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August 10 – 16, 2023                                    NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 32                                                                                    www

                                       Northville, state police enforcing hand-held phone law

               Vol. 138, No. 32           Members of the Northville                               ”                              while driving.
             Sumpter trustees have     Township Police Department                 Public safety is at risk when drivers             The first violation is a $100
          scheduled a public hearing   will join with Michigan State                                                             fine or 16 hours of community
          tonight in an effort to deter-  Police in an August safety cam-         are distracted, and we want people             service or both. Penalties for
          mine whether swimming at     paign on area roadways                     to understand that's not acceptable.           repeated distracted driving
          Sherwood Pond will be pro-   throughout the community.                                                                 include fines up to $250, up to 24
          hibited.                        To bring more attention to                                                             hours of community service,
                          See page 2.  Michigan's new distracted driv-                                                           points on a person's driving
                                       ing law, officers and troopers  cials said.                    “Our core purpose as a police  record and driver improvement
                                       will be especially vigilant      The statistics are compelling:  force is working for a safer com-  classes. Fines also are doubled
                                       regarding drivers using a hand-  the AAA-Foundation for Traffic  munity in Northville Township,  for those at-fault in a crash while
                                       held cell phone or mobile elec-  Safety has found that drivers'  and that focus encompasses our  manually using a device.
                                       tronic device to text, talk on the  overall crash risk “nearly dou-  local roads,” said Police Chief  “The new laws have been in
                Vol. 76, No. 32        phone, watch videos or go on  bled” when they were “engaging  Scott Hilden. “Public safety is at  effect for nearly a month giving
             The decision to sell the  social media while driving.   in all forms of visual-manual  risk when drivers are distracted,  drivers ample time to familiar-
          Canton     Chamber     of    Those actions are all now illegal  mobile phone tasks” and “visu-  and we want people to under-  ize themselves with the restric-
          Commerce building on         according to recently enacted  al-manual mobile phone inter-  stand that's not acceptable.”   tions and penalties,” Hilden
          Hanford Road has met with    MCL 257.602b.                 action” while driving makes      The new Michigan law a took  continued. “As a result, we will
          some strong opinions on         Patrol officers noticed consis-  drivers three times more likely  effect June 30 and  includes a  be taking a serious approach to
          social media.                tent violations of the month-old  to be involved in a “road depar-  “hands-free”  exception.  enforcing the new laws to
                          See page 3.  law, putting all motorists lives in  ture crash” and more than seven  Previously, Michigan law only  remind drivers to remain alert
                                       danger, prompting the month-  times more likely to cause a  prohibited drivers from using a  and focused when they are
                                       long awareness campaign, offi-  rear-end collision.         hand-held cell phone to text  behind the wheel.”

                Vol. 76, No. 32

             A program of the Wayne
          County Land Bank to enroll
          Inkster residents in a porch
          repair program is still under
                          See page 3.

                Vol. 23, No. 32
            Northville Parks &
          Recreation has launched a
          brief online survey to collect
          preferences on recreational
          preferences in the communi-
                          See page 4.
                                          Canton Township Supervisor Anne Marie Graham-Hudak, along with Canton officials and members of the Canton Board of Trustees,
                                          were joined by Congresswoman Debbie Dingell, Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Mark T. Slavens, donors, business owners, and
                                          community members at the official dedication of the Heritage Park Peace Pole Plaza.  Photos courtesy of Canton Township.
                                          Spirit of Peace

                Vol. 23, No. 32
             Artwork intended to uplift   Canton installs symbol of peace, harmony, togetherness and unity
          kids and provide a sense of
          self-worth was destroyed by a
          group of young people in          Visitors to Heritage Park in                        ”                               Safety, L.P.  Additional contribu-
          downtown Plymouth last          Canton Township will now be          It's important to value every person from        tions were also provided by
          week.                           greeted by a newly installed      every culture, religion, race, and background.      Geneva Presbyterian Church,
                          See page 5.     Peace Pole, the universal sym-                                                        St. Thomas a'Becket Catholic
                                          bol of peace bearing the mes-                                                         Church, and the Rotary Club of
                                          sage “May Peace Prevail on                                                            Canton.
                                          Earth” in 12 of the most com-  ship officials said.         In the spirit of peace and  The Heritage Park Peace
                                          monly spoken languages in      “We've created this special  harmony, the Canton communi-  Pole Plaza, which is now the
                                          Canton Township: Arabic,    plaza to promote, educate, and  ty stands with more than  permanent home to the wood-
                Vol. 138, No. 32          Chinese, French, German,    advocate for peace,” said    250,000 Peace Poles around the  en peace pole, is located at the
             Romulus police continue      Gujarati, Hindi, Japanese,  Canton Supervisor Anne Marie  globe to demonstrate a commit-  intersection of Civic Center
          to investigate a shooting at    Korean, Polish, Punjabi,    Graham-Hudak.  “Now more     ment to foster peace in the  Boulevard and Veterans Way.
          the Marriott Hotel July 29      Spanish, and Urdu.          than ever before, we must all  world. This international sym-  Heritage Park is one of the
          which left one man in criti-      A dedication ceremony took  come together in a spirit of  bol of peace presents a unifying  premier township amenities
          cal condition.                  place Aug. 3 to celebrate the  peace, love, mutual respect,  message in the recently com-  where visitors can enjoy 105
                          See page 2.     installation of this 8-foot stand-  and understanding. It's impor-  pleted Heritage Park Peace  acres of green space, including:
                                          ing vigil in the newly created  tant to value every person from  Pole Plaza, which has been  two playscapes, a splash pad,
                                          Heritage Park Peace Pole    every culture, religion, race,  transformed into a welcoming  four pavilions, a picturesque
                                          Plaza, which was erected as a  and background.  This new  space with landscaping that  gazebo, two large ponds, walk-
                                          symbol to promote peace,    Peace Pole exemplifies a col-  was made possible with donor  ing paths, an amphitheater,
                                          togetherness, and harmony in a  lective belief that we should all  support provided by: Iltefat  baseball diamonds, soccer
                Vol. 76, No. 32           tranquil area where park visi-  strive for peace not only in our  Hamzavi,  MD  FAAD  -  fields, a sand volleyball court,
             Wayne residents should       tors can congregate for individ-  community, but throughout the  Hamzavi/Dermatology  fishing area, and much more.
          continue to put lead filters    ual or group reflection, town-  entire world.”           Specialists and Pilz Automation  officials said.
          on home water faucets and
          consider having children
          tested for lead in their blood  Westland primary voters choose Londeau and Coleman
          following testing of city water
          supplies.                       Michael P. Londeau or State  in January to serve as interim  Master  Plan   Steering   Wild in his first mayoral cam-
                          See page 5.  Rep. Kevin Coleman will       mayor during the remainder of  Committee, board member of   paign in 2017. He is currently
                                       become the first newly elected  long-time Mayor William Wild's  the Westland Youth Assistance  serving his third term as a state
                                       mayor in the city of Westland in  term. Wild resigned during his  Advisory Committee; member of  representative, his first in the
                                       nearly two decades.           fourth term in office to take a job  the Parks and Recreation  newly created 25th House
                                          Londeau and Coleman were   in the private sector.        Advisory  Council;  the Westland  District. He is a graduate of
                                       the top vote getters in the pri-  Long-time City Councilman  Masterplan Steering Committee;  Western Michigan University,
                Vol. 76, No. 32        mary election last Tuesday    Jim Godbout received 837 votes;  the Youth Assistance Advisory  attended the Lee Honors
             The Westland Mission to   which reduced the field of six  Ali Awadi received 465 votes;  Council and served as chairman  College and served one 4-year
          Mars playground is one of    candidates to two who will    Anthony Jones, 146 votes and  of the Downtown Development   term on the Westland City
          four finalists for the       appear on the Nov. 7 ballot.  Ronald Sassak, 46 votes.      Authority.                    Council.
          statewide     Community      Unofficial results showed        Prior to being elected to city  In 2017, residents elected him  Prior to seeking public office,
          Excellence Award-the most    Londeau receiving  4,646 votes  council in 2017, Londeau, 44,  to the Westland City Council  Coleman spent several years
          prestigious     Michigan     while Coleman was the choice  served as the chairman of the  where he served for five years,  working in the community on
          Municipal League communi-    of 4,304 voters.              Westland         Downtown     including three years as presi-  the  Westland    Festival
          ty honor.                       Londeau was chosen by fel-  Development Authority (DDA),  dent pro-tem.                Committee and the Westland
                          See page 6.  low members of the city council  was a member of the Westland  Coleman, 40, was defeated by  Veterans Association.

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