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August 10, 2023                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                         CANTON - INKSTER
                                                         CANTON - INKSTER

        Chamber of Commerce office building to be sold

           The decision to sell the Canton  to build our own building within a                                                     shame to see it end this way. What
        Chamber of Commerce building   defined target area of Canton i.e.                        ”                                 about all of the people who spon-
        on Hanford Road has met with   between Ford and Warren and         No one donated money to build this structure so         sored the wall, and the brick
        some strong opinions on social  between Haggerty and roughly                                                               paver porch? All of the people
        media.                         Canton Center which at the time      that it could be liquidated to pay salaries or rent.   who have lifelong supporters. All
           One commenter, Mike Gerou,  was the heart of Canton's small                                                             of that goes away?”
        noted that the chamber has exist-  business community. The idea                                                              In the letter to members,
        ed since 1972 to promote local  was to get the building paid off in  ship has “dwindled to about 300  rent.                board members explained that
        business. He posted that he and  short order through some specific  members so the plan is to down-  “No one donated money to  the decision to sell the building
        his brother joined the chamber in  fundraising events to create a  size. Businesses cannot spend  build this structure so that it  was “not made lightly” but that
        1987 and that many of the pillars  permanent home in the commu-  more than their revenue and con-  could be liquidated to pay  they believed the move would
        of the community contributed   nity with low operating costs  tinue to exist. A non-profit organi-  salaries or rent. That money  “enable us to better allocate our
        their time, talent and treasures to  going forward. Unfortunately, that  zation formed to promote busi-  should be put in trust to promote  resources and fulfill our mission
        the organization.              never materialized.” Gerou post-  nesses in Canton should emulate  businesses and business activities  more effectively.” The board
           Chamber officials explained  ed on Facebook.               good business practices. Either  in the Canton Community. The  assured members that the sale
        the proposed sale of the 2,482   He added that while times    increase membership (revenues)  CCC should be providing fishing  and change of office location
        square foot building at 45525  have changed and perhaps cham-  or decrease expenses (salaries  poles for local business not buy-  would not alter the mission of the
        Hanford Road in an email to    bers of commerce are now less  and rent),” he posted.        ing fish dinners for its employ-  organization.
        members. “After careful consider-  relevant, membership is well  Gerou noted that while it may  ees,” Gerou posted.          “Our commitment to fostering
        ation and strategic planning, the  below half the peak membership.  be necessary and a good business  He suggested that members of  a vibrant business community
        board of directors has made the  “I would like to thank all of the  decision to sell the building, the  the community who agree with  remains steadfast and our utmost
        decision to put our current office  people who spent countless hours  sale of the building is a valuable  his position contact the members  focus,” the letter stated.
        building on the market for sale,  on the building committee   asses that exists “only because of  of the chamber board and   The letter assured chamber
        the email stated. “This move is  marching through the snow to  the hundreds of hours of volun-  express their opinion regarding  members that updates would be
        driven by our unwavering dedica-  explore potential locations, make  teer time and thousands of dol-  the use of any funding generated  forthcoming regarding the pro-
        tion to enhance our services and  a selection, buy the land and then  lars of donations by generous  from the sale of the building.  posed sale and transition to a new
        support for our valued members  get the building built as well as all  members from year's gone by.”  One commenter, identified as  location, “ensuring that our serv-
        and the broader community we   of the generous donors to this   He suggested that none of the  Bartley J. Patterson, agreed with  ices remain accessible and effi-
        serve”.                        project. It was a worthy effort,”  funds generated from the sale be  Gerou. He posted, “Too many  cient.”
           Gerou noted in one Facebook  his post continued.           spent on operational expenses of  people worked like dogs and built  More information is available
        post that “The original plan was  He said the chamber member-  the chamber, such as salaries and  something very unique. It's a  at
        County Porch Repair project seeks qualified homes

           A program of the Wayne                                     gram can complete an online
        County Land Bank to enroll                 ”                  application               at
        Inkster residents in a porch                        
        repair program is still under        The project cost         m/.../05/NEP8-Application.pdf.
        way.                                     is not to            The application can be emailed
           The program is accepting                                   or mailed back to the land bank
        applications from residents in      exceed $10,000 .          as soon as possible. Applications
        the area between Michigan                                     will be reviewed on a first come,
        Avenue and Annapolis Road and                                 first served basis, officials said.
        between Middlebelt Road and                                   Incomplete applications will not
        Inkster Road is being funded by                               be considered. Email the appli-
        the county and the Michigan    family homes that are in good  cation                    to
        State Housing Development      standing with property tax and or
        Authority. The program will pro-  mortgage payments. The project  mail to Wayne County Land
        vide repairs to the front of quali-  cost is not to exceed $10,000 and  Bank, 500 Griswold, Suite 2800,
        fying homes, including but not  the property owner must agree  Detroit, Mi 48226.
        limited to roofing, steps and rail-  to live in the home for five years  For more information, contact
        ings. The porch repair program  following the repairs.        Joe Russel at the email address
        is for owner-occupied, single-   Those interested in the pro-  above or phone (313) 967-0031.
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