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September 3, 2020                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        Renovations to pond at Heritage Park are approved

           Members of the Canton       re-allocated from 2020 tree man-                                                            is a 24/7 non-chemical treatment,
        Township Board of Trustees     agement budget.                                           ”                                 providing aeration, “while gener-
        unanimously approved a fee of    Hohenberger explained that            Throughout the years, weeds and algae               ating and distributing mass
        $34,812 for renovations and    over time, chemical treatments           were treated within the ponds and the              quantities of beneficial bacteria
        maintenance at the Heritage    and dyes have covered and killed                                                            that aggressively consume and
        Park amphitheater pond during  algae in many of the ponds              remains would then settle to the bottom             digest bottom muck, and exces-
        a regular meeting earlier this  owned by the township which                  causing a mucky sediment.                     sive nutrients suspended in the
        month.                         was a “temporary fix to the algae                                                           water column reducing the
           Leisure Services Director   issue.”                                                                                     effects that lead to algae
        Greg Hohenberger explained to    Throughout the years, weeds  unsightly pond area,” he said.   motivating staff to continue this  blooms,” he added.
        the trustees that the lone bidder  and algae were treated within  In 2019, Rigero, LLC workers  process with some of our larger,  Hohenbberger noted that
        on the work was Rigero, LLC.   the ponds and the remains      applied the same treatment pro-  more visible ponds throughout  additional treatments, if neces-
        The contract will address the  would then settle to the bottom  posed to a much smaller pond  the Canton-owned properties,”  sary, will be subject to the Rigero
        issues at the pond, he said, and  causing a mucky sediment. As  near hole number seven at   Hohenberger said in his report  standard price list and that any
        will include the installation of  the weather became hot and dry,  Pheasant Run Golf Club.   to the board members.         individual purchase orders more
        Bio-Health pods in the 3.59-acre  this sediment would create more  “In just two seasons, the treat-  Rigero, LLC will be using a  than $10,000 would be referred to
        pond. Funds for the work will be  algae creating an “unhealthy and  ment proved to be a huge success  Bio-Health Pods System, which  the board members for approval.
        Final site plan for Arbor Glen condominiums OK’d by board

           The final site plan for the  about 1,675 feet north of Warren  nect to the existing sidewalk net-
        Arbor Glen Condominiums was    Road. The developer proposes to  work on the east side.”                                 ”
        unanimously approved by mem-   pave Ridge Road from Warren      Members of the board of                Many wetland areas will be preserved,
        bers of the Canton Township    Road to approximately 100 feet  trustees approved the Final                   and many landmark trees
        Board of Trustees at their meet-  north of the southern entrance to  Planned Development and
        ing last month.                the development, according to  Preliminary Site Plan on Nov. 12,             will be preserved as a result
           Municipal Services Director  Smith's executive summary of  2019, according to Smith.
        Jade Smith noted that the peti-  the project.                   The minimum lot and setback                  of making the lots smaller.
        tioners, Mike Noles from Diffin-  “The project sponsor propos-  dimension requirements for the
        Umlor and Chris Plumb from     es to maintain 34.0 percent of the  development include 16,000
        Pulte were proposing to locate 36  site, 12.92 acres, as open space,  square-foot lots at 100 feet wide  Five lots will have conservation  Beauty Road, and clearing and
        single-family residential site con-  preserve over 700 trees, mini-  with front yard setbacks of 35 feet  easements that will allow for  grading in the Ridge Road right-
        dominiums on approximately     mize clearing and grading along  and  side yard setbacks of 15 feet  grading and planting in confor-  of-way is minimized. Many pro-
        36.02 acres  at the northwest cor-  Ridge Road, and plant several  on one side and 25 feet on the  mance with the plans but will  posed trees are concentrated
        ner of Warren Road and Ridge   native trees along Warren Road  other, for a minimum separation  prohibit structures and other  along Warren Road and Ridge
        Road.                          and Ridge Road consistent with  distance of 40 feet between build-  impervious surfaces, Smith  Road to enhance their rural
           One entrance is proposed on  the Natural Beauty Road objec-  ings. The rear yard setbacks are  noted in his report.     character,” Smith said.
        Ridge Road on the south part of  tives,” Smith noted. “Additionally,  listed at 30 feet for lots five  “Many wetland areas will be  “The site plan includes a full
        the site, located about 400 feet  the project sponsor will construct  through seven and 27 only, which  preserved, and many landmark  landscape plan, which meets the
        north of Warren Road, and one  sidewalks along the west side of  back up to Arbor Glen's open  trees will be preserved as a  requirements of the Zoning
        emergency vehicle entrance is  Ridge Road from Arbor Glen to  space areas. Wetland setbacks  result of making the lots smaller.  Ordinance.”
        proposed on Ridge Road on the  Warren Road including a cross-  have been noted although no lots  Ridge Road north of Warren  Smith       recommended
        north part of the site, located  walk across Ridge Road to con-  are proposed in wetland areas.  Road is classified as a Natural  approval of the final site plan.
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