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August 31, 2023                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                           INKSTER - WAYNE
                                                           INKSTER - WAYNE

        Wayne city manager abruptly tenders resignation

           The sudden resignation of                                                                promotion of Strong, denying
        Wayne City Manager Lisa                                   ”                                 him the job based on his refusal
        Nocerini was an apparent sur-                                                               to arrest Blackwell. His case is
        prise to several members of the                    It seems like there's                    also moving through the court
        city council last week.                         been negotiations going                     system to trial.
           Nocerini, currently a key fig-                                                              Nocerini also accused former
        ure in multiple city lawsuits, sub-        on that the council wasn't aware of.             City Councilman Christopher
        mitted her resignation in an                                                                Sanders of stalking with criminal
        email to Wayne Mayor John                                                                   intent. He is awaiting trial next
        Rhaesa, Mayor Pro-tem Alfred                                                                month on those criminal allega-
        Brock and city attorneys on      “It seems like there's been  failure of Rhaesa to provide  tions. Nocerini was also report-
        Sunday, Aug. 20. The entire coun-  negotiations going on that the  prompt information to the coun-  edly the instigator of a lawsuit
        cil was only informed of her res-  council wasn't aware of,”  cil.                          filed by the city against former
        ignation during a special meet-  Mulholland said.               Nocerini and Strong are     Councilman Anthony Miller
        ing called for Thursday, Aug. 24.  Rhaesa defended the delay in  named as defendants in two cur-  accusing him of violating his
        During that meeting, council   communicating with the council  rent lawsuits filed against the  fiduciary responsibilities by pro-
        members voted to accept the res-  and said it was due to an effort to  city. One of the suits, filed by resi-  viding evidence to the Michigan
        ignation effective today, Aug. 31.   inform all councilmembers at  dent Mark Blackwell, charges  State Police during a criminal
           Nocerini, who has been with  the same time of the resignation.  violations  of  his  First  investigation. She also filed a              Lisa Nocerini
        the city for 8 years, has reported-  After agreeing to Aug. 30 as an  Amendment rights. He claims  lawsuit seeking financial dam-
        ly been hired as the city manager  effective date for Nocerini's  Nocerini instructed Strong to  ages from the city as a result of  Following the report, council
        in Douglas, a community near   departure, the council voted to  falsely arrest him in exchange  the alleged stalking by Sanders  members at the time failed to
        Saugatuck. Wayne Police Chief  name Strong as the interim city  for the promotion to police chief.  which was resolved by a finan-  take action as recommended by
        Ryan Strong will serve as acting  manager until Sept. 5. The coun-  He was subsequently found not  cial settlement to her.  the investigators. That lack of
        city manager until a replace-  cil also agreed to accept letters  guilty of any of the charges she  Evidence in the Blackwell,  action was followed by the resig-
        ment can be recruited and hired.  of interest from other current  alleged. Earlier this month, a  Hughes and Sanders' legal pro-  nations of the city attorney, the
           During the special meeting  department heads in becoming   federal judge dismissed city  ceedings includes an independ-  police chief and the personnel
        last week, Councilman Mathew   the acting city manager. They  efforts to have Blackwell's suit  ent investigation of Nocerini's  manager.
        Mulholland expressed his con-  also authorized the preparation  for violation of his civil rights dis-  professional conduct prepared  Rhaesa said, during the meet-
        cern about the manner in which  of a job description for the new  missed and ruled that his lawsuit  in August of 2018. The report,  ing, that he considered
        Nocerini's resignation had been  city manager and the acceptance  had provided enough evidence  which concluded Nocerini   Nocerini's resignation a loss.
        communicated to officials.     of applicants from hiring firms.   to move forward.          should be disciplined “up to ter-  “This is a time for us to come
        During the meeting, Rhaesa       Mulholland cast the only dis-  In a separate lawsuit, police  mination,” has been allowed by  together for this community.  We
        admitted he and Brock received  senting vote on both the date of  Ofc. Abraham Hughes also  each of the courts despite     are losing a great person in my
        the email from Nocerini on     Nocerini's departure and the   alleges that Nocerini interfered  numerous city efforts to disallow  opinion. We have had eight years
        Sunday.                        appointment of Strong, citing the  with the hiring process in the  the report as evidence.  of consistency,” he said.
        Investigation into shooting of Inkster teen continues

           The investigation into the  lot on Howe Road Wayne at 10:27  threatening injuries. The victim  Police utilized a K-9 unit to  Operations Team.
        shooting of an Inkster youth Aug  p.m. Aug. 4. in response to a  was transported to Corewell  track the suspects which led to a  Police have requested anyone
        6 is continuing, according to  report of a shooting victim.   Hospital Dearborn for treat-  Wayne residence.               with information regarding the
        police.                          When officers arrived at the  ment.  Witnesses told police the  A search warrant was execut-  incident to contact Det. Michael
           Police were called to the   scene, they found a juvenile resi-  shooting suspects fled the scene  ed at the home in cooperation  Bolton  at  mbolton@city-
        HYPE Athletic Center parking   dent of Inkster suffering non-life-  on foot following the incident.   with the Western Wayne Special
                                                                                     Water danger continues in Wayne

           A construction crane fell onto the roof at                                   Water from residential taps in the City  Exposure to lead can damage the brain
           Franklin Middle School on Annapolis                                       of Wayne remains contaminated with high  and kidneys and can affect the production
           Street in Wayne during the installation of                                levels of lead, according to inspectors from  of red blood cells in the body. There is no
           an air conditioning unit at the building.                                 the Michigan Department of Health and  safe level of lead in drinking water, offi-
           During the Aug 17 incident, one side of                                   Human Services.                       cials said.
           the crane lifted off the ground causing                                      Wayne residents should continue to put  Officials urged residents to continue to
           the boom to strike the corner of the
           building roof. No further information                                     lead filters on home water faucets and  take precautions against any exposure to
           regarding the cause of the incident or an                                 consider having children tested for lead in  the dangerous neurotoxin.
           estimate of the damage to the school                                      their blood following levels of the neuro-  Filters are available between 7 a.m. and
           was available.The large crane reportedly                                  toxin found in city water supplies.   3 p.m. Monday through Friday at the City
           was repositioned without any reported                                        According to a posting on the city web-  of Wayne Department of Public Works,
           injuries to workers.                                                      site last month, nine of 60 homes tested in  35200 Forest Ave. in Wayne. The depart-
                                                                                     Wayne had excessive levels of lead.   ment can be reached at (734) 721-8600.

                                      SPECIAL MEETING
                              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                     BOARD OF TRUSTEES
         DATE:   Thursday, August 17, 2023
         TIME:   6:30 p.m.
         PLACE:  44405 Six Mile Road
         CALL TO ORDER:  Supervisor Abbo called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
         PRESENT:      Mark Abbo, Supervisor   Scott Frush, Trustee
                       Cynthia Jankowski, Clerk   Mindy Herrmann, Trustee
                       Jason Rhines, Treasurer   Christopher Roosen, Trustee
         ABSENT:       Roger Lundberg, Trustee
         CLOSED SESSION: Union Negotiation Discussion
         As permitted under the Michigan Open Meetings Act (PA 267) of 1976 or MCL 15.268, Section 8 (C) for strategy and
         negotiation sessions connected with the negotiation of a collective bargaining agreement if either negotiating party
         requests a closed hearing. – Approved
         1. New Business                                                                           CITY OF ROMULUS
            A.   Decision from Closed Session – Approved
                                                                                                   PLANNING COMMISSION
         2.  Brief Public Comments: None                                                           NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING
                                                                                                   September 18, 2023
         3. ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
         A draft of the meeting minutes will be available August 29, 2023.
                                                                                      Notice is hereby given that the City of Romulus will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Monday,
         Respectfully submitted:
         Mark Abbo, Supervisor                                                        September 18, 2023 for the purpose of considering the following:
         Cynthia L. Jankowski, Clerk                                  NT0224 - 083123  2.5 x 4.217
                                                                                      1. SLU-2023-001, 002, and 003/SPR-2022-013; Safeway Oil Service Center requesting special
                                                                                         land use approvals for a vehicle fueling station, car wash and drive-thru restaurant as part of a
                                          SYNOPSIS                                       vehicle service center development. The property is owned by Wayne County Airport Authority
                                      REGULAR MEETING                                    and the 6.5-acre lease area is part of  DP #80 053 99 0001 700, located on the west side of
                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE                           Middlebelt Road, south of Lucas Drive, and north of Hildebrandt. The property is zoned AP,
                                      BOARD OF TRUSTEES
                                                                                         Airport District.
         DATE:   Thursday, August 17, 2023
         TIME:   7:00 p.m.                                                               DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED LEASE AREA:
         PLACE: 44405 Six Mile Road                                                      THAT PART OF  THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 14,  TOWN 3 SOUTH, RANGE 9
         CALL TO ORDER:  Supervisor Abbo called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
         PRESENT:      Mark Abbo, Supervisor   Scott Frush, Trustee                      EAST, CITY OF ROMULUS, WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN DESCRIBED AS:
                       Cynthia Jankowski, Clerk   Mindy Herrmann, Trustee
                       Jason Rhines, Treasurer   Roger Lundberg, Trustee                 COMMENCING AT THE EAST 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 14,  THENCE ALONG  THE
                                             Christopher Roosen, Trustee                 EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION AND THE CENTERLINE OF MIDDLEBELT ROAD (162
         PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:                                                           FEET WIDE) N02°09'58"E 100.00 FEET;  THENCE S87°50'02"W 372.00 FEET;  THENCE
         1. Agendas:                                                                     N02°09'58"e 761.00 FEET; THENCE N87°50'02"E 372.00 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF
            A.   Regular Agenda and the Consent Agenda items – Approved                  MIDDLEBELT ROAD (120 FEET WIDE); THENCE ALONG SAID LINE S02°09'58'W 761.00
         2.  Appointments, Presentations, Resolutions & Announcements:                   FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 6.50 ACRES OF LAND. ALL BEING
            A.  WTUA Budget Presentation – Approved
            B.   Reappointment – Zoning Board of Appeals – Paul Smith – Approved         PART OF PARCEL 80-053-99-0001-700.
            C.   Landfill Working Committee Report – Presented
         3. Public Hearing: None                                                      The public hearing will be held at the Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road,
         4.  Brief Public Comments: 3 residents had questions or comments for the Board of Trustees.  Romulus MI  48174-1485.
         5. New Business:
            A.   Planning – Master Plan Adoption – Approved
            B.   Planning – Conditional Rezoning – MITC Parcel 7 – Approved           Copies of the applications are available for review in the Planning Department located at the
            C.   Parks & Recreation – Legacy Park Trail RFP – Approved                Department of Public Services (12600 Wayne Road) during regular business hours which are 8:00
         6. Unfinished Business: None                                                 am - 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Any questions regarding the application should be directed
         7. Ordinances: None
         8. Check Registry:                                                           to Carol Maise, City Planner in the Planning Department at 734-955-4530. Written comments may
            A.   In the amount of $ 2,843,111.66 for the period of July 8, 2023 to August 4, 2023. – Approved  be submitted and should be addressed to the Planning Department, 12600 Wayne Road, Romulus,
         9.  Board Communication & Reports:                                           MI  48174-1485. All interested parties are encouraged to attend and will be given an opportunity to
            A.  Mark Abbo, Cynthia Jankowski, Jason Rhines, Scott Frush, Mindy Herrmann, Roger Lundberg, Christopher Roosen,  comment on said requests.  Anyone planning to attend the meeting who has need of special assis-
         Manager Mutchler
         10. Any other business for the Board of Trustees: None                       tance under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is asked to contact the Planning Secretary
         11. ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 8:27 p.m.                                  (734-955-4530) 48 hours prior to the meeting.  Our staff will be pleased to make necessary arrange-
         A draft of the meeting minutes will be available August 29, 2023.            ments.
         Respectfully submitted:
         Mark Abbo, Supervisor
         Cynthia L. Jankowski, Clerk                                   NT0225 - 083123  2.5 x 4.59  Publish: August 31, 2023                 RM0757 - 083123  2.5 x 6.201
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