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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        September 3, 2020

                                                  BELLEVILLE - SUMPTER
                                                  BELLEVILLE - SUMPTER

        Van Buren schools to offer virtual and in-person classes

           More than 63 percent of stu-  uncertain but that teachers are  Personal protection gear and  Disinfectant wipes will also be  recalled from layoff to accom-
        dents in the Van Buren Public  returning to their various school  masks were delivered to the  used, he said. Drinking foun-  modate the new procedures in
        Schools will return to classes vir-  buildings for training sessions to  schools last week, he said and  tains in the buildings have been  place.
        tually.                        accommodate the virtual learn-  shields, including those which  covered and bottle filling sta-  Kudlak repeatedly cautioned
           Recently, Superintendent of  ing selected by a majority of fam-  encase the face, are expected  tions are available.    families that procedures would
        Schools Pete Kudlak explained  ilies as a result of the COVID 19  soon. Plexiglas shields at desks  Arrival and dismissal times  be subject to change going for-
        the safety protocols which will  pandemic. About 28 teachers  have been installed and touch-  will be changed and there are  ward in light of the current situ-
        be in place throughout the     will be providing remote classes,  free hand sanitizer dispensers  specific arrival and dismissal  ation.
        school buildings during a virtual  four at each grade level, Kudlak  have also been ordered.   stairways for students' use.  To access Kudlak's messages
        meeting available on Facebook.  said. He told parents he expects  The district will also use elec-  He added that an additional  and frequently asked questions,
           Kudlak cautioned parents    that class sizes will be from 15-20  trostatic sprayers to disinfect  custodian has been hired and  go to Van Buren Public Schools
        that several factors are still  students.                     each building every night.    that four teachers have been   District on Facebook.
        Court hearings continue for judge facing domestic violence charge

           Former 34th District Court  um they shared.                                           ”                                 part of the current proceedings.
        Judge David Parrott will appear  Van Buren police were called       He is accused of assaulting his live-in girlfriend     Those divorce records were
        for a pretrial hearing Sept. 25 in  to the residence on a disturbance                                                      unsealed in an earlier pre-trial
        35th District Court before Judge  call, according to police reports       Feb. 8 in the Van Buren Township                 hearing by Plakas.
        James A. Plakas.               and arrested Parrott based on the              condominium they shared.                       During the Aug. 4 balloting,
           Parrott, who was unsuccessful  evidence at the scene and the                                                            Parrott lost to Lisa Martin who
        in his Aug. 4 bid for reelection to  account of the victim.                                                                received 4,213 votes and
        the bench, is facing a misde-    Parrott took a leave of absence  County. He was suspended with  Parrott remains a sitting judge.  Alexandria Taylor who received
        meanor charge of domestic vio-  from the 34th court bench, but  pay by the Michigan Supreme  His attorney and the assistant  3,800 votes. Parrott received
        lence. He is accused of assaulting  did seek reelection, despite his  Court on June 17.     Wayne County prosecutor have   3,430 votes during the primary
        his live-in girlfriend Feb. 8 in the  appeal of a drunk driving charge  The domestic violence charge  stipulated to an interview of  election which will see Martin
        Van Buren Township condomini-  issued Dec. 25, 2018 in Manistee  was moved out of the district as  Parrott's ex-wife, Lianne Clair, as  and Taylor on Nov. 3 ballot.

        Tapes                          Trustee Matt Oddy and now      Clerk defends election and staff
                                         He said the officials have been  Sumpter Township Clerk    or mistake” on the part of elec-  dling of elections processes
        FROM PAGE 1                    “libeled and attached by candi-  Esther Hurst issued a public  tion workers resulting in his  which is following election law.
                                       dates running for office and their  statement during the regular  receiving only 159 absentee  My staff and I continue to sup-
        time coded so as to prevent any  associates making false criminal  meeting of the board of trustees  votes.                port and educate our citizens on
        tampering with the content or  accusations and publishing lies.”  last week, defending her staff  “As many know, our township  these issues. However, recent
        editing.                         Rush said that while he      and the election process in the  has been under attack by certain  allegations are laced with false
           Rush requested the tapes be  “respects the rights of all citizens  community.            parties with repeated false accu-  statements such as improper
        shown publicly at the meeting and  under the First Amendment, there  Hurst was visibly concerned  sations, lies and misinformation  handling and throwing away of
        adamantly denied any wrongdoing  are consequences when that right  with recent allegations of impro-  to our residents and the press,”  ballots, manipulating tabulator
        while strongly criticizing the  is abused to intentionally libel  priety leveled at her office and  Hurst said.            tallies and information and vio-
        reports as politically motivated.    people, their businesses and their  staff, including now disproved  “Much of this has been point-  lation of elections law.
           Rush said that he has lived in  families with known falsehoods.  allegations of the mishandling of  ed at our township officials,  “Unfortunately,” she said, “if
        the township for more than 30    “You cannot falsely accuse   tabulation tapes from a voting  myself and my staff. Recent alle-  you're looking for the truth, cur-
        years and that this election cycle  someone of a crime or intentional-  machine in Precinct 5. (See  gations by these same parties  rent media may not be the place
        has been the worst he has ever  ly libel them without being subject  related story, page 1.)  has negatively and wrongfully  to look.
        witnessed.  He cited verbal attacks  to the legal consequences of your  Nelson Po, a failed candidate  impacted our election inspector  “I am very proud of my elec-
        on “Police Chief Eric Luke, the  actions,” he said.           for supervisor, has filed for a  teams.                      tion workers and staff and will
        deputy supervisor, the clerk's   (Editor's note: Attempts to reach  recount of absentee ballots in  “Their critical function to our  support them unconditionally,”
        office, the township attorney,  Toni Clark were unsuccessful.)  the Aug. 4 primary citing “fraud  community is the proper han-  she concluded.

              MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ROMULUS CITY COUNCIL MEETING                           Motion Carried Unanimously
                                       August 10, 2020                                      Res. # 20-198  Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Eva Webb to approve the Piggyback on MiDeal
             Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd, Romulus, MI 48174          Contract #200000000034 for he purchase and installation of a Monroe 10' Radius Dump Body from
                                                                                            Truck and Trailer Specialties, Inc. in the amount of $94,605.00 for the Department of Public Works.
                                                                                            Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Talley,  Webb, Williams
         Pledge of Allegiance                                                               Nays - None
                                                                                            Motion Carried Unanimously
         Roll Call                                                                        F. RFP 19/20-32 - 12 Month Contractual Services Contract for Disinfecting Services
              Meeting was called to order by Chairwoman Pro-Tem Tina Talley                 Res. #  20-199 Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by Kathy Abdo to award  RFP 19/20-32 for as-need-
              Present: Kathy Abdo, Tina Talley, Eva Webb, Virginia Williams                 ed sanitation and disinfecting services for city facilities and vehicles to the lowest most responsible and
              Absent / Excused: John Barden, Celeste Roscoe, William Wadsworth              responsive bidder, Go Spotless Cleaning LLC, with a cost of $0.07 per square foot and $25 per vehicle,
                                                                                            for RPD and as needed for other City buildings.
              Administrative Officials in Attendance:                                       Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Talley,  Webb, Williams
              Leroy Burcroff, Mayor                                                         Nays - None
              Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk                                                   Motion Carried Unanimously
              Stacy Paige, Treasurer                                                     G. Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Application - 2020
         1. Agenda                                                                          Res. #  20-200 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Eva Webb to concur with the administration and
              A. Approval of Agenda                                                         authorize Wayne County to apply for the JAG funds grant on behalf of the City of Romulus.
                 Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by Kathy Abdo  for Approval of Agenda          Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Talley,  Webb, Williams
                 Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Talley,  Webb, Williams                       Nays - None
                 Nays - None                                                                Motion Carried Unanimously
                 Motion Carried Unanimously                                              H. Introduction of Budget Amendment 20/21-3 State Forfeiture
         2. Minutes                                                                         Res. # 20-201 Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by Kathy Abdo to concur with the administration and
              A. Approval of minutes from the Regular Meeting held on Monday, August 3, 2020  approve the Introduction of Budget Amendment 20/21-3 for the purchases of a CLEMIS compatible
                 Res. # 20-191 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Eva Webb for Approval of minutes from the   Biometric Fingerprint computer which was approved under resolution #18-210 on June 11, 2018.
                 Regular Meeting held on Monday, August 3, 2020                             Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Talley,  Webb, Williams
                 Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Talley,  Webb, Williams                       Nays - None
                 Nays - None                                                                Motion Carried Unanimously
                 Motion Carried Unanimously                                              I. Introduction of Budget Amendment 20/21-4
              B. Approval of AMENDED Minutes from the Regular Council Meeting held on Monday, July 27,   Res. # 20-202  Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by Virginia Williams to approve the Introduction of
                 2020                                                                       Budget Amendment 20/21-4 to cover costs associated with Farms Sub Lift Station - rebuilding of pump
                 Res. # 20-192 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Eva Webb for Approval of AMENDED Minutes  and replacement of the circuit board running alternate pump.
                 from the Regular Council Meeting held on Monday, July 27, 2020             Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Talley,  Webb, Williams
                 Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Talley,  Webb, Williams                       Nays - None
                 Nays - None                                                                Motion Carried Unanimously
                 Motion Carried Unanimously                                          6. Clerk's Report - Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
         3. Petitioner                                                                      City Clerk Ellen Craig-Bragg thanked all those who helped with the Primary Election.
         4. Chairperson's Report, John Barden, Mayor Pro-Tem                                Res. # 20-203 Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by Kathy Abdo to adopt a Resolution of Appreciation
                 Chairwoman Pro Tem Talley asked that everyone keep the Barden in prayer during their time of  for Mr. Anthony Yates' hard work and dedicated service during the August 4, 2020 Primary Election.
                 bereavement and gave an update on the Census 2020 statistics for the City of Romulus.  Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Talley,  Webb, Williams
              A. Approval of the Chairperson's Report                                       Nays - None
                 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Eva Webb for Approval of the Chairperson's Report   Motion Carried Unanimously
                 Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Talley,  Webb, Williams                7. Treasurer's Report - Stacy Paige, Treasurer
                 Nays - None                                                         8. Public Comment -
                 Motion Carried Unanimously                                                 Two residents requested to speak.
         5. Mayor's Report - LeRoy D. Burcroff, Mayor                                       Councilwoman Eva Webb informed  that a water truck should be on site every day during the construc-
              A. Request for no-fee permit.                                                 tion on Middlebelt Road.
                 Andy McKay from the Romulus Athletic Center (RAC) spoke about gyms being the last entities allowed  9. Unfinished Business
                 to re-open during the Covid-19 pandemic.  He said many changes have been made - such as screening  Mayor Burcroff responded to comments made under the Public Comment section of the meeting:
                 policies for employees and members of the RAC upon entering the building.    The City of Romulus received $47,000 in grants from the Department of Justice for the purpose of san-
                 Res. # 20-193 Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by Kathy Abdo to concur with the administration and  itizing during the pandemic.
                 authorize a no-fee permit for the use of the Historical Park for the Downriver Historical Organizations'  Mayor Burcroff suggested that people who frequent the RAC to view a video of the new procedures put
                 next meeting on August 15, 2020.                                           in place for safety reasons.  Said video can be found on the City of Romulus website.
                 Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Talley,  Webb, Williams                       The mayor also agreed that he will meet with the resident and the city attorney regarding Middlebelt
                 Nays - None                                                                Road construction.
                 Motion Carried Unanimously                                                 The mayor said there will be an upcoming study session scheduled regarding Aerotropolis.
              B. Four (4) Year Lease Purchase Agreement - Comerica Leasing           10. New Business
                 Res. #  20-194 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Eva Webb to concur with the administration and  11. Warrant
                 grant authorization for the mayor and clerk to enter into a lease-purchase agreement with Comerica  A. Approval of Warrant # 20-15 for checks presented in the amount of $1,499,409.16
                 Leasing for the lease-purchase of a 2020 Spartan S-180 Pumper Truck in the amount of $430,274.00 at  Res. # 20-204 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Eva Webb for the Approval of Warrant # 20-15 for
                 a fixed interest rate of 1.93% for four years with the first payment to be made on or about August 15,  checks presented in the amount of $1,499,409.16
                 2021.  The City would own the vehicle at the term of the lease.            Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Talley,  Webb, Williams
                 Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Talley,  Webb, Williams                       Nays - None
                 Nays - None                                                                Motion Carried Unanimously
                 Motion Carried Unanimously                                              B. Approval of Warrant 20-15E, for checks presented in the amount of $15,913.00, for the August 4,
              C. ITB 17/18-05 with West Metro Door for Replacement and Modification of Doors (Firehouse)  2020 Election Workers Pay.
                 Res. #  20-195 Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by Kathy Abdo to concur with the administration and  Res. # 20-205 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Eva Webb for the Approval of Warrant 20-15E,
                 award the contract from Bid ITB 17/18-05 for the replacement and modifications of the Garage Doors  for checks presented in the amount of $15,913.00, for the August 4, 2020 Election Workers Pay.
                 at 35255 Goddard Road to the lowest, most responsible and responsive bidder, West Metro Door.  Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Talley,  Webb, Williams
                 Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Talley,  Webb, Williams                       Nays - None
                 Nays - None                                                                Motion Carried Unanimously
                 Motion Carried Unanimously                                          12. Communication
              D. Extension of ITB 17/18-05 with RJ Perry Company for the Building Rehab of the Former Firehouse  Councilwoman Virginia Williams announced that Forgotten Harvest will be at Romulus High School on Tuesday,
                 Res. #  20-196 Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by Kathy Abdo to concur with administration and extend  Aug. 11, 2020 from 12 Noon until 3:00 p.m. She also announced that there will be a Drive-Thru and Walk-Up
                 ITB 17/18-05 with RJ Perry Carpentry, Inc. for the modification and repairs of the bathrooms at the for-  Covid-19 Testing site at Mt. Olive Baptist Church, 35565 Beverly Road from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. for those
                 mer "Firehouse" in the amount of $28,367.00                         12 years of age and older.  Photo identification is required along with  insurance information; however, there is no
                 Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Talley,  Webb, Williams                charge for those without insurance.
                 Nays - None                                                         13. Adjournment
                 Motion Carried Unanimously                                                 Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by Virginia Williams to adjourn the Council meeting at 8:51 p.m.
              E. Piggyback on MiDeal Contracts for the Purchase of Freightliner Conventional Chassis Salt Truck   Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Talley,  Webb, Williams
                 and Radius Dump Body                                                       Nays - None
                 Res. #20-197 Moved by  Kathy Abdo, seconded by  Eva Webb to approve the Piggyback on the  Motion Carried Unanimously
                 MiDeal Contract #071B6600119 for the Purchase of one (1) Freightliner Conventional Chassis Salt  I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy
                 Truck from D & K Truck Company in the amount of $87,662.00.         of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council held on August 10, 2020.
                 Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Talley,  Webb, Williams                Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
                 Nays - None                                                         City of Romulus, Michigan
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