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Safety first
Rotary Club Chicken Barbecue will
include multiple health precautions
Preparation of the traditional beloved club usually sells about 10,000 dinners.
chicken dinners at the Plymouth Rotary “I cannot stress strongly enough the
Club Chicken Barbecue this year will community impact of this event,” Bunt
include something new, along with the said, “especially on the volunteer groups.”
“secret seasoning” and genuine charcoal He explained that a great deal of the
grills. money generated from the all-volunteer
This year, all COVID safety protocols barbeque goes as direct funding to local
will also be in place, explained Brandon projects and public services in the com-
Bunt, chairman of the Rotary Club munity. The Rotary Club is also very
Chicken Barbeque Committee. Actually, involved in funding local literacy projects
Bunt rose through the ranks of the com- and this year provided a great deal of the barbeque dinners, cleaning the corn off the huge charcoal grilling pits behind
mittee to become chairman last year, but funding to help offset the impact of COVID on the cob, packaging the meals and a The Gathering at 11 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 12,
the pandemic canceled the barbecue for on community services. multitude of other necessary jobs. All vol- include a half a barbequed chicken, using
only the second time since the event “Our biggest impact is the funding of unteers will adhere strictly to health safe- the famous secret seasoning, corn on the
began in 1956, moving the committee education for students to attend college ty protocols, Bunt stressed. The Rotary cob, a roll with butter, a bottle of water and
assignments forward a year. and vocational schools,” Bunt said. “That Club donates generously to the clubs in a cookie. The club will, as usual, fill
“Our big thing is to stress public confi- takes a huge chunk of the money.” return for the students' hard work during Kellogg Park with picnic tables for those
dence,” Bunt said. “We will be doing Every chicken barbeque chairman the day-long event. who want to enjoy the Sunday chicken
health screenings and temperature agrees that the event could not happen Bunt said he expected there to be the dinners in the sunshine.
checks of everyone participating in food without the work of the teens and their same number of dinners available for sale Take out dinners will be sold at West
preparation. We want people to feel safe.” advisors from local schools. at the regular $14 price although discount- Middle School and tickets will be avail-
Bunt stressed the importance of the Volunteer students from the high ed pre-sale tickets are available from able at the Rotary Ticket Booths along
event to the entire community, as this is school athletic teams and various clubs Rotary Club members for $12 until Aug. Main Street during Fall Festival weekend,
the major fundraiser each year and the actively participate in the preparation of 16. The dinners, which will begin to come Sept. 10, 11 and 12.
Repairs to Harvey Street are OK’d
Just in time for the streets of permanent easements, approval
downtown Plymouth to fill with of the construction contract with
thousands of visitors for the Fall Pro-Line Asphalt, and the
Festival, construction on Harvey approval of new mast arms and
Street has been scheduled. pedestrian signals at both Ann
Plymouth City Commission Arbor Trail and Penniman. The
member during their regular project is expected to begin in
meeting last week, approved sev- August although the mast arms
eral contracts for the 2021 and new pedestrian signals
Harvey Street construction proj- aren't expected to be installed
ect. until spring of 2022 due to supply
The planned construction will chain issues, according to offi-
close Harvey Street between Ann cials .
Arbor Trail and Penniman. Construction teams plan to
The project will include new meet with residents and busi-
water mains, new sanitary sew- nesses near the construction site
It’s official ers, new storm sewers and a new during the next weeks to present
Mayor Leroy Burcroff, left, and Romulus Police Chief Robert Pfannes, far right, officially welcome roadway surface. the scope of the project and dis-
new police officer James Paquette to the Romulus force. Paquette, 23, took his official police offi- Also among the approvals by cuss the impact of the closure of
cer oath July 12. He is a Ferris State University graduate and a downriver native. commissioners was the authori- Harvey Street may or may not
zation of several temporary and affect particular businesses.