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August 29, 2019                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                           NORTHVILLE - WESTLAND

        ‘Fore’ Mack

        New golf course named

        for long-time employee

           Mack Mayfield has made a name for   Elder and Property Manager at the
        himself in his community.              Lutheran Church of our Savior; Mayfield
           Now that name will adorn one of the  was also a member of the Westland Jaycees,
        major amenities in the city.           served on the Inkster Board of Education,  The Westland Municipal Golf Course was renamed in honor of Mack Mayfield, above,
           Last Friday, Westland Mayor William R.  was a member of the Westland Breakfast  at official dedication ceremonies last Friday. Mayfield said he was humbled by the
        Wild hosted the dedication ceremony of the  Lions Club, a member of VFW Post 3323  honor. One of the speakers was long-time Mayfield friend Glenn Shaw, Jr., below,
        Mack Mayfield Municipal Golf Course in  and a member of the Westland Civitans, the
        the city. Among the speakers at the event all  Inkster branch of the NAACP and a mem-
        lauding Mayfield's long and extensive serv-  ber of the Westland Civil Service
        ice to his community were Darlene      Commission
        Mayfield, former Mayor Charles (Trav)    “I am honored to dedicate the Westland
        Griffin, Arthur Warren, Benny McGough  Municipal Golf Course on behalf of the City
        and Glenn Shaw, Jr.                    of Westland as the Mack Mayfield
           Mayfield and his wife of more than 70  Municipal Golf Course in recognition of his
        years, Bertha, have lived in Westland since  over 60 years of dedication to the City of
        1957. A former truck driver, Mayfield began  Westland,” commented Mayor William R.
        working for the City of Westland in the  Wild. “As an employee, Mack Mayfield
        Water and Sewer Department where he    broke the color barrier and rose to the rank
        steadily advanced to job of superintendent,  of superintendent through talent, determi-
        the first African-American to serve in a  nation and leadership.  As a resident, Mack
        supervisory role in the history of the city  has set the standard for integrity, family val-
           Mayfield served alongside members of  ues and community spirit.”          Westland YMCA. His church chose him for  to Mack Mayfield and we are honored to
        the community and government in their    Speakers all commented on Mayfield's  the Man For All Seasons award based on  dedicate the Mack Mayfield Municipal Golf
        efforts to improve the city and the sur-  long record of service to his community and  his service to the church and Ford Motor  Course in his name,” Wild said at the close
        rounding communities through volunteer  the number of awards and honors he has  Co. chose him for the Town Crier Bell  of the ceremony.
        service, including newspaper sales for the  received for his volunteer service.  Award. He was also the Westland Jaycee  The Mack Mayfield Municipal Golf
        Westland Goodfellows and involvement in  Mayfield held the record for the most  Outstanding Citizen and was named as the  Course was built on the site of the former
        the Wayne Westland YMCA. He served as  Goodfellow newspapers sold for five con-  City of Westland First Citizen.   Birch Hills Country Club and is a 2,833
        the president of the Southeast Westland  secutive years and was honored with a life-  “The City of Westland and its residents  yard, par 34, nine-hole course located at 500
        Homeowners Association, and was an     time commitment award from the Wayne-  show our sincere appreciation and respect  South Merriman Road in Westland.
        Northville Genealogy Society to welcome guest speaker

           Katherine Willson, a profes-  the web on the topic.          In this presentation, Willson  Cady St. in Northville. The  ferences, a society member said.
        sional genealogist, has some     Google Alerts is the solution,  will discuss how to set up effec-  roundtable  discussion,  She is also an educator who has
        answers for those who regularly  Willson claims. She will speak to  tive Google Alerts to help find  “Organizing Your Data,” will  been teaching beginning, inter-
        get online and hope to find    members of the Northville      what searchers are looking in  begin at 1:15 p.m. followed by a  mediate and advanced genealo-
        something new about their      Genealogical Society on the    genealogical research. The pub-  short business meeting at 2:30  gy classes since 2001 and is the
        ancestors and for those who wish  topic of “Google Alerts” follow-  lic is invited to attend the meet-  p.m., open to the public.  author of “The Genealogist's
        they  could just get a notification  ing a short business meeting set  ing,  free of charge.   Willson is an engaging and  Guide to Grand Rapids,
        letting them know if any new   for 2:30 p.m. Sept. 8 at the     The Northville District     dynamic genealogy lecturer at  Michigan” and a professional
        information has been added to  Northville District Library.   Library is located at 212 West  local, regional and national con-  researcher for private clients.
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