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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           August 29, 2019

                                                                        Calendar of events

        Fall Festival tickets on sale          those who lost their battles fighting drug
           Tickets for the Civitans Taste Fest, the  addiction. There will be speakers, live
        Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast, the Rotary  music, food and a candlelight vigil. The
        A.M. Spaghetti Dinner and the Rotary   event is free and open to the public.
        Chicken Barbeque are now available at    Visitors are urged to bring a photo of
        multiple locations throughout Plymouth.  their lost loved one for a memorial display.
           Signs in area businesses are promoting  Heritage Park is located at 46000
        the sale of tickets for the events which are  Summit Parkway in Canton and the pavil-
        all charity fundraisers during the Fall  ions are just east of the Summit on the
        Festival set for Sept. 6, 7 and 8. For more  Park building.
        information, visit
                                               Art club meets at library
        Movie Night at police department         Three Cities Art Club members have
           The Inkster Police Department will host  scheduled future club meetings at the
        a free movie night at 8:30 p.m. Friday, Aug.  Plymouth District Library, located at 223 S.
        30 at the Inkster Police Department park-  Main St. in downtown Plymouth.
        ing lot, 26279 Michigan Ave. in Inkster.  The first meeting at the new venue will
           There will be free popcorn, snow cones,  begin at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 3. Club mem-  Fill the boot
        hot dogs and other refreshments. The   ber Lonnie Haines will explain the bene-
        movie will be The Secret Life of Pets.  fits of journaling to improve artistic cre-  The annual Plymouth Township Fire Department Fill-the-Boot Campaign will
           The viewing is outside so attendees are  ations. Haines will present different types  begin at 9 a.m. Sept. 7 and 8 in front of the Kroger store at Ann Arbor and
        encouraged to dress for the weather and  of journals and techniques that can be  Sheldon roads. Township firefighters will be greeting customers and collecting
        bring a chair or blanket to sit on.    applied to any medium                    funds to help local families affected by Muscular Dystrophy. Plymouth Township
           Residents of all ages are welcome.    The public is welcome to attend this   Firefighters (from left) Randy Rossell, Chris Smith, Adam Guinn, and Ean Culver
                                               free event from 7-9 p.m. and light refresh-  collect donations for MDA at the Plymouth Kroger store.
        GriefShare seminars begin              ments will be served.   For more informa-
           GriefShare, a 13-week grief recovery  tion about the meeting, contact Marilyn  are available at 4:30 p.m. at the church,  guest speakers Andrew and Wendy Mutch
        seminar and support group, will meet from  Meredith at (313) 231-3939 or email mari-  36925 Willow Road in New Boston.  who will discuss the history of Sears Kit
        6-8 p.m. every Thursday beginning Sept. 5             Meals cost $12 per person and include  houses in Michigan at 7 p.m. Sept. 12.
        at 5 Points Church in Romulus.                                               fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green    The meeting will take place at the
           Meetings will continue through Dec. 12.  Township hosts blood drive       beans, biscuits and gravy, cole slaw,  Historical Museum, 1 Town Square, at the
           The church is located at 37300 Goddard  Plymouth Township and the American  dessert, coffee, tea or milk.       corner of Main and Biddle, in downtown
        at Huron River Drive.                  Red Cross are hosting a blood drive from 1-  Children's meals for those younger than  Wayne.
           GriefShare features nationally recog-  7 p.m. Sept. 4.  The effort will take place at  12 are available for $5.    The meeting is free and open to the
        nized experts on grief recovery topics.  Plymouth Township Hall, 9955 N. Haggerty,  For information or directions, call (734)  public.
        Seminar sessions include "Is This      Plymouth.                             654-9020.
        Normal?" "The Challenges of Grief," "Grief  Fire Chief Daniel Phillips is coordinat-                               Garden Club to meet
        and Your Relationships," "Why?" and "Guilt  ing the effort.                  Veteran Health Summit set                Country Garden Club of Northville
        and Anger."                              According to an official statement from  The Canton Community Foundation  members will meet at 11 a.m. Wednesday,
           For more information, call Barbara  the Red Cross, "The need for blood is con-  and Legal Help for Veterans will present  Sept. 11 at Ward Church, 40000 Six Mile
        Schultz at 5 Points Church, (734) 941-1511  stant and only volunteer donors can fulfill  the 10th Annual Veteran Health Summit  Road in Northville.
        or                 that need for patients in our community.  2019 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Wednesday,  There will be social time with snacks
                                               Nationwide, someone needs a unit of   Sept. 18 at Schoolcraft College VisTaTech  and speaker Tim Nowicki will discuss
        Church plans yard sale                 blood every 2 to 3 seconds and most of us  Center.                          Birds of Michigan. There will also be a
           The Lighthouse Home Mission will host  will need blood in our lifetime."    Topics at the free event include maxi-  business meeting.
        a yard sale from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. Friday,                                 mizing veteran's health care; veteran's dis-  New members are welcome.
        Aug. 30 through Saturday, Sept. 7.     Blues at the Elks set                 ability update, health care in the communi-  For more information, call (248)202-
           All proceeds go to the mission pantry to  Nicky T. and The Snake Charmers will  ty, Ann Arbor VA Medical Center update  1518.
        purchase food for those in need. There will  perform at the Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks  and an update from the Michigan Veterans
        be gently used items of all types for sale.  Lodge 325 from 7 until 10 p.m. Sept. 10.  Affairs Agency.             Library to host book sale
           Lighthouse Home Mission is located at  The blues band includes former mem-  The is no cost to attend for all military  Friends of the William P. Faust Public
        34033 Palmer Road in Westland.  For infor-  bers of The Alligators band.     veterans, friends, family and caregivers.  Library of Westland will host a book sale
        mation, call (734) 326-3885.             The lodge is located at 41700 Ann Arbor  Registration is requested, however, as  from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Friday Sept. 13
                                               Road in Plymouth.                     there will be a boxed lunch provided at the  and Saturday, Sept. 14 and from noon until
        Overdose Awareness Day planned           For more information, call (734)453-  close of the day.                   3 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 15. Sunday is also
           The Northwest Wayne Families Against  1780.                                 For information or registration call the  bag day when a bag of books can be pur-
        Narcotics will celebrate International                                       Canton Community Foundation at (734)  chased for $4.
        Overdose Awareness Day from 6-9 p.m.   Chicken dinner is served              495-1200.                                The library is located at 6123 Central
        Aug. 31 in the south pavilions 4 and 5 and  The Willow United Methodist Church                                     City Parkway in Westland.
        amphitheater at Heritage Park in Canton.  will serve a Chicken Supper beginning at 5  Sears homes is topic            For more information, call (734) 326-
           The day is dedicated to remembering  p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 11. Carryout meals  The Wayne Historical Society will host  6123 x2844
        Sale                                   fic flow. We're analyzing and selecting the
                                               best offer,” he added.
                                                 “We believe that demolition of this his-
        FROM PAGE 1                            toric building and replacing it with a mas-
                                               sive new sub-division would devastatingly
        homes on the east side of Ann Street, then  alter and forever diminish the character
        east on Farmer to Theodore Street.     and feel of our community,” said Mark
           “There won't be commercial or retail,”  Malcolm last year in an open letter prior to
        Soenen said about the “numerous propos-  the election in which the millage question
        als” currently under consideration for the  was defeated by voters.
        property.                                Signature Associates broker Rick
           “We have to be mindful of what the city  Birdsall was hesitant to talk about any of
        wants and what their requirements are.  the tendered proposals. “They are in the
        We're getting proposals from developers  negotiating stages. Give me a week and I'll
        and talking about density, parking and traf-  know more,” he said.
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