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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            August 5, 2021

                                                    SUMPTER - WESTLAND
                                                    SUMPTER - WESTLAND

        County Commissioner urges municipal service contracts

           Wayne County Commissioner   of the board authorized cutting                           ”                                 a loss of life.”
        Al Haidous told Sumpter        of the weeds and brush by town-            Haidous said he had been pushing                    Haidous repeatedly empha-
        Township officials that after  ship department of public works                                                             sized that he felt the solution to
        exhausting other resources, he  employees in response to the             for such an arrangement since 2019                the hazard presented by the
        was hoping to schedule a meet-  complaints, but were adamant            with little or no success or response...           high weeds was a contract
        ing with Wayne County          that this was the responsibility                                                            between the municipality and
        Executive Warren Evans regard-  of the county.                                                                             the county and that he intended
        ing services in the area.        Haidous, who represents the                                                               “to keep the pressure on.”
           Haidous attended the most   largest county commission dis-  weed cutting and some general  county levels. He said that for  Haidous admitted that the
        recent meeting of the Sumpter  trict, agreed and said he felt it  forestry maintenance services to  the first time, due primarily to  county officials “have not been
        Township Board of Trustees in  was a serious problem and that  the local municipality. The local  the lack of staffing, the county  too responsive” to his continued
        response to numerous com-      the county “needs to do a lot of  municipal employees per-   forestry department had recent-  complaints, requests for service
        plaints regarding unkempt      things they are not doing.”    formed the work and the coun-  ly agreed to use an outside con-  and suggestion for municipal
        drainage ditches and high        He said that the lack of serv-  try then reimbursed the commu-  tractor for some work.    contracts. “They even told me
        weeds and brush in the area.   ice in the township, particularly  nity for the service at a rate  Trustee Tim Rush said the  there would be somebody here
        Residents had complained to    with high weeds presenting a   specified in a formal contract.  problem is not only the high  tonight,” he told the board
        members of the board about the  traffic hazard and impeding visi-  Haidous said he had been  weeds but several situations  trustees.
        serious safety threat high weeds  bility, had been ongoing for sev-  pushing for such an arrange-  where dead tree branches,  “Maybe your guy got lost in
        caused as visibility was blocked  eral years and that in response  ment since 2019 with little or no  eaten by carpenter ants or other  the weeds on the way here,” sug-
        at several intersections.  Fire  he and members of a county   success or response from county  insects, hang over the roads in  gested Trustee Matt Oddy.
        department officials had also  committee had reviewed service  administration.  He told the offi-  the township.             Haidous said that he will con-
        expressed concern about fire   plans across the country. He said  cials and audience members at  “I call them the widow mak-  tinue to be the “squeaky wheel”
        hydrants being blocked by high  that the best and most efficient  the July 27 meeting that his  ers. They would wipe out a car  regarding the issue and promote
        weeds.                         plan they found was in Texas   repeated suggestions had been  in rain storm. It is only a matter  the municipal contract idea. “I
           Earlier this month, members  where the county contracted the  met with resistance at some  of time,” he said, “before there is  need to go to the top,” he said.
        BBQ                                                                                            Mosquito control program OK’d

                                                                                                         Outdoor life in Westland   mosquito larvae in standing
        FROM PAGE 1
                                                                                                       should become far more       water before hatching.
        11 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 6 and the                                                              pleasant soon.                 Briquettes will also be
        Family Fun Time from  2 until 4                                                                  Officials in the city have  available to homeowners asso-
        p.m. Saturday,  Aug. 7. General                                                                declared war on the invading  ciations, residents with ponds
        admission Saturday begins at 4                                                                 horde of mosquitoes that have  and other potential breeding
        p.m. and the event will close at 11                                                            been plaguing residents      grounds for the biting insects.
        p.m.                                                                                           recently. The recent heavy      "The City of Westland is
           Parking for Blues, Brews and                                                                rainfall has provided an ideal  committed to keeping our res-
        BBQ will be free this year at                                                                  breeding spot for mosquito   idents healthy and safe. With
        Thomas H. Brown Central City                                                                   larvae in the 7,300 catch    the recent influx of rain in our
        Park, with overflow parking at                                                                 basins in the city and resi-  community, taking action
        John Glenn High School, the                                                                    dents are feeling the 'bite' as  against mosquitoes will help
        Friendship Senior Center, and                                                                  they attempt any outdoor     each     resident     enjoy
        William D. Ford Career Technical                                                               activities, officials said.  Michigan's summers and the
        Center as well. Free shuttle buses                                                               In response to numerous    amenities offered by our city,"
        will be provided from the three                                                                complaint calls, the city    said Mayor William R. Wild.
        overflow parking locations from 6                                                              received approval from the     Officials said the type of lar-
        until 11:30 p.m. Friday and from 5                                                             Michigan Department of       vaeside being used will not
        until 11:30 p.m. Saturday.                                                                     Environment, Great Lakes     harm the surface water quali-
           More information is available at                                                            and Energy (EGLE) to take    ty and is meant to dissolve                                                             proactive measure using G30  almost immediately.
        /Westland-Blues-Brews-and-                                                                     Spinsad Briquettes in the      It is, officials said, a natural
        Barbecue along with a complete                                                                 catch basins. The comprehen-  substance made by bacteria
        list of the sponsors who made the                                                              sive mosquito abatement pro-  that is usually toxic to insects
        event possible.                                                                Thornetta Davis   gram is designed to eliminate  but environmentally safe.
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