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September 8, 2022                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Park reclamation plans moving forward

           Members of the Sumpter      plan along with four associated                                                             Some landscaping from the deco-
        Township Board of Trustees are  designs for the new Sumpter                I give the supervisor a lot of credit           rative arch, signage, that sort of
        moving ahead with the reclama-  Township Fairgrounds at a cost of                                                          thing. That's the only piece we're
        tion and improvement plans for  $11,500.                                        and hopefully the board                    building at this point. But when
        Banotai Park.                    Young explained that the                  can support and get behind this.                you come back to build something
           During the Aug. 23 meeting,  improvements at the park would                                                             else, then you'll know where each
        trustees approved the appoint-  be part of a 5-year plan of                                                                of the components are support-
        ment of Township Supervisor Tim  improvements. He said the design  incorporated into that proposal.  you are going to stage it so that  ed.”
        Bowman, Township Manager       would be included as part of a  Burdick added that there is a sur-  you build this piece, later add  LaPorte said he was enthusias-
        Tony Burdick and attorney Rob  larger plan that would eventually  vey for input from residents on  another piece and then finally  tic about the plans. “I am really
        Young as representatives to    come before the board for      township recreation needs on the  add another,” Hoppe said. “We're  interested to see all of this,” he
        review the plans and design of the  approval.                 township website.             going to get a land survey as part  said. I give the supervisor a lot of
        park and Sherwood Pond. All      Township Manager Tony          In response to a question from  of the proposal then we will over-  credit and hopefully the board
        plans and designs would be pre-  Burdick explained that Carlisle,  Trustee Don LaPorte, Hoppe  lay on that survey all of the func-  can support and get behind this. It
        sented to the board members for  Workman and Associates (CWA)  explained that the plans for the  tions we want see happen.  All of  is something that is needed for the
        consideration.                 the township outside planning  fairground would include phases  the pedestrian circulation, the  community, some place for people
           The board members also      firm, was currently working on  of development and building at  vehicular circulation, all of those  to meet and greet and have func-
        approved a contract with Wade  updating a new township master  the site but would not include con-  things. The idea is to build a little  tions, so I think it's a good idea.”
        Hoppe, an architect from       plan as the latest plan expired in  struction prices.        piece of this right now. The pro-  Board members approved the
        Davenport Brothers Construction,  December. He said there is cur-  “The whole idea of a master  posal is the gateway into it so it is  contract with Trustee Peggy
        to prepare a design and master  rently a parks and recreation plan  plan for the fairgrounds is that  the curb cut into the fairgrounds.  Morgan casting the only no vote.
        Manager responds to questions about fencing bid

           Sumpter Township Manager    contract for fencing at the fair-  Before abruptly leaving the                           ”
        Anthony Burdick put questions  ground was awarded to the high-  meeting he accused the trustees
        about a recent bid award for   est bidder and noted that Allied,  of being corrupt.                       I asked each of them to confirm
        work at the township fair-     the low bidder was, $18,000 less.  Burdick requested permis-          their bids so that I knew they understood.
        grounds to rest during the Aug.  He said it was a serious concern  sion from Township Supervisor
        23 meeting.                    that township taxpayers were   Tim Bowman, who chaired the
           While there may have been   being asked “to pay double” for  meeting, to respond, and
        some confusion regarding the   fencing at the fairgrounds.    explained that he realized there  requirement for commercial-  ensuing conversation, an Allied
        bid specifications, Burdick said  Partridge, who the second-  were “varying degrees of under-  grade rather than residential  representative admitted the
        each bidder was offered an     lowest bidder, became increas-  standing” of the bid specifica-  fencing and the scope of the  specification clarification had
        opportunity to reexamine the   ingly agitated as he questioned  tions due to some confusion in  work may have led to the confu-  “been missed” leaving the bid as
        bid documents to “confirm their  the board motives and suggested  the bid documents.        sion, trustees said. Burdick said  submitted.
        bids” prior to the awarding of  wrongdoing on the part of the   “I asked each of them to con-  he contacted each bidder,     Deputy Supervisor/Trustee
        the contract to Davenport      trustees and township attorney  firm their bids so that I knew  including Allied, the main topic  Tim Rush reminded the audi-
        Fence.                         Rob Young. He complained that  they understood. Some bidders  of Partridge's comments.      ence that the board is not obli-
           During the audience com-    there was no master plan in    included work that was not    Burdick said no one from Allied  gated or required to ever accept
        ment portion of the agenda, Eric  place for the fairgrounds and  arguably part of the bid,”  responded, so the bid was not  the lowest bid on a project but to
        Partridge expressed his disap-  said the board members had    Burdick explained.            submitted for consideration.    consider what is best for the
        pointment and concern that the  “the cart before the horse.”    Confusion regarding the        Burdick noted that in an    township.

        Parks administrator named

           Members of the Sumpter Township     with the work of the Parks and Recreation        To subscribe to The Eagle visit
        Board of Trustees have named Township  Commission or Park Grants Administrator
        Manager Anthony Burdick as interim     Sharon Pokerwinski.
        parks director.                          Oddy said this was an effort only to cen-
           Burdick will now be the main source of  tralize communications about the grants
        communication with the board members   available from the county.
        regarding park grants and other matters.  The designation was unanimously
        Trustee Matthew Oddy noted that the new  approved by trustees during the Aug. 23
        designation would not change or interfere  meeting.

                                   PUBLIC HEARING
                              CANTON PUBLIC LIBRARY

         A public hearing on the proposed 2023 budget for the Canton Public Library will
         be held on Thursday, September 15, 2022, at 7:30 p.m. in the library's Community
         Room. The property tax millage rate proposed to be levied to support the pro-
         posed budget will be a subject of this hearing. The library is located at 1200 S.
         Canton Center Road, Canton, Michigan 48188-1600. Copies of the proposed
         budget will be available at the library.

         Eva Davis
         Library Director
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