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Recreation commission seeking event volunteers
Community events require ” returned while others may want members on the commission. Trustee Tim Rush said he
community participation. This just to come back to help, but simply We've had pretty much the same agreed with Oddy, “100 percent.
In Sumpter Township, the cur- have not done so as yet. group over the years. We need an “Sharon is correct,” he said. “The
rent lack of volunteers to help doesn't work Her concerns were echoed by influx of new residents with new lack of volunteers has us talking
with community events like the without volunteers. Trustee Matt Oddy who said the ideas,” he said. “This just doesn't about downsizing the turkey
recent Family Fun Day and township needs to continue to work without volunteers.” shoot. If the Country Fest is to
upcoming other activities is a push the park and recreation Oddy suggested the township come back, even in a smaller ver-
concern of Parks and Recreation the board members with her con- activities and attempt to find vol- post the need for volunteers to sion, we need more volunteers to
Commission member Sharon cerns about the lack of volun- unteers in the community to help with various community keep things rolling.”
Pokerwinski and members of the teers participation. help. events on Facebook or the local More information about vol-
township board of trustees. “It's getting difficult at parks “We've had a 20 percent community channel 12 to let resi- unteer positions is available by
During a meeting earlier this and rec,” she said, noting that increase in population over the dents know their input and help phoning township hall at (734)
month, Pokerwinski addressed many former volunteers have not last 2 years. We need to get more are needed. 461-6201.
Township trustees consider outsourcing water billings
A move to a third-party service found that the lowest cost for the 3,200 hundred service addresses meeting. mation in the billings at no cost
for preparation of water bills has service would be with the compa- in the community. He said the water bills would increase.
been proposed in Sumpter ny that currently prepares the “This is the same company be prepared on an 8 1/2 size sheet He told the board members he
Township. township tax billings. He said the and is the best choice to handle and mailed to residents. This for- would have the issue on the agen-
Township Manager Anthony cost of the service would be about the utility bills,” Burdick told the mat, he said, would also allow the da for consideration at a future
Burdick said that his research $8,000 for quarterly billings of board members during the Aug. 8 township to include other infor- meeting.
Tornado CERT volunteer program and Canton residents are being borhoods. Deceased man’s
Members of the Canton
Should questions arise dur-
asked to answer the damage
township staff will have prop- assessment questions as accu- ing or after these visits, resi- identity sought
FROM PAGE 1 er identification, including rately as possible and to pro- dents are asked to call the
badges and uniform vests. vide any necessary informa- non-emergency dispatch at Police are continuing to
through the Canton communi- Credentials will be available tion to help evaluate the (734) 394-5400 for additional investigate the death of a 28-
ty.” upon request. officials said. extent of the damage in neigh- information. year-old Westland man found
“All gathered data will go a on the shoulder of I-275 in
long way in helping to expe- Canton Township earlier this
dite the necessary aid we month.
need in the Canton communi- Police received a 911 call at
ty to assist with our recovery about 10:10 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 14
process,” said Graham- reporting a man lying on the
Hudak. side of the freeway on north-
“By working together we'll bound I-275 near Koppernick
be able to obtain the neces- Road.
sary resources that are cur- Michigan State Police
rently in high demand in our Troopers responded and the
community.” man was pronounced dead at
Canton residents affected the scene.
by heavy rains are also Troopers said red parts from
encouraged to submit a self- a vehicle were found near the
reporting survey to help deceased and a rental car in his
assess the damage throughout name was parked nearby.
the township at: Police have asked anyone with any information to call 855-
For additional information, MICH-TIP, or Crime Stoppers at
Congresswoman Debbie Dingell attended the Aug. 25 press conference to address the state of
emergency declaration for Wayne County and Canton Township. visit 1-800-SPEAK-UP to remain