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September 3, 2020                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH
                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH

        Renovations at elementary school buildings set to begin

           Eriksson, Field, Hulsing and  space and the development of                                                              Hulsing, Eriksson and Field with
        Dodson elementary schools in   secure entrances at Field,                                ”                                 a parent pick-up loop.
        the     Plymouth      Canton   Eriksson and Hulsing.  McCarthy   Plans include the addition of a separate gymnasium          Current plans indicate that
        Community Schools district will  said the similarity of the build-  and cafetorium at each building, bringing them         work at Hulsing is budgeted at
        be among the first to receive  ings would allow architects                                                                 $8,394,468 while work at Dodson
        upgrades and renovations fund-  greater ease in preparing plans,  concurrent with the other district elementary schools.   is expected to cost $6,496,929.
        ed by the $275 million bond issue  rather than having to design                                                            The work at Eriksson is estimat-
        voters approved earlier this year.  entries specific to unique plans                                                       ed at $8,296,895 and the costs at
           Members of the district board  in separate buildings.      said the design and construction  tion bond will continue for 10  Field will be about $8,288,655.
        of education learned of the pri-  He also reminded the board  document phase should be com-  years.                          Officials said the next phase
        orities of the planned projects  members that there is some   plete in December and awarding   Plans include the addition of  of the renovations would include
        during their regular meeting.  immediacy to moving ahead in   of construction bids planned for  a separate gymnasium and cafe-  the addition of a band room and
        These buildings were selected,  light of the bond requirements  January and February next year.  torium at each building, bringing  a natatorium at Plymouth High
        according to Bill McCarthy of  which dictate that 85 percent of  Construction, he said, should  them concurrent with the other  School and the expansion of the
        McCarthy & Smith, Inc., due to  the initial series of three bonds  take place from April until  district elementary schools.  performing arts center at Salem
        the need for additional class  much be spend in 36 months. He  November of 2021. The construc-  Parking will be added at   High School.
                                                                                     Place your bets

                                                                                     Live racing under way at Northville track

                                                                                        The odds are in betters' favor at  reduced, track managers said, by 85 per-
                                                                                     Northville Downs which opened recently  cent.
                                                                                     for standardbred racing.                 “We're requiring the track and the rac-
                                                                                        The racetrack will require all visitors  ing teams to limit personal interactions to
                                                                                     to wear face masks and health screenings  what is required run a live race meeting
                                                                                     and temperature checks will be required  safely,” Michigan Gaming Control Board
                                                                                     for all spectators. Social distancing is  executive director Richard S. Kalm said
                                                                                     required and the grandstand capacity is  in a statement. “This level of care also
                                                                                     limited to no more than 896 persons,  must be extended to fans who visit the
                                                                                     including the bar and restaurant area.  track.”
                                                                                     Track management was required to move    The state gaming control board mem-
                                                                                     more than 100 tables, 500 chairs and 200  bers  approved advance deposit wagering
                                                                                     televisions to accommodate the health  in June and granted a temporary license
                                                                                     requirements. Crowd capacity has been  to TVG Network on the same day.
        Rotary                                 schools.
                                                 Jeanne DeRoche, current president of
                                               the Rotary Club of Plymouth A.M. was on
        FROM PAGE 1                            hand to accept the award.
                                                 “Our club was honored to receive this
         scholarships for students who have over-  award as it was given by women teachers
         come adversity to continue their educa-  and educators in our community. It means
         tion.  The society also acknowledged the  a lot to us to be recognized by profession-
         work of the club in the African nation of  als that we admire,” DeRoche said.
         Ghana, building two schools there, train-  To learn more about the work of
         ing teachers and supplying desks and  Rotary and the Plymouth A.M. club, visit
         other educational materials for the

        Coach                                  who were interviewed following his arrest              Advertisement for Outfield Fencing and Dog Park Fencing
                                                                                                           CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                               in January. The students, ages 14 to 18
                                                                                                                Marv Gans Community Park
                                               years of age,  described improper conduct,
                                               close relationships with Dean, some inti-  Bids will be received by the Clerks Department via electronic submittals to Katie Anderson at
        FROM PAGE 1
                                               mate touching along with promises of spe-  by 2:00 P.M. Monday, September 28th, 2020.
                                               cial treatment or rewards based on their  The Township hereby solicits bids from qualified contractors for the complete removal, disposal of, and replacement of outfield
        then nude photos of himself with only his  attire.                            fencing on two ballfields and dog park fencing located at Marv Gans Community Park, 15801 Beck Rd., Northville, MI 4816,
        genitals covered.                        The admissibility of the new witness  Northville, MI 48168. Information on the project is available on the Northville  Township website at
                                                                             along with all bid documents, and can also be obtained by contacting the Parks and Recreation
           Prosecutors also claim there is evi-  accounts has not been determined by the  Department at 248-508-5314.
        dence that Dean inappropriately touched  court. Dean's next court appearance is set  Additional information may be obtained from the Parks & Facilities Supervisor, Nathan Reilly at
        some Northville High School students   this month.                            Questions regarding the project shall be brought to the attention of the Nathan Reilly, Parks and Recreation Department via email
                                                                                      to  Questions will not be accepted after 3:30 P.M. Friday, September 18th, 2020.
                                                                                                                                           Marjorie Banner, Township Clerk
                                  CITY OF ROMULUS
                                 PLANNING COMMISSION                                  Publish:  September 3, 2020                                NT0087 - 090320  2.5 x 3.622
                    NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING - September 21, 2020
                                                                                                                    Sumpter Township
         Notice is hereby given that the City of Romulus will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Monday,       Regular Board Meeting
         September 21, 2020 for the purpose of considering the following:                                     Tuesday, August 11, 2020, 6:30 p.m.
                                                                                                            23480 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111
         PDA-2020-001; Fairways at Gateway Planned Development Area (PDA) Amendment, to mod-                           Minutes
         ify the type of residential structures allowed in The Fairways at Gateway Sub No. 3, Lots 220, 221  Meeting called to order by Supervisor Morgan at 6:30 pm. Roll call: Supervisor J. Morgan, Clerk E.
         and 222 (Parcels No. 80-009-001-0220-000, 80-009-001-0221-000, & 80-009-001-0222-000); and  Hurst and Trustees: Swinson, LaPorte and Rush. Treasurer K. Bednark and Trustee Oddy excused.
         Parcel No. 80-009-99-0001-707                                                Also showing present: Attorney Young, Deputy Clerk Burdick, Fire Chief Januszyk, Public Safety
                                                                                      Director/Chief of Police Luke and approximately 14 residents.
         The public hearing will be held via the ZOOM Meeting app.
                                                                                      3. Agenda: Motion by Rush, supported by Swinson to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
         Join Zoom Meeting:                     4. Public Comments on Agenda Items Only: No comments were received.

         Dial by your location: 1-312-626-6799                                        5. Minutes: Motion by Hurst, supported by LaPorte to approve the Regular Board Meeting Minutes of July 28, 2020. Motion
         Meeting ID: 823 3384 7219                                                    6. Warrants: Motion by LaPorte, supported by Rush to approve the warrants totaling $332,686.60.
                                                                                      Roll call vote: Yes: Rush, Swinson, LaPorte, Clerk Hurst and Supervisor Morgan. Treasurer Bednark and Trustee Oddy excused.
         Written comments may be submitted and should be addressed to the Planning Department, 12600  Nay: None. Motion carried.
         Wayne Road, Romulus, MI  48174-1485 or              7. Receive & File:
                                                                                      Motion by LaPorte, supported by Hurst to receive and file the following reports. Motion carried.
         Persons with disabilities who need accommodations to effectively participate in the meeting should  •  Attorney Report – Young
         contact the Carol Maise, City Planner at 734-955-4530 or send an email to         •  Water & Sewer Report – Morgan by 8:00 a.m. the day of the meeting to request assistance. Closed  8. Police Report-Luke:
         Captions will be provided upon request.                                      Motion by LaPorte, supported by Rush to approve the Police Report. Motion carried.

         Publish: September 3, 2020                                                   9. Building/Ordinance Report-Rush:
                                                                         RM0524 - 090320  2.5 x 4.227  Motion by LaPorte, supported by Swinson to approve the Building/Ordinance Report. Motion carried.
                                                                                      10. Fire Report-Januszyk:
                                 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING                             Motion by LaPorte, supported by Rush to approve the Fire Report. Motion carried.
                                CANTON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD
                                   CANTON PUBLIC LIBRARY                              11. Treasurer’s Report-K. Bednark:
                                                                                      Motion by Hurst, supported by Swinson to receive and file the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried.
                               Thursday, September 17, 2020 at 7:30 p.m.
                                                                                      12. Supervisor Report-J. Morgan:
                                                                                         •   Supervisor Morgan wanted to give a “shout out” to the Township employees who worked hard to provide services to our
                          THE MEETING WILL BE HELD ELECTRONICALLY.                         residents during the COVID pandemic AND to the residents for being so understanding during these trying times!
                                                                                      Motion by Rush, supported by Swinson to approve the Supervisor’s report. Motion carried
         The Canton Public Library Board (“Library Board”) will hold a public hearing on the proposed Library budget for the fiscal year
         January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021 electronically on September 17, 2020 at 7:30 p.m.   13. Board Response:
         The property tax millage rate proposed to be levied to support the              •   Trustee LaPorte requested the Supervisor, at his discretion, consider a Township committee of Department Management
         proposed Fiscal Year 2021 budget will be a subject of this hearing.               and Finance Director to develop a Credit Card Policy that is in concert with the current purchasing policy for all
                                                                                           Departments and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees for approval consideration at the August 25, 2020
         A copy of the budget, including the proposed property tax millage rates, is available for public inspection on the Library’s web-  Regular Board Meeting. Motion by LaPorte, supported by Hurst. Motion carried.
                                                                                         • Trustee Rush advised of his observance of the Sumpter Township Emergency Response, Fire and Police Departments for
         The Library must hold a public hearing before the final adoption of the budget. Any interested person will be given the opportu-  their excellent emergency response and actions to a bee swarm/stinging incident at Banotai Park.
         nity to be heard at the public hearing regarding the proposed budget.
                                                                                      14. New Business:
         Pursuant to Executive Order 2020-154, the Library gives notice of the following:  A.  Motion by Rush supported by Swinson to approve to accept resignation of  Virginia Belinski from the Planning
                                                                                           Commission, with regrets. Motion carried.
              1.  Reason for Electronic Meeting. The meeting and public hearing are being held electronically because of the capaci-  *Deputy Armatis to ensure a plaque is obtained recognizing Ms. Belinski’s service to Sumpter Township.
         ty restrictions and social distancing requirements set forth in Executive Order 2020-160. Therefore, the Library wants to ensure  B.  Motion by Swinson, supported by Hurst to approve to name Bart Patterson to the Planning Commission, term to expire
         participation by the public if the public cannot be physically present.           01/12/2021.
              2. Procedures. The public may participate in the meeting electronically and may make public comment at:  15. Announcements:
                                                                                         •   Newly appointed member to the Sumpter Township Planning Commission, Bart Patterson, introduced himself and spoke
      of his professional history and his residency in Sumpter Township for 24 years.
              3. Contact Information. For those people who desire to contact members of the Library Board to provide input or ask  16. Open Floor: Five (5) people spoke.
         questions on any business that will come before the public body at the meeting, please contact Eva Davis, Library Director, at
         (734) 397-0999 or at prior to the start of the meeting.  17. Adjournment: Motion by Rush, supported by LaPorte to adjourn at 7:05 pm. Motion carried.
              4.  Persons with Disabilities. Persons with disabilities may participate in the meeting through the methods set forth in  Minutes prepared by,
         paragraph 2. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services in order to attend electronically should notify Eva  Anthony Burdick, Deputy Clerk
         Davis, Library Director, at (734) 397-0999 or at within a reasonable time in advance of the meeting.  Sumpter Township
         Dated: August 19, 2020 Eva Davis, Director                                   _____________________________________  ________________________
         Canton Public Library                                                        Esther Hurst, Clerk                 Date
         1200 S. Canton Center Rd
         Canton, MI 48188                                                             ______________________________________  ________________________
         (734) 397-0999                                                CNLIB - 090320  2.5 x 4.937  John Morgan, Supervisor   Date                  ST0015 - 090320  2.5 x 8.779
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