact and  gram coordinator. “We watch par-  applicants are encouraged to  can participant in supervised
        challenge themselves, discuss  foster relations with public ser-  ticipants grow into confident,  apply early.             afterschool programs, social
        relevant issues that young girls  vants and community “model  well-spoken, and understanding   Local volunteer and financial  events, and activities. For more
        face with their peers, and foster  men,” who embody the core val-  youth change-makers.”    support have helped these pro-  information   about   Lead
        relationships with female role  ues of the program.             Program participants must   grams expand positive program-  #LikeAGirl, Be A #ModelMan,
        models within the community.     The Canton Youth Advisory    meet one of the following criteria  ming opportunities.      The Youth Advisory Council, or
        This award-winning program     Council comprises a group of   in order to apply: reside in     Some current and past spon-  The B.L.O.C.K. Youth and Teen
        serves a diverse group of young  area high school students who  Canton; attend a Canton school;  sors include MASCO, Community  Center,            visit
        women ages 11-16 and is        make a difference in their com-  or be a current member of The  Financial Credit Union, Eastern  or
        designed to change the way that  munity. Members participate in  B.L.O.C.K Youth & Teen Center.  Michigan University, and the  call (734) 398-5570.
        Traditional Victorian Festival returns to Northville

           Northville will take a step  is available by speaking with
        back in time next weekend with  members of the Northville
        the return of the Victorian    Historical Society and visiting
        Heritage Festival Sept. 16, 17 and  Mill Race Village.
        18.                              “The Victorian Heritage
           The festival, which takes place  Festival, known also as the
        in downtown Northville every   Heritage Festival or the
        September, is a celebration of the  Victorian Festival, provides an
        rich history and small-town    opportunity for residents of
        charm of the community, organiz-  Northville, both past and pres-
        ers from the Northville Chamber  ent, to reminisce, enjoy and cele-
        of Commerce said.              brate the wonderful town that we
           Incorporated as a village in  have all called home.  It's our
        1867, the next 10 years saw the  pleasure to share our community
        founding of the local newspaper,  with visitors who come to shop,
        The Northville Record, as well as  dine, attend theaters, work and
        the first diploma awarded from  play”, a spokesman from the
        the local high school and the  Chamber of Commerce said.
        opening of Parmenter's Cider     As has become a cherished
        Mill, a community treasure that  tradition, the Victorian Heritage
        sits today on Baseline Road.   Festival will begin with the
           “For the last 150 years,    Victorian Parade at 6:30 p.m. on
        Northville has written a fascinat-  Friday, Sept.16. The event will
        ing history as the community has  continue with some of the most  Mill Race Village.        dor district. The Main Stage   ebrated at Mill Race Village.
        grown into the 21st century, while  popular features of the festival  The Victorian Saloon will be  downtown will have entertain-  For an event schedule and
        maintaining a respect for tradi-  throughout the weekend.     open during the weekend and   ment from noon until 9 p.m.    information, visit www.northville.
        tion and the history of the area.  Festivities conclude on Sunday  will feature entertainment, along  Saturday and from noon until 4  org or www.millracenorthville
        Much of the history of Northville  with the Duck Race at historic  with carriage rides, and the ven-  p.m. Victorian Sunday will be cel-  .org.
           Township forum planned                                     Road                                            The three-phase project

                                                                      FROM PAGE 1
             Northville Township offi-  future to help guide the                                                     was completed ahead of
           cials are hosting a Master  Northville Township Master     ensure that the roadway is com-               schedule and under budget.
           Plan Forum open to all resi-  Plan effort.                 pletely smooth.
           dents.  The forum will  pro-  The forum will take place      “This is the first five-lane road
           vide introductory informa-  from 5:50 until 7:30 p.m.      replacement project Canton has
           tion and allow community    Monday, Sept. 19, in the       ever done,” noted Township    35,000 to 45,000 cars travel that  opening were Wayne County
           members to provide key      Lower Level Training Room      Supervisor Anne Marie Graham-  section of road every day.    Executive Warren Evans, Wayne
           input on how the township   at Northville Township Hall,   Hudak. “The three-phase project  “It's an important road and  County Commissioner Melissa
           can develop moving forward.  located at 44405 Six Mile     was completed ahead of sched-  that’s why it needed to be fixed  Daub, State Rep. Ranjeev Puri
           Organizers are hoping to    Road. A presentation will be   ule and under budget.”        as soon as possible,” she said.  and State Sen. Dayna Polehanki.
           learn which features and    given at 6:15 p.m. and stations  She also emphasized the        “This project was a true part-  Puri, who represents the 21st
           amenities are most popular  with more information will     importance of the reconstruction  nership between Canton, the  District in Lansing, said that
           with residents and issues res-  be available throughout the  to safety in the township noting  State of Michigan and Wayne  before the reconstruction, the
           idents consider challenges  meeting for citizens' review   that emergency vehicles will no  County. By working together as a  section of Canton Center Road
           facing the township.        and input.                     longer have to attempt to drive  team, we were able to fix the  was so treacherous and rough,
             The forum is an effort to   For more information, visit  around potholes when respond-  road properly and in a timely  his vehicle would shift into the
           coordinate a vision for the     ing to calls for service. In addi-  manner,” she added.      off-road driving mode when
                                                                      tion, she said, studies show that  Helping celebrate the almost-  attempting to drive that section.


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                                                    2G1WT58K779335916     1FAFP24136G172338     1C4RJFAG1CC221905     2012 TAIZHOU L5YTCK-  3C4PDCBG6CT132685
                              THE FOLLOWING VEHI-   2016 CHEVROLET        2011 FORD             2006 MERCURY          PA5C1131849           2013 CHRYSLER
                              CLES HAVE BEEN        1GNFLFEK1GZ101978     2FMGK5CC0BBD22601     3MEHM08116R650225     2001 TOYOTA           1C3CCBBG3DN528199
        Copart has vehicles up  DEEMED ABANDON AND  2005 CHEVROLET        2002 FORD             2008 MERCURY          JTDDR32T510106803     2012 FORD
        for public auction    WILL BE SOLD AT PUB-  1G1ZT64885F332282     1FAHP38392W286788     3MEHM07Z28R641057     2003 TOYOTA           1FAHP2FW1CG101801
        Tuesday 9/13/22 at 10  LIC AUCTION ON       2019  CHEVROLET       2016 FORD             2004 MERCURY          JTDBR32E230006296     2004 NISSAN
        AM at  09/21/2022 AT 12:00 P.M.  1G1ZD5ST1KF218487  1FTEW1EF5GFB00335   2MEFM74W14X684181     2005 VOLVO            1N4BA41E14C852276
                              DALTON TOWING         2001 CHEVROLET        2014 FORD             2009 NISSAN           YV1TS592651414548     2003 CHEVROLET
        10 FORD  ESCAPE XLS   27218 CURRIER         1GCGG29RX11241714     1FADP3F22EL166801     1N4AL21E49N426653     2003 PONTIAC          3GNEC13T33G120424
        1FMCU0C74AKD10647     DEARBORN HEIGHTS MI   2013 CHEVROLET        2010 FORD             1995 OLDSMOBILE       1G2HY54K734100294     1998 GMC
        04 LINC  LS           48125                 2G1WB5E34D1167842     1FMCU0DGXAKA04891     1G3CX52K8S4307156     2010 BUICK            1GKDT13W4W2953018
        1LNHM87A24Y638726     313-299-9727          2014 CHEVROLET        2011 FORD             1998  OLDSMOBILE      1G4HJ5EM8AU136763     2008 DODGE
        05 GMC   YUKON                              1GCVKREH8EZ416402     1FMCU0D71BKB22779     1G3HN52K5W4849171     2015 BUICK            1B3LC46K38N266990
        1GKEK13T35J114706     2008 BMW              2013 CHEVROLET        2003 FORD             2018 PETERBILT        5GAKRAKD7FJ201340     2007 MITSUBISHI
        18 KIA   OPTIMA LX    WBANV13528CZ57080     1G11B5SA8DU149426     1FAFP53U83G129221     1XPCD40X6JD489759     2008 CADILLAC         4A3AK64F27E065085
        5XXGT4L35JG255097     1976 BUICK            2003 CHEVROLET        2012 FORD             2008 PONTIAC          1G6DC67A280205666     2010 CHEVROLET
        06 CHEV  UPLANDER L   4Z87Y6H574328         1GCHG35U931113181     3FAHP0JG2CR217344     2CKDL33F386014187     2008 CHEVROLET        2G1WB5EK0A1208132
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        05 FORD  F150         1G4CW52KXTH639446     2C3LA53G48H238252     1FMDU75W14ZA81101
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        1J4GL48K24W217243     2000 CADILLAC         2015 DODGE            2005 FORD
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        13 CHRY  TOWN & COU   1G1PJ5S97B7236698     2B3KA43D49H501091     1FMCU94158KC45431
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        15 CHRY  200 LIMITE   1G11A5SA3DF238697     1FBSS31L31HA02085     1GTEC14V43Z285441
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        17 CHEV  CRUZE LT     2G1WF52E849288319     1FMDK02145GA06038     2GDEG25K8P4515666
        1G1BE5SM9H7120236     2007 CHEVROLET        1997 FORD             1997 HONDA
        04 FORD  TAURUS LX    2G1WT58K979356508     2FALP74W1VX229298     2HGEJ6422VH122123
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        3FA6P0T93GR262532     2007 CHEVROLET        2006 FORD             2012 JEEP
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