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August 31 – September 6, 2023                           NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 35                                                                                    www

                                       State of emergency declared in Canton Township

               Vol. 138, No. 35           The severe weather last    announced his plan to declare
             A move to a third-party   week collapsed three park     a state of emergency during a
          service for preparation of   pavilions, felled nearly 50 trees  press conference Aug. 25 at the
          water bills has been pro-    and damaged the recently      Canton administration build-
          posed in Sumpter Township    reopened splash pad at        ing. Congresswoman Debbie
          by Township Manager          Heritage Park in Canton       Dingell and Graham-Hudak
          Anthony Burdick.             Township. In response to the  attended Evans' meeting and
                          See page 2.  emergency conditions, Canton  addressed the impact of the
                                       Township Supervisor Anne      severe rain, flooding, and
                                       Marie       Graham-Hudak      excessive wind damage report-
                                       declared a state of emergency  ed. The City of Inkster and the
                                       on Thursday, Aug. 24. Graham-  Northville and Plymouth com-
                                       Hudak also called on the gov-  munities also reported dam-
                Vol. 76, No. 35        ernor to declare an emergency  age from the storm and the
             Police are continuing to  situation and petition federal  storm conditions closed Metro
          investigate the death of a 28-  authorities for assistance, so  Airport in Romulus where
          year-old Westland man        that state and federal        roads and interstates were
          found on the shoulder of I-  resources might be made       under water.
          275 in Canton Township ear-  available to the Canton com-     Under the state of emer-
          lier this month.             munity.                       gency, Wayne County hopes to
                          See page 2.     The tornado was confirmed  expedite additional resources
                                       by the National Weather       to provide aid for residents in
                                       Service to have touched down  the hardest-hit communities.
                                       at just after 10 p.m. last week  Members of the Canton
                                       northwest of Pheasant Run     Township        Community
                                       Golf course. The twister trav-  Emergency Response Team
                                       eled across Summit Parkway    (CERT) and township staff
                Vol. 76, No. 35        and Canton Center Road,       members began a door-to-door
             The investigation into the  dropping a tree onto a house  damage assessment of residen-  Canton Township Supervisor Anne Marie Graham-Hudak, below  at
                                                                                                   podium, declared a state of emergency last week in response to
          shooting of an Inkster youth  near Sheldon Road. The torna-  tial structures in that commu-  the severe weather damage following a confirmed tornado in the
          Aug 6 is continuing, accord-  do winds in Canton were esti-  nity on Saturday. The informa-  community. During a press conference the next day, Wayne County
          ing to police.               mated at 80 mph. At 10:23,    tion collected will be provided  Executive Warren Evans, at podium above, said he planned to
                          See page 3.  another tornado struck        to     the      Emergency     declare all of Wayne County as a disaster area.
                                       Belleville, uprooting trees and  Management and Homeland
                                       damaging Mobile Manor Trail   Security Division of the
                                       Park. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer   Michigan State Police, officials
                                       issued the emergency disaster  said.
                                       declaration for both Wayne       These assessments are a
                Vol. 23, No. 35        and Monroe counties on        necessary step in evaluating
            Members      of    the     Saturday.                     the impact of the recent storm
          Northville Township Police      “Unprecedented rains have  damage and tornadic activity
          Department hosted a pair of  caused significant flooding and  that has affected several areas
          college-bound interns this   extensive damage throughout   in the Canton community, they
          summer who were interest-    large sections of the Canton  added.
          ed in better understanding   community,” Graham-Hudak         “The purpose of these visits
          law enforcement.             said during a press conference  is to solely conduct damage
                          See page 6.  last week. “With so much storm  assessments on behalf of
                                       damage, the township is look-  Canton Township to assist with
                                       ing to this state of emergency  providing the total damage
                                       designation to help us supple-  assessment numbers to the
                                       ment our local response and   State of Michigan,” Hayes said.
                                       recovery efforts.”            “All of this information will
                Vol. 23, No. 35           Canton         Township    help recovery efforts as we
             Preparations for the 67th  Emergency Manager William    continue to concentrate on
          Plymouth Fall Festival will  Hayes was designated to coor-  clean-up measures that result-
          begin next Thursday after-   dinate with state and federal  ed from a barrage of recent
          noon when trucks hauling     authorities for assistance relat-  storm fronts that brought
          the huge amusement rides     ed to the emergency.          heavy rain and high winds
          start to arrive in downtown     Wayne County Executive
          Plymouth.                    Officer Warren C. Evans               See Tornado, page 2
                          See page 4.
                                       Opportunity Park is officially dedicated in Romulus

                                          It was an 'opportunity'    of the Romulus Athletic Center  cutting officially opening the  and the Ralph C. Wilson
                                       Romulus officials couldn't pass  (RAC). While a walking path was  park, members of the Romulus  Foundation through the Play
                Vol. 138, No. 35       up.                           installed during the construction,  Rotary Club were on hand to pro-  Everywhere Challenge, for
             An unwelcome guest was       Recently, the city celebrated  the park was relatively secluded,  vide their famous grilled hot  improvements to what they
          forcibly removed from a      the   grand    opening    of  nearly hidden by an abundance  dogs and refreshments to the  named Opportunity Park. The
          Romulus homeowner's prop-    Opportunity Park on Northline  of trees and overgrown brush,  audience.                   brush and overgrowth along the
          erty by police last week     Road. The park was created from  bushes and weeds, a spokesman  City of Romulus officials  entrance of the park was cleared
          when police responded to a   an underutilized piece of land  explained.                  applied for and were awarded a  to create a more open, safe, and
          call about an alligator on the  established during construction  During the celebratory ribbon  $70,000 grant from Kaboom! (SIC)  inviting space with improved site
          patio.                                                                                                                 lines. The wooden bridge that
                          See page 5.                                                                                            crosses the entrance to the park
                                                                                                                                 was reconstructed. Gordon
                                                                                                                                 Components, a Romulus compa-
                                                                                                                                 ny, donated the labor to help
                                                                                                                                 build and install playground
                                                                                                                                 equipment and StoryWalk nature
                Vol. 76, No. 35                                                                                                  themed interpretive signage was
             The sudden resignation of                                                                                           also installed.
          Wayne City Manager Lisa                                                                                                   Romulus       Recreation
          Nocerini last week was an                                                                                              Commission member Leah
          apparent surprise to several                                                                                           Cholette, and her granddaugh-
          members of the city council.                                                                                           ters, helped paint a nature
                          See page 3.                                                                                            themed activity circuit along the
                                                                                                                                 walking path, making the area
                                                                                                                                 inviting, officials said.
                                                                                                                                    The city Tax Increment
                                                                                                                                 Finance Authority (TIFA) provid-
                                                                                                                                 ed funding to clear additional
                Vol. 76, No. 35                                                                                                  trees and overgrowth inside the
             The Battle of the Badges                                                                                            park which was not covered by
          softball game last Sunday in                                                                                           the grant funds. The repair and
          Jaycee Park in Westland saw                                                                                            upgrading of lighting around the
          the game trophy go the                                                                                                 walking path to LED fixtures was
          Westland Fire and Rescue                                                                                               also funded by TIFA funds.
          team, beating the police     Romulus city officials and recreation commission members proudly cut the ribbon opening the new  The park is located at 35765
          department players.          Opportunity Park on Northline Road in the community. The park is located next to the Romulus Athletic  Northline Road, on the east side
                          See page 4.  Center.                                                                                   of the RAC parking lot.

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