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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           August 20, 2020

                                          BELLEVILLE - WAYNE
                                           BELLEVILLE - WAYNE

        Son is charged in stabbing death of father

           A 25-year-old Westland man is  According to police, the                               ”                                 mud.
        facing first-degree murder     Wayne man was killed at a home                                                                Stiltner was arraigned in 29th
        charges in the death of his    on the 4400 block of John Hix           Police indicated that an initial investigation      District Court in Wayne on
        father.                        Road in Wayne and his body                appeared to indicate that the suspect             charges of first-degree murder,
           Prosecutors claim that Flem  then placed in the bed of a pick-                                                          first-degree home invasion and
        Stiltner IV killed his father, 48-  up truck and driven to the area    was attempting to dispose of the victim's           tampering with evidence. He
        year-old Flem Stiltner III of  of Belleville Road and Quirk         body by dumping the truck into Belleville Lake.        was scheduled for a probable
        Wayne, and then attempted to   Road by the suspect. Troopers                                                               cause conference Aug. 25 and a
        hide the victim's body near    were called to the scene when                                                               preliminary investigation Sept. 1
        Belleville Lake.               the body was discovered by a                                                                in 29th District Court.
           According to police reports,  passerby who noticed the truck  Michigan State Police took  cate that the suspect was       Investigators are still seeking
        Michigan State Police were noti-  stuck in the mud early Sunday  the younger Stiltner into custody  attempting to dispose of the vic-  information about the incident.
        fied at about 10:12 a.m. Aug. 2 by  morning. The victim was subse-  later Sunday following evidence  tim's body by dumping the truck  Anyone with information is
        Van Buren Township Police that  quently identified by investiga-  gathered at the Wayne home.  into Belleville Lake but aban-  asked to contact the Michigan
        a body had been found in the   tors and the scene of the crime  Police indicated that an initial  doned the vehicle, with the body,  State Police Metro South Post at
        bed of a pickup truck.         secured.                       investigation appeared to indi-  when the truck got stuck in the  (734) 287-5000.
        Cold-case murder investigation to be reopened

           A new investigation is     tigators will be assisting Van  the investigation and wants  why.”
        under way into the death of   Buren Township police in      state troopers to now have full  The family now has the
        Egypt Covington, a 27-year-old  reopening the probe into Ms.  control and access to all the  backing of a new Crime
        singer who was found shot and  Covington's death.           files, tips and leads.        Stoppers campaign with a
        killed inside her Van Buren      Dwayne     Turner,   Ms.      “They've had their chance.  $2,500 reward with hopes of
        Township home in June of      Covington's brother, is not sat-  It's the state's chance now.  reaching farther and generat-
        2017.                         isfied with the assistance of  They have all the resources  ing new leads to give investiga-
           On the third anniversary of  the state investigators, howev-  needed, strategies and tactics,”  tors and the family a clearer
        her death, Ms. Covington's fam-  er, and wants the state to  Turner said. “When we first  picture of the case they are
        ily organized a rally urging  assume the entire investiga-  met with Michigan State       building together.
        Michigan State Police to get  tion.  He alleges that Van    Police we had asked them if      Anyone with any informa-
        involved in the investigation.  Buren Township Police have  they knew these names. They   tion on the death of Egypt
        Their efforts were apparently  been unsuccessful in finding  did not. Van Buren was very  Covington is asked to call
        successful as the state agency  his sister's killer in the three  familiar with these names so  Crime Stoppers at 1-800-
        has now confirmed that inves-  years that department has led  we are just really curious  SPEAK-UP.                                      Egypt Covington
        Main Street sets annual city-wide clean-up in Wayne

           Wayne Main Street, in con-  Towne Square in Wayne.         ipate by visiting downtown-   we need something that brings  caring individuals and has
        junction with several communi-   Last year, the event was an and clicking on the  us all together safely. Cleaning  evolved into one of the largest
        ty partners, will host the annual  overwhelming success, with  Volunteer Here! link,” he    up downtown Wayne allows us    civic organizations in the city.
        Clean-Up Day in downtown       more than 150 volunteers par-  added.  Snacks and water will  to practice social distancing in  Last year, volunteers con-
        Wayne from 9 a.m. until noon   ticipating, noted a spokesman.  be provided at registration for  small groups, while we work  tributed more than 2,700 serv-
        Saturday, Aug. 29. Community     “This year, we will have a   volunteers.                   together to create a cleaner, bet-  ice hours to the community.  In
        members of all ages are expect-  limit of 100 volunteers, includ-  This event will take place  ter downtown,” commented    2014, the organization was rec-
        ed to participate in the effort to  ing our staff. We will put social  just before Labor Day weekend  Sam Rainey, a member of the  ognized by the Michigan Main
        clean the downtown area of the  distancing practices in place  and help promote a cleaner   Wayne Main Street clean-up     Street Association as a Select-
        city. Registration for the event  and encourage participants to  downtown Wayne, organizers  day committee.                Level Main Street community.
        will open at 9 a.m. at the Wayne  wear masks and bring gloves.  said.                          Wayne Main Street was       For more information, visit
        Historical Museum located at 1  Volunteers can sign up to partic-  “With everything going on,  launched in 2011 by a group of
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