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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           August 29, 2019


        Registration for BLOCK programs open

           Registration is now under way for the                                  ”                                        Youth & Teen Center.
        Lead #LikeAGirl, Be A #ModelMan, and                             We watch participants                                Interested future candidates are
        Youth Advisory Council Programs for the                                                                            encouraged to apply through The
        2019-2020 school year.                                            grow into confident,                             B.L.O.C.K. Youth and Teen Center website
           These free programs are available                                                                               at and must be
        through The B.L.O.C.K. Youth & Teen                                well-spoken, and                                submitted by Sept. 13. Program space is
        Center and offer development in critical                 understanding community members.                          limited, so organizers encourage appli-
        life skills, such as self-confidence, inter-                                                                       cants to apply early.
        personal communication skills, managing                                                                               Local volunteers and financial support
        stress and leadership skills.          is designed to grow six core values, includ-  a difference in their community. Members  have helped these programs expand their
           Lead #LikeA Girl was developed in   ing: integrity, empathy, compassion, inner  participate in community service projects,  positive programming opportunities.
        2015 by The B.L.O.C.K. Youth & Teen    strength, courage, and respect. Monthly  lead special events, participate in local  Some current and past sponsors include:
        Center. It is a nine-month program that  one-day themed workshops take place  decision making, and award annual grants  MASCO, Community Financial Credit
        enables participants to challenge them-  from September through May and are  to organizations that benefit Canton Youth.   Union, Eastern Michigan University, and
        selves, discuss relevant issues that young  designed to inform program participants  “Each year it has been an amazing  the Community Foundation for Southeast
        girls face with their peers, and foster rela-  ages 11-15 about community and govern-  experience getting to work with such a  Michigan. Sponsorship opportunities are
        tionships with female role models within  ment resources through tours and guest  bright and talented group of young peo-  still available for individuals, businesses,
        the community. This award-winning pro-  speakers. In addition, program curricu-  ple,” said Program Coordinator Laura  and foundations to assist in the develop-
        gram serves a diverse group of young   lum encourages participants to interact  Mortier. “We watch participants grow into  ment of future sessions. To become
        women ages 11-15 and is designed to    and foster relations with public servants  confident, well-spoken, and understand-  involved, contact Mortier at (734) 394-5376
        change the way that these participants,  and community “heroes,” who embody  ing community members.”               or email
        and the community-at-large, think about  what it means to Be A #Modelman.      Program participants must meet one of  The B.L.O.C.K. Youth and Teen Center
        what it means to Lead #LikeAGirl…and     The Canton Youth Advisory Council   the following criteria in order to apply:  is located on the third floor of the Canton
        ultimately live #LikeAGirl.            asserts itself as an influential group of  reside in Canton or attend a Canton school  Administration Building at 1150 S. Canton
           Be A #ModelMan, established in 2016,  area high school students who truly make  or be a current member of The B.L.O.C.K  Center Road in Canton.
        Warning                        the habit, the Michigan        Schools district, and appreci-  pared to 2015-16. Increases in  QuitLogix® is an evidence-
                                                                                                                                     National Jewish Health
                                       Department of Health and
                                                                      ates teachers at Discovery
                                                                                                    39 of the state's counties ranged
                                       Human Services (MDHHS) is      Middle School, starting around  from 29 percent to 118 percent.  based, comprehensive tobacco
        FROM PAGE 1                    partnering with the National   sixth grade, who factually told  Jonik, for his part, believes  cessation program that pro-
                                       Jewish Health and eight other  of tobacco risks.             teachers and parents need to   vides personalized coaching,
        are also well aware of         states on a tobacco cessation    “Teachers don't necessarily  be honest about health risks of  print and online resources to
        increased tobacco and nicotine  program designed to help teens  censor themselves. They speak  smoking. “You're not educated  help people quit smoking or
        health risks. Registered nurse  who want to stop using tobacco  freely,” Panera Bread staffer  when you're making these deci-  using tobacco products.
        Charlene Jones, also a Canton  products, including electronic  Jonik said of that time in his  sions,” Jonik said of some  National Jewish Health cur-
        resident, said of the latest non-  cigarettes and vapes. Nearly 5  schooling. He saw a diseased  adults who he believes are  rently operates the quitline for
        tobacco nicotine delivery sys-  million teens across the U.S.  pig lung, adding “You get a visu-  overprotective of young people.  16 states and numerous health
        tem, vaping “It's still damaging  are vaping and using tobacco.   al representation of what your  “We know more teens are  plans. The program has helped
        to their lungs and you're devel-  The new My Life, My Quit    body would look like.”        vaping and using tobacco and   thousands of adults quit using
        oping a habit that's not good,”  program includes educational   Through the My Life, My     may need help quitting,” said  tobacco and has a nearly 40
        she said.                      materials designed for teens   Quit program, teens work with  Dr. Joneigh Khaldun, MDHHS    percent participant quit rate
           Jones, who works for IHA in  and created through focus     a coach who listens and under-  chief medical executive and  for people who receive coach-
        Ann Arbor, agrees it's best for  groups with teens, subject mat-  stands their needs, provides  chief deputy director for health,  ing and medications, one of the
        teens to never smoke. She and  ter experts and community      personalized support and helps  in a statement. “This new pro-  highest quit rates in the coun-
        other health care professionals  stakeholders. Teens can text or  them build a quit plan to  gram combines best practices  try.
        support programs to end tobac-  call a toll-free number - 855-891-  become free from nicotine.  for tobacco cessation adapted  More than 140,000 Michigan
        co use.                        9989 - or they can visit         The School Health Survey    to teens to include vaping and  residents have used the
           “It's still chemicals you're for real-   System, Michigan Profile for  new ways for teens to reach    Quitline for adults or the online
        putting in your body,” she     time coaching.                 Healthy Youth, has shown an   quit coaches using real-time   coaching program to help them
        added.                           Jonik graduated from the     escalating rate of youth use of  text messaging and online   in their journey toward a tobac-
           In an effort to help teens quit  Plymouth-Canton Community  e-cigarettes in 2017-18 com-  chat.”                        co-free life.
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