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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           August 29, 2019


        American Idol

        Competition winner's group to appear

        on Romulus Pumpkin Festival stage

           The Romulus Pumpkin         local    sensation    within   Frankfurt, Germany, to American
        Festival will include a little star  Birmingham and surrounding  parents, while his father was sta-
        power this year with the visit of  areas.                     tioned there with the U.S. Army.
        American Idol winner Ruben       As a newly evolved R & B and  He grew up in Birmingham,
        Studdard.                      Soul band, Just A Few Cats     Alabama, the youngest son of two
           Studdard, who won the sec-  claimed their spot as one of the  teachers. At the age of 3, he sang
        ond season of American Idol in  hottest bands in the Southeast.  for the first time at the Rising
        2003, also won a Grammy nomi-    In January of 2003, Studdard  Star Baptist Church in his home-
        nation in 2003 for Best Male R&B  went to Hollywood to eventually  town of Birmingham. He contin-
        Vocal Performance for his      become the second American     ued singing gospel in church,
        recording of Superstar.        Idol. After his  victory, Alvin  performing solos as a child while
           Studdard and his musical    'Cornbread' Garrett joined     his mother sang in the local
        group, Just A Few Cats, will per-  Studdard on the American Idol 2  choir. While at Huffman High
        form on the Romulus Main Stage  Tour as the bass guitarist. Shortly  School, he played football for
        from 7-11 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 21  after the tour, the two joined  which he received a scholarship
        on the main stage during the   back up with the rest of The Cats  to Alabama A&M University.
        upcoming Pumpkin Festival.     and hit the road.              While at Alabama A&M, he
           The group formed in 2000 to   Studdard and Just A Few Cats  joined the Omicron Delta chap-
        compete as a jazz band in a colle-  have showcased their perform-  ter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, the
        giate talent show. With a funky  ance abilities all over the world  men's music fraternity of
        rendition of Marvin Gaye's     and will now bring their talents  America.
        “What's Going On”, The Cats    to Romulus.                      From there he joined Just A
        were victorious. While practicing  Studdard, now 41, has      Few Cats and one of the back-up
        for a local festival, Studdard  released several albums and   singers from that group asked
        approached the band about      made his Broadway theatre      him to accompany her to                                                    Ruben Studdard
        becoming the lead singer.  With  debut in December 2018 in    Nashville to audition for the 2003
        the addition of Studdard's silky-  Ruben and Clay's Christmas  season of American Idol.     ner-up Clay Aiken by only 134,000  second American Idol winner.
        smooth voice and powerful stage  Show aat the Imperial Theatre.  The rest, as they say, is history.   votes out of 24 million cast in the  There is no cost for the Just A
        presence, the band became a      Studdard was born in           He won the contest over run-  May 2003 finale, becoming the  Few Cats’ Romulus performance.
        Motorcyclist killed in crash while fleeing Inkster police

           An attempted routine traffic  20. Reports indicate that the  cle disregard a red traffic light  northbound on Henry Ruff  a 40-year-old man from
        stop in Inkster ended in a death  man drove the motorcycle he  on Middlebelt Road. The offi-  Road near Ford Road in       Westland, was transported by
        last week.                     was riding into a bus in Garden  cers activated their emergency  Garden City, where the rider  EMS workers to a local hospital
           According to reports from   City.                          lights, according to police   again disregarded a red light  where he was pronounced
        the Michigan State Police, a     The preliminary police       reports, in an attempt to con-  and crashed the motorcycle into  dead. His name was not
        Westland man was killed while  investigation revealed that the  duct a traffic stop but driver of  the side of a SMART bus in the  released by police officials who
        fleeing from Inkster police at  Inkster police officers on rou-  the motorcycle fled the scene.  intersection.             said the crash remains under
        about 9:44 p.m. Tuesday, Aug.  tine patrol observed a motorcy-  The officers pursued the cyclist  The driver of the motorcycle,  investigation.
        Lease for satellite library OK'd by Sumpter trustees

           It took five or six revisions,  Board the same evening. The  Department of Public Works.    Exterior renovations are    the library budget, Cichewicz
        but a 12-page lease for the hexa-  building, owned by the town-  That department has now    being done by the township     said.
        gon house in Sumpter Township  ship, is expected to be open for  moved into the former post  while interior remodeling is    The term of the 49-year lease
        has been approved.             use by the public by late October  office building and work has  being performed under the  will commence when the town-
           The hexagon house, located  or early November.             already begun to renovate the  direction of the library board.  ship notifies the library that all
        across Sumpter Road from         Joy Cichewicz, a member of   hexagon building into a media  The new lease agreement       of the improvements are com-
        Sumpter Township Hall,  will be  the library board building com-  center. The hexagon house will  requires the library, as the ten-  plete. The lease also includes
        used as a satellite library serv-  mittee, said the house was origi-  operate in conjunction with the  ant, to pay the township $200,000  several other standard clauses
        ing the area. The agreement was  nally built as a senior center and  new $14 million Belleville Area  as a contribution to the improve-  including a nuisance provision
        also approved by the members   most recently served as the    District Library currently under  ments the township as the land-  and a prohibition against politi-
        of the Belleville District Library  office  of  the  township  construction on Fourth Street.   lord is making. That sum is in  cal signage.
        Belleville Community Chorus begins new membership campaign

           The Belleville Community    the enjoyment of the tri-communi-  The Belleville Community  audiences in the Belleville area  singers, need only attend the first
        Chorus, under the direction of  ty.”                          Chorus is a non-profit organiza-  communities.               rehearsal. Parr said the group is
        Rachael Parr, is seeking new mem-  She said that singers of all  tion, made up of volunteers of all  Rehearsals take place at 7 p.m.  “especially hoping to increase our
        bers for the upcoming season.  types, soprano, alto, tenor, bass, or  ages who love to sing.  Using a vari-  every Monday, beginning Sept. 9 at  men's sections.”
           Parr said new members are   even those who are unsure, are  ety of choral music, the members  the First United Methodist Church  For more information, contact
        invited to join the group “as we  welcome to be part of the group.  perform in an effort to provide  at 417 Charles St. in Belleville. A  Paula Pence- Poston at (734) 725-
        embark on our 14th year of pre-  “We will find a place for you,” she  enrichment, education, and enjoy-  fall concert is set for December.    1425 or email  mspaula35@hot-
        senting diverse vocal selections for  said.                   ment for the members and the     Anyone interested in joining the


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