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August 31, 2023                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        See you later…

        Alligator pays surprise visit to local homeowner’s patio

           An unwelcome guest was        Responding officers noted
        forcibly removed from a        that the animal's mouth was
        Romulus homeowner's proper-    wired shut and called Mark
        ty by police last week.        Rosenthal of Animal Magic, a
           Following a 911 call to the  DNR-certified rehabilitator
        police department, officers    from Belleville, who works with
        were dispatched to the home    police in these situations. The
        where a 2 ½ foot alligator was  alligator was successfully cap-
        lounging in front on the patio.  tured and transported to
        Their arrival followed a conver-  Rosenthal's animal sanctuary.
        sation with an officer on duty  No injuries were reported.
        who had some doubts about the    The alligator, renamed
        accuracy of the caller's descrip-  Navigator, was about 2 years old
        tion.                          and was probably a pet,
           According to a posting on the  Rosenthal said.
        Romulus Police Facebook page,    He said the alligator obvious-
        the recorded call began:       ly did not come from any wild
           Homeowner: “Yes, uhm...     habitat but probably from a pet
        (faint laughter in the back-   shop or had been smuggled
        ground) I live over at ********,  from Florida.
        and there is a crocodile or an   “We'll never know. He can't
        alligator on my back patio.”   talk, so we'll never know the
           Romulus Police Department:  story behind him,” Rosenthal   500 pounds or so, about half his  “Nobody in the history of the  machines.”
        “Can you send a picture of it?”  said.”                       full growth, it will be transport-  world has ever raised up an alli-  Romulus police posted a
           Woman: - “Sure.”              Rosenthal said once the alli-  ed to a licensed zoo.  He cau-  gator or a crocodile to an adult  notice reminding residents that
           Romulus Police Department:  gator reaches about 7 or 7 ½   tioned anyone about attempting  and kept it friendly,” Rosenthal  it is illegal to possess an alliga-
        “Well, I'll be. DISPATCH!”     feet in length, and weighs about  to keep an alligator as a pet.  said. “These are killing  tor in Romulus.
        Romulus man facing charges in pedestrian death

                                                 Jacob Thomas Mraulak, 28, of
                                               Romulus, is facing criminal charges in                                   ”
                                               connection to the death of a pedestrian              Mraulak was arraigned in 36th District Court
                                               and serious injury of another as he drove     and given a $250,000 cash bond with multiple conditions.
                                               onto the sidewalk in Detroit.
                                                 According to Wayne County Prosecutor
                                               Kym Worthy, at about 5:28 p.m. Aug. 18, the
                                               defendant was intoxicated, driving against  less driving causing death, operating  day before Judge Kenneth King.
                                               traffic on East Lafayette Street near St.  while intoxicated causing serious injury,  “This is a harsh fact: Every time you
                                               Aubin Street when he drove onto the side-  and reckless driving causing serious  get behind the wheel of a car, you should
                                               walk, striking and killing Vivian Carmody,  injury.                         be acutely aware that you are potentially
                                               68, and seriously injuring her husband,  Mraulak was arraigned in 36th District  driving an instrumentality of death.
                                               Dan Carmody, also 68, both of Detroit.  Court and given a $250,000 cash bond with  Traffic accidents happen. There is no
                                                 According to court documents, medics  conditions of no alcohol, no intoxicating  denying that. Criminal traffic tragedies do
                                               arrived on the scene and transported both  substances, GPS and alcohol tether, and  not just happen. There is a reason for
                                               victims and the defendant to a local hospi-  house arrest.  A bond-redetermination  them, and criminal consequences attach
                                               tal for treatment. Vivian Carmody suc-  hearing was scheduled for Aug. 25 before  including, possibly, a loss of freedom. Our
                                               cumbed to her injuries later the same day  Judge William McConico and a probable  hearts go out to Mr. Carmody and his fami-
                                               and was pronounced dead. Her husband,  cause conference was scheduled yester-  ly at this very difficult time.” said Worthy.
                                               who remains in serious condition, is the
                                               Chief Executive Officer of Eastern
                                                 Mraulak has been charged with operat-
                        Jacob Thomas Mraulak   ing while intoxicated causing death, reck-

                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                      INVITATION TO BID
         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed
         bids at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, September 14, 2023, for the following:
                               SAUNA REBUILD @ SUMMIT ON THE PARK
         Bid may be downloaded on the MITN Purchasing Group website at or you
         may contact Mike Sheppard at: All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked
         with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and time of bid opening. The Township reserves
         the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
         sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.
                                    MICHAEL SIEGRIST, CLERK
         Publish 8/31/2023                                              CN2502 - 083123  2.5 x 2.075

                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                   REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL
         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed
         proposals at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, September 14 2023 for the following:
         Bid may be downloaded on the MITN Purchasing Group website at or you
         may contact Mike Sheppard at: All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked
         with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and time of bid opening. The Township reserves
         the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
         sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.
                                    MICHAEL SIEGRIST, CLERK
         Publish 8/31/2023                                              CN2503 - 083123  2.5 x 2.075
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