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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           August 20, 2020


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        committed to polio eradication, the organization
        has contributed more than $1.5 billion and
        countless volunteer hours to immunize children
        against the disease. In that time, the number of
        polio cases has dropped 99.9 percent, and only
        three countries remain where the virus has
        never been stopped: Afghanistan, Nigeria, and
        Pakistan. While World Polio Day, Oct. 24, serves
        as an important opportunity to remind the world
        of the need to finish the job, raising money and
        awareness is a year-round effort for many.
           On July 10, 10 members from Toronto Skyline
        and surrounding Rotary clubs plunged earth-
        ward in their own tandem skydive, raising sever-
        al thousand dollars for polio eradication.
           Jackson said he had a sure-fire way to recruit
        Bares, Eisen and Rediske.
           “I would go up to people and tell them we
        were skydiving for polio and give them two
        options,” says Jackson. “I would tell them I was
        paying $180 out of my own pocket to jump, so if
        you are not going to jump, you have to pay $180.
        Most people would say, 'OK, you got it.' “
           The budget to see zero cases of polio for three
        years, the requirement to have the world certi-  Gayle and Howard Rediske.l eft, were on hand to support daughter Mackenzie in her skydive for polio funding along with
        fied as polio free, is $1.5 billion.  Rotary had  Wayne Rotary Club members Linda Gable, Pat Rice and Charlotte Tarwacki. Photo by Dave Willett
        pledged $50 million a year for the next three
        years and The Gates Foundation has pledged to
        match the Rotary donations up to $50 million a
        year for the next three years, or 33 percent of the
        total budget, National governments and public
        health organizations from around the world
        have pledged the balance of the costs.

                                                     Wayne State University Rotary Rotaract members including Mukhi Devanker from Canton Township were on hand to cheer
                                                     the skydiving Rotary Club members on. Photo by Dave Willett
        Corridor                               Michigan Department of Transportation,
                                               the American Center for Mobility and the
                                               University of Michigan. Along with Ford,
        FROM PAGE 1                            General Motors Co., Argo AI, Arrival,
                                               BMW AG, Honda Motor Co., Toyota Motor
        structure projects and technology compa-  Corp., TuSimple and Waymo LLC repre-
        nies with innovations that enable and  sentatives will comprise an advisory com-
        apply to those projects,” according to its  mittee to help develop standards that
        website. Cavnue, which was selected by  don't favor one automaker over another.
        the state following a competitive bidding  Ford is in the middle of a $750 million
        process, would provide up-front financing  renovation of the Michigan Central Depot
        and would then seek to recoup that     and surrounding buildings in the
        investment under a revenue-sharing     Corktown neighborhood and this project
        structure.  Other partners in the develop-  was part of the initial discussions and
        ment include Ford Motor Co., The       negotiations regarding that project.
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