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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           August 10, 2023


        Westland playground is finalist for state award

           The Westland Mission to Mars                               Ziarko, the president of the
        themed playground is one of four           ”                  league board of trustees and
        finalist for the statewide          Projects like these       Sterling Heights city councilmem-
        Community Excellence Award                                    ber. “Projects like these are help-
        (CEA)-the most prestigious         are helping our state.     ing our state continue to create
        Michigan Municipal League com-                                thriving communities, and we are
        munity honor.                                                 proud to celebrate them.”
           The other three competitors  ed CEA finalist booths.          The CEA has been the most
        moving on as finalists are       The convention is scheduled  prestigious league community
        Bridgman, Coldwater and  Port  for Oct. 18-20 in Traverse City.  award since 2007. It's also affec-
        Huron, according to an official  Attendees will vote for their  tionately called “The Race for the
        statement from the organization.  favorite project, with the project  Cup” because the winning com-
           The finalists were determined  winning the most votes awarded  munity gets a large trophy and
        by a small voting board and the  the  official  Community     bragging rights for the year. The
        top four projects will go on to  Excellence Award during the  2022 winner was the Imagine Cass
        compete at the league convention,  closing general session.   Project Village of Cassopolis:
        where they will present their    “We are excited to learn more  Small, Rural, and Exceptional,
        projects on the main stage and  about our finalists' projects at our  which was submitted by the
        market their projects at designat-  convention this fall,” said Barb  Village of Cassopolis.                         Mission to Mars playground in Westland
        Dog in golf cart injures 4-year-old                                                                                        Battle of

                                                                                                                                   Badges set
                                                                        Bella, the Westland fire dog,  ment from the fire department.
                                                                      may have lost her golf cart priv-  Paramedics at the scene
                                                                      ileges.                      immediately assessed the child     The Hometown Heroes in
                                                                        During the Blues, Brews    for injuries, according to a    Westland will face off in a char-
                                                                      and BBQ festival in Westland  spokesman, and while the       ity softball game and home run
                                                                      last weekend a 4-year-old child  child was visibly shaken, she  derby at 1 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 13
                                                                      was injured                                 had no obvi-     at Jaycee Park.
                                                                      by the golf               ”                 ous injuries.       Police officers and firefight-
                                                                      cart in which        Bella was not          The mother of    ers will take to the field to com-
                                                                      Bella was sta-         injured in           the    child     pete and showcase their skills.
                                                                      tioned by her                               refused any      Admission to the event is free.
                                                                      partner and           the incident.         further med-     There will be a food truck on
                                                                      handler Capt.                               ical treatment   site and several prize raffles, a
                                                                      Jeff Stobbe.                                or transport to  spokesman said.
                                                                        The always obedient Bella  an emergency room, according       All proceeds from the Battle
                                                                      jumped from the golf cart seat  to the statement.            of the Badges will go directly to
                                                                      to the floor of the vehicle and  Bella is a 7-year-old       support the Wayne Youth
                                                                      in doing so, laid across the  Labrador Retriever. She is a   Athletic Association baseball
                                                                      accelerator pedal. The cart  certified arson detection       program.
                                                                      began to move forward and    canine, and was the first Arson    The family friendly event is
                                                                      struck the 4-year-old before  Dog in Western Wayne County.   open to the public and was
                                                                      firefighters could reach the  Her work at fire scenes has    organized by the Westland
                                                                      vehicle to disengage the gear.   been lauded as heroic by fire  Police Community partner-
                                                                        “Unfortunately, before fire-  officials several times. Bella is  ship, Westland Fire and
                                                                      fighters could bring the cart to  also used for fire safety instruc-  Rescue and the Westland
                                                                      a stop and remove the key from  tion programs in Wayne       Youth Athletic Association.
                                                                      the vehicle, it struck a 4-year-  Westland schools.             Jaycee Park is located at
                                                                      old girl and the passenger side  Bella was not injured in the  34001 Hunter in Westland.
                                                                      front tire ran over her left leg,”  incident, according to official
                                             Westland Arson Dog Bella  according to a prepared state-  reports.
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