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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        September 3, 2020


        School superintendent says student safety is top priority

           Newly-hired Superintendent  Community Schools Board of                                ”                                    Auxilio transportation staff
        of Romulus Schools Dr.         Education made the best possi-                                                              are receiving COVID training,
        Benjamin P. Edmondson has      ble decision offered to them, as             We thank you for your ongoing                  routing for current and new stu-
        made the safety of district stu-  the safety of students and staff      support of the district and look forward           dents, and ordering PPE for all
        dents his top priority as plans for  had to be the first priority.                                                         drivers. Auxilio custodial staff
        fall classes are under way.      “I believe we made the best,                  to a positive school year                   are   sanitizing  buildings,
           In a recent communication of  available option in going virtual             in spite of the unknown.                    installing PPE where warranted,
        families, Edmondson said that as  for a few months. Many schools                                                           and preparing buildings to meet
        a parent himself, nothing is more  are experiencing such a disrup-                                                         the return to school expectations
        important than knowing children  tion to the school day due to posi-  how to deliver virtual instruc-  assigning duties to administra-  of the governor.
        are in the safest environment  tive tests and potential expo-  tion; this is not an easy task by  tive assistants within the central  “We thank you for your ongo-
        possible.                      sures. Even if we are able to pro-  any means. It takes dedication,  office. Building administrators  ing support of the district and
           To that end, he said, district  vide some degree of face-to-face  consistency, and mind shift. For  are preparing  schools for open-  look forward to a positive school
        educators will be “champions of  (traditional) interactions with  most, we are asking/demanding  ing, as it may unexpectedly hap-  year in spite of the unknown,”
        safety, personal, physical, emo-  limited student populations (ie,  them to deliver instruction in a  pen without much notice, he  Edmondson said in his Facebook
        tional and intellectual.”      self-contained students, emotion-  manner inconsistent with train-  said.                   post
           He said that the decision to  ally impaired), it is a safer option  ing, experience, and expertise,”  The district technology  Those who wish to enroll stu-
        offer virtual classes from Sept. 8  than opening up our entire dis-  he said.               department is working to assist  dents can do so by calling (734)
        through at least Oct. 30 was “well  trict and risking full exposure to  He said the district special  teachers' level of understanding  532-1600 or visiting the local
        thought out and considerate of  the virus,” he said.          education staff members are   with the EDGENUITY platform.   school. For those seeking Schools
        our community.”                  He explained that district   scheduling caseloads for stu-  They are assuring that building  of Choice information, he sug-
           Edmondson explained that    teachers are undergoing exten-  dents, reorganizing the special  technology is up to date and  gested calling the same number
        the members of the Romulus     sive “EDGENUITY training on    education department, and     secure, he said.               for more information.

           Metro Airport catering business warns of 100 upcoming layoffs

              Another business has fallen  of more than 100 workers in a  19 there will be a mass layoff,”  “Given the unpredictable  ally impacted by the mass layoff
           victim to the effects of the  letter to state officials, July 31.  the owners of Sky Chefs wrote in  nature of the current global pan-  is unforeseeable and may
           COVID-19 pandemic resulting in  The letter was posted this month  their letter to the Michigan  demic and ever changing travel  change,” the letter continued.
           the loss of more than 100 jobs at  and said that the layoffs will  Department of Technology,  restrictions which relate to the  Sky Chefs has been in busi-
           Detroit Metro Airport in      begin Oct. 1.                Management and Budget.        frequency and volume of flights  ness for more than 75 years,
           Romulus.                        “We are writing to inform you  Notification of such layoffs are  and in turn the amount of busi-  according to the company web-
              Sky Chefs, an airline catering  that due to a dramatic downturn  required by state law to be post-  ness Sky Chefs, Inc. retains, the  site, and has branches in major
           company, announced the layoffs  in business as a result of COVID-  ed in advance of the action.  number of employees to be actu-  airports across the country.

        Romulus library continues curbside lending services for public

           The Romulus Public Library  supplies to make the library as  building, he added. As more  parking lot to have a staff mem-  Expiring library cards have
        remains in phase two of reopen-  safe as possible for you. Our first  information and guidelines for  ber deliver the materials to their  been automatically renewed
        ing to the public and is continu-  priority is the safety and well-  public libraries are received  vehicles.              through Sept. 30 and due dates on
        ing curbside pickup for patrons.   being of our staff and patrons, so  from the State of Michigan, the  Curbside Pickup Hours are  materials have been extended to
           The library will remain in the  we are closely following protocols  library will publicize those efforts  noon until 6 p.m. Monday through  Sept. 30.  New library cards can
        curbside pickup phase of the   from the Centers for Disease   on the website and Facebook   Friday and from 11 a.m. until 3  be obtained by calling or email-
        reopening plan while the build-  Control (CDC) and MiOSHA,” he  page with further updates.   p.m. on Saturday.             ing the library and providing
        ing is being prepared for reopen-  noted in a posting on the library  Holds on books and materials  The outdoor drop box is still  proper identification. Processing
        ing to the public, a spokesman  website.                      can now be placed on items from  available for returns and returns  does take a few days, a
        said.                            New policies and procedures  all libraries in the  system  can be made by driving to the  spokesman noted.
           “We are applying for grants to  have been approved by members  through the online catalog.  parking lot of the library and call-  Friends of the Library are not
        help us with social distancing sig-  of the library board to ensure  Patrons will receive an email  ing a staff member to come  accepting donations book dona-
        nage, deep cleaning, and other  safety and proper use of the  notification and can call from the  retrieve them from the vehicle.   tions at this time, he added.
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