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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           August 20, 2020

                                    INKSTER - SUMPTER - WESTLAND
                                    INKSTER - SUMPTER - WESTLAND

        Ethics, racism commissioners to be named

           Westland officials are seeking                         ”                                 council members and the city
        a group of residents to serve on                                                            administration to adopt policies
        two separate commissions              I have a concern that next thing I know there's       that improve the health of com-
        charged with ensuring integrity        political agendas. This ethics commission            munities of color and build city
        and non-discrimination in city                                                              relationship with diversity
        government.                         is there to go through legitimate ethics concerns.      focused groups.
           Mayor William R. Wild is cur-                                                               Wild has been directed to
        rently accepting applications to                                                            establish a commission to con-
        reestablish an ethics commission  concern that there is a danger of  could be a key piece in “holding  duct as assessment of internal
        in the city. Members of the ethics  “weaponizing” such a commis-  elected officials accountable in  policies and procedures in the
        commission would evaluate and  sion.                          our positions.”               city to ensure racial equity as a
        submit written opinions about    Wild said that the five com-   The initial appointments to  core element.
        any ethical concerns or com-   mission member appointments    the ethics commission in the city  The vote followed a version of
        plaints filed by residents or city  are something he is committed to  would include two three-year  the resolution that was presented
        employees. That written opinion  completing, but only with “the  members, two two-year members  to council members two weeks
        would be forwarded to the mayor  right candidates.”           and one member who would      earlier. When no action was
        and the departments involved in  While the entire council     serve for only one year. Following  taken, several residents were
        the complaint for a response or  agreed that the ethics commis-  the first year, all appointments  critical of the failure of the coun-  Mayor William R. Wild
        action.                        sion would be of value, Hart   would be for three-years.     cil members to act on the issue,
           Applications for the commit-  expressed his concern about the  Members cannot be city officials  particularly in light of the cur-  cate an item was coming from
        tee can be submitted online by  misuse of such authority.     or city employees.            rent political climate.  The reso-  council.
        accessing the city website, but  “I have a concern that next    In another step to ensure the  lution approved was proposed by  “I have been fighting for
        candidates will be held to some  thing I know there's political  impartiality and non-discrimina-  Councilwoman Tasha Green  equality, not only racial equality
        high standards according to Wild,  agendas. This ethics commission  tory actions of the city, Westland  although minutes of the meeting  but gender equality, since I was
        Council President Jim Hart and  is there to go through legitimate  officials unanimously approved a  indicate the resolution was pro-  elected three years ago,” Green
        Councilman Jim Godbout. All    ethics concerns,” Hart said.   resolution defining racism as a  posed by Council President  said. “As you can see based on
        have expressed concerns about    Councilwoman Tasha Green     health crisis in the city.    James Hart.                    some of the things that happened
        applicants seeking an appoint-  was a strong advocate of the new  The action, urged by residents  Hart said he was listed as  tonight, we have not quite
        ment for political reasons and a  commission and said she felt it  and local activists, also urges city  bringing the motion only to indi-  arrived yet.”
        Suspect in Sumpter shooting deaths surrenders

           The Sumpter Township man sought in connection                                                       Martinsville Road at about 11:35 p.m. Aug. 15.  When
        with the shooting and killing of four people in a                                                      Sumpter officers arrived on the scene, they discovered
        Martinsville Road last week surrendered to police                                                      four people, each in their mid-30s, dead of apparent gun-
        Sunday evening.                                                                                        shot wounds. A crime scene response team from the
           According to Sumpter Township Police Chief Eric                                                     Michigan State Police Forensic Division was requested
        Luke, Raymond Lee Bailey, 37, the subject of a state-wide                                              by township investigators and arrived on the scene to
        manhunt, entered the Bay County Sheriff's office and                                                   assist in the processing of evidence, according to police
        turned himself over to authorities at about 10 p.m. Aug.                                               reports.
        16.  Luke said that officers from Sumpter Township were                                                  A preliminary investigation identified Bailey, identi-
        already en route to the Bay City area as part of the inves-                                            fied as the former boyfriend of one of the victims, as a
        tigation and took Bailey into custody and transported                                                  suspect in the shootings.
        him to Sumpter Township where he is incarcerated                                                         He had reportedly confessed to the shooting deaths to
        awaiting a charge determination from the office of the                                                 several people by telephone and text messages, accord-
        Wayne County prosecutor's office.                                                 Raymond Lee Bailey   ing to official reports.
           Police across the state had been searching for Bailey,                                                Detectives also learned that Bailey might be traveling
        suspected in the shooting deaths of two men and two  Sumpter Township police officers responded to a report  to Northern Michigan. His vehicle, police said, was found
        women last Saturday. According to police reports,  of gunshots at a residence in the 24000 block of    abandoned near Bay City.

          In memoriam

          Members of the Inkster Police Department joined for
          the annual memorial service to honor the four depart-
          ment officers who made the ultimate sacrifice while
          serving the citizens of Inkster; Ofc. Kenneth
          Woodmore, Sgt. Ira Parker, Ofc. Clay Hoover and Ofc.
          Daniel Dubiel. Ofc. Kenneth Woodmore was shot and
          killed after stopping a man on a bicycle who had just
          completed a drug transaction at the intersection of
          Pine and Henry Streets. Ofc. Woodmore had served
          with the Inkster Police Department for five years. He is
          survived by his two sons and two daughters. Sgt. Ira
          Parker, Ofc. Clay Hoover, and Ofc. Daniel Dubiel were
          shot and killed while attempting to serve a warrant for a
          bad check from a rental car agency on a 68-year-old
          woman and her three sons at a local motel. Officers
          Dubiel and Hoover entered the room first and after sev-
          eral minutes of conversation with the four suspects
          Officer Dubiel called for a supervisor. Sgt. Parker
          responded to the scene, minutes after walking into the
          room a volley of gunfire was heard. Before their arrest
          the suspects held officers at bay during a ten hour
          standoff as hundreds of rounds were fired from their
          room. Sgt. Parker had served with the Inkster Police
          Department for 20 years. He is survived by his wife and
          four children. Ofc. Dubiel had served with the Inkster
          Police Department for 13 years. He is survived by his
          wife and four children. Ofc. Hoover had served with the
          Inkster Police Department for 6 months. He was sur-
          vived by his mother, father, two brothers, and a sister.

                                                                  TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900

                                THIOUNE, MELISSA    1FAFP42X42F186509     2004 Lincoln SW
                                - DEARBORN HGTS -     1997 FORD           5LMFU27R04LJ09134
                                SINK, 2 CAR DOORS,  1FALP13P5VW300991     19-0060172
          FIVE STAR STORE IT     CRUTCHES, DEEP     2005 BUICK            2015 Jeep SW
          5235 MERRIMAN RD     FREEZER, 2 DRESSERS,  5GADV23L55D226153    1C4BJWEG2FL526796
          WESTLAND, MI  48186    VACUUM CLEANER,    2007 DODGE            20-0013751
             734-721-4670     OFFICE CHAIRS, CARPET,  1B3HE78K87D538209
                                 BOXES, LUGGAGE     2006 CHEVROLET           The above vehicle is
          THE FOLLOWING WILL                        1GNDS13S062317571     impounded through the
          BE UP FOR AUCTION                                               Dearborn       Police
           ONLINE STARTING                                                Department. All paper-
           AUGUST 28TH, 2020     PUBLIC AUCTION        On Tuesday, August  work is to be picked up
              AT 12:30 PM        MARTIN’S TOWING    25th, 2020, at 9:30 am,  from the Dearborn Police
                                 17180 DIX TOLEDO
               GO TO:                               Great  Lakes  Towing  Department within 48
         STORAGEAUCTIONS.COM      BROWNSTOWN        Impound and Recovery  hours of the sale.
                                     MI 48193       Division located at 42350
                                 AUGUST 24, 2020
            JONES, HIRAM                            Van Born Rd, Belleville,  All Vehicles are sold in
              - INKSTER -           10:00 AM        Mi, County of Wayne, will  "as is condition". Bidding
         STOVE, LAMP, COOLER,                       conduct a public auction  on all vehicles will start at
           HEATER, WAGON,     2008 BUICK            of   Impounded   and  the amount due for tow-
         BOAT MOTOR, WINDOWS  1G4HD57218U211185     Abandoned vehicles. The  ing and storage. Vehicles
                              2013 FORD             following vehicles will be  may be deleted from this
         LIGHTSEY, CHAWNTEL   3FA6P0HR7DR234365     offered for sale to the  list at any time prior to the
              - INKSTER -     2015 DODGE            highest bidder.       start of the auction. This
           LOVE SEAT, QUEEN   2C3CDXJG2FH903202
             MATTRESS &       2015 CHEVROLET        2001 Pontiac 4D       is a cash only sale and all
           BOX SPRING, 2 TV's,  1G1PG5SB6F7116639                         vehicles must be paid in
         BIKE, WASHER, DRYER,  2006 TOYOTA          1G2WK52J61F119925     full at the conclusion of
          STEREO, BED FRAME,  JTKKT604565012767     20-0008734            the auction.
           TOTES, SPEAKERS,   2010 FORD
           TWIN MATTRESS &    2FMGK5BC4ABA34760        The above vehicle are
             BOX SPRING       2013 FORD             impounded through the
                              3FA6P0G70DR118070     Garden   City  Police
            LIGHTSEY, ERIC    2010 FORD             Department. All paper-
              - INKSTER -                           work must be picked up
           TIRES & WHEELS,    1ZVBP8EN0A5177057     from the Garden City  Northville  Twp.  SUB
         STOOLS, MISC TOOLS,  1989 HARRISFLOTE      Police Department within  GARAGE SALE, 8/21 & 22,
           BED FRAME, SNOW    HAMP8090D989          48 hours of the sale.  8-5p, Winchester Dr off 6
           SHOVEL, CADILLAC   2002 FORD                                   Mile W of Haggerty Rd.
   1   2   3   4   5   6