Page 3 - eagle082020
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Kellogg Park Knights of Columbus Park Lions Club Park
Butterfly Gardens taking root in Plymouth area parks
The City of Plymouth has habitat for butterflies, bees, hum- Department of Municipal is a certified Monarch learning more about the butterfly
some new residents and neigh- mingbirds and other pollinators. Services Operations Technician Waystation. The Lion's Club Park gardens or helping to establish
bors have welcomed them to the Each of the gardens includes Dave Cirilli. garden was finished early this additional gardens, can contact
community. host plants and pollinator peren- “The parks are such a great summer and includes a wide the municipal services office at
Butterfly gardens have been nials including Coneflowers, asset to the city,” he said. “We variety of host plants and peren- or join the
installed in Kellogg Park, Lion's Black Eyed Susans, Daisies, Bee wanted to make them even better nials. The Knights of Columbus Plymouth Pollinators group on
Club Park and the Knights of Balm, Phlox, Swamp Week, but- by helping the environment and Park garden was finished in last Facebook.
Columbus Park in the city. The terfly Weed, Wildflowers, Dill beautifying the city.” month and includes hydrangeas Other information on butterfly
plants and flowers blooming add and Fennel, officials said. The The Kellogg Park garden was and other pollinator-friendly gardens can be found at
color to the park and create a garden projects were led by completed in summer 2019 and plants. Anyone interested in
29-year veteran of Canton Township Police Department retires
Lieutenant James Harrison ” from citizens who were recipi-
has retired from the Canton ents of the kindness and profes-
Township Police Department Lt. Harrison has made significant contributions sionalism he displayed during
after a 29-year career with the to the organization and to the Canton every shift, according to a state-
law enforcement agency. ment from the department. In
Harrison, or “Turtle” as he's community alike, and I wish him continued addition to those recognitions,
affectionately known around success in his future endeavors. his knowledge in the field, calm
the department, was hired as a demeanor, and sense of humor
police officer in 1991; he was have made him one of Canton's
promoted to the rank of ser- most respected officers among
geant in 2008 and to lieutenant team leader. As a sergeant, operations of his assigned shift his peers and coworkers alike,
in 2017. Harrison was selected for an consisting of sergeants, officers noted Police Chief Chad Baugh.
Early in his career, Harrison administrative position oversee- and PSSOs. He has been “The police department is
participated in numerous spe- ing special units and projects, responsible for providing train- losing a valuable member of the
cial units including assignments including the creation of the ing, direction and motivation to organization this week,” said
as a range/firearms instructor, popular Citizen's Police his shift, enhancing their level Baugh. “Lt. Harrison has made
bicycle unit officer, and a field Academy program. In his cur- of performance while on patrol. significant contributions to the
training officer. Most notably, he rent position as lieutenant, Throughout his career, organization and to the Canton
served 13 years on the elite Harrison serves as a platoon Harrison has received numer- community alike, and I wish
Western-Wayne Special commander in the patrol divi- ous awards and citations, as him continued success in his
Operations Team as an assistant sion, overseeing the day-to-day well as written compliments future endeavors.” Lt. James Harrison