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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           August 10, 2023

                                                     ROMULUS - SUMPTER
                                                     ROMULUS - SUMPTER

        Pond closure is topic of public hearing tonight

           Members of the Sumpter Township     the swim buoys should be removed “so
        Board of Trustees have scheduled a pub-  that we're not encouraging it.”
        lic hearing tonight in an effort to deter-  Trustee Matt Oddy explained that his
        mine whether swimming at Sherwood      concern in suggesting the pond be closed
        Pond at Banotai Park will be prohibited.  was the increase in reported drownings
           Following an extensive discussion of  in municipal recreational facilities near
        the proposed ban on swimming at the    the township. “My concern is for us to
        pond during the July 25 meeting, trustees  learn from what's happening around us,”
        said they wanted to hear the opinions  Oddy said. He reminded the board mem-
        and ideas of township residents regard-  bers that the pond is not engineered as is
        ing the pond. Signage at the pond cur-  required for any new pond installation to
        rently warns residents that they are   ensure that depths and slopes allow
        swimming at their own risk and there is  swimmers a means of leaving the water
        no lifeguard on duty.                  in case of an emergency. Oddy suggested
           Treasurer Bart Patterson opened the  the township pond was not in compli-
        discussion of the issue during the study  ance with the current pond ordinance in
        session prior to the meeting. He said he  the township.
        had discussions with several people      Following a comment by Trustee
        about prohibiting swimming at the pond.  Peggy Morgan that closing the pond                                                              Sherwood Pond
        He told the board members he has a con-  would be “a tragedy,” and that there had
        cern about going immediately from      been no incidents during her time on the  and build a splash pad right off Sumpter  bility for public safety and financial dam-
        allowing swimming to prohibiting it.   board, Trustee Don LaPorte explained  Road at Graham Park,” he said.        age to the township, Morgan responded
           “My concern is if we say it is prohibit-  that he has seen tragedy at the pond first-  LaPorte said he had called Van Buren  that “lawsuits should have no bearing on
        ed now, then we have to enforce that. I'm  hand during his 17 years with the fire  Township Supervisor Kevin McNamara  opening or closing the pond.”
        envisioning people getting police called  department, several times while Morgan  in an effort to determine the cost of a  Oddy corrected what he said was
        on them and handing out citations for  was on the board.                     splash pad. He said he was informed the  Morgan's inference that the board mem-
        swimming in a pond that there has        “Some of the worst calls I've been on  Van Buren amenity cost $1.5 million. “It  bers were “doing something wrong.”
        always been swimming at,” he said.     have been at that park with little chil-  is always packed,” LaPorte added. “It is  “We are trying to protect the public
           Patterson said he understood that the  dren near drowning. I've driven ambu-  very heavily used.”               and the township,” he said. “I brought
        water was not being tested for bacteria  lances to the hospital with police escorts  “I don't know why you are going to the  this up because we had three people
        and contamination and might pose a     trying to save their lives,” he said. “There  extreme of closing the pond and not  drown within 20 miles of our borders.
        health hazard, but an alternative to ban-  have been some really serious accidents  allowing people to swim. They know they  That's my concern. We're seeing the
        ning swimming might be increased sig-  out there that I'm sure nobody ever   swim at their own risk and people with  recipe for disaster,” Oddy said.
        nage including a notification that the  intended to happen. I personally would  little children should be responsible for  The board members scheduled the
        water was not being tested for safety. He  like to see us take some of that ARPA  them,” she said. In response to board  public hearing on the issue for tonight at
        added that if swimming is to be banned,  (American Recovery Plan Act) money  members' expressed concerns about lia-  township hall.
        Suspects in airport hotel shooting sought by police

           Romulus police continue to investigate  hotel to purchase a large number of cell  hotel lobby where the injured man col-  black tennis shoes, witnesses told officers
        a shooting at the Marriott Hotel July 29  phones. The potential buyers arranged to  lapsed. The two attackers fled the scene,  and a second black man, also with short
        which left one man in critical condition.  meet the sellers in a room at the hotel and  witnesses said. Hotel staff members  black hair and in his early 20s. He was last
           According to police reports, officers  once inside the room, the two "sellers" pro-  attempted to provide medical aid to the  seen wearing a blue, long-sleeved sweat-
        were called to the Metro Airport hotel in  duced handguns in what the witness told  injured man until police arrived.  shirt, jeans with two small tears in the
        the 30500 block of Flynn Street at 3:47 p.m.  police was an apparent robbery attempt.  The victim was transported to a  right knee and a large tear in the left knee
        following multiple 911 calls reporting a  Both the Delaware men claimed they  Dearborn hospital where his condition  area. He wore black and white tennis
        shooting. When officers arrived at the  attempted to disarm the assailants.   remained critical.                   shoes, a purple/blue baseball hat and was
        scene, they found the wounded man and    During the struggle, one man suffered a  The suspects are described as a black  carrying a black backpack, witnesses said.
        called for emergency medical response.  severe gunshot wound while the other was  man with short black hair in his early 20s.  Anyone with any information about the
           According to reports, two men from  successful in disarming his attacker. The  He was wearing a black Adidas zip-up  incident is asked to call the Romulus
        Delaware had arranged to meet at the   Delaware men made their way to the    hoodie, blue/purple Nike sweatpants and  Police Department at (734) 941-8400.
        Cemetery committee is named

           Members of the Sumpter Township     Jared Belingham, a township resident.
        Board of Trustees unanimously            Armatis also presented a report to the
        approved four new members of the       board on recent progress at the cemetery
        cemetery commission during the July 25  including the purchase of flag holders for
        meeting.                               the graves of veterans for flags the town-
           Named to the commission charged     ship had already purchased. She said the
        with overseeing the repairs and renova-  township had recently sent in an applica-
        tion of the historic Martinsville Cemetery  tion to the state to have a historic marker
        in the township were Township Manager  installed at the cemetery but that
        Anthony Burdick, Finance Director Scott  approval process would take 10 to 12
        Holtz, Deputy Clerk Karen Armatis and  months.


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