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August 5, 2021                                                 ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Flying high

        Eagle Scout builds new canine

        agility course in township park

           Northville Township teen Jonathon   with Rebel, his Golden Retriever.
        Barringer's Eagle Scout project went to the  This course is housed in the back of the
        dogs.                                  large dogs' section of Marv Gans
           Barringer organized, raised funds,  Community Park, where there was space
        recruited assistance and built a six-obsta-  to accommodate the layout.
        cle agility course at the Northville     The obstacles include: a pause table,
        Township Dog Park at Marv Gans         where a pooch waits to start and finish a
        Community Park that allows both dogs and  course; a hoop, in two sizes, for both small
        their “best friends” exercise while bond-  and bigger dogs to jump through; a dog
        ing.                                   walk (ramp) used to teach a dog to refrain  Boy Scout Jonathon Barringer and his dog, Rebel, enjoy the Dog Agility Course he
                                                                                     designed and built at Marv Gans Community Park as his Eagle Scout project.
           Barringer, a University of Detroit Jesuit  from jumping off early; two bar jumps,
        High School student in Boy Scout Troop  made out of PVC pipe, each has four differ-
        755, hosted a grand opening of the course  ent heights; weave poles, six flexible poles
        last week. He recruited dog trainer Elly  to weave through and a tunnel, a one-way
        Price to teach mini-agility dog training  obstacle a dog must go all the way through.
        classes to introduce canines and the own-  Barringer designed the course focusing
        ers to the equipment and to learn some  on quality and longevity. It cost $5,000 to
        basic commands.                        build.
           Agility is a growing dog sport in the  To raise money for the construction of
        United States. The American Kennel Club  the obstacle course, Barringer collected
        (AKC) reports more than one million    and cashed in refundable bottles, picked
        entries to the AKC Agility program each  up dog waste for donating customers, start-
        year.                                  ed a GoFundMe campaign and secured
           With the help of the owner, a dog races  $2,500 in business sponsorships.
        against the clock while navigating an    “Jonathon worked very hard and did a
        obstacle course by using cues and body  great job on the agility course,” said  The Dog Agility Course includes multiple training obstacles including hoops, ramps, a
        language of the owner for direction and  Northville Parks and Recreation Director  tunnel and weaving poles.
        guidance.                              Mark Gasche. “We expect it will be a popu-  cent of Scouts achieve this rank. During  “I'm happy how it turned out.”
           All breeds and all sizes can partake in  lar addition to our dog park, as we have  the project, Barringer demonstrated lead-  The Marv Gans Community Park Dog
        agility.                               observed many of the members already  ership and organizational skills while per-  Park is off Five Mile Road, west of Beck
           “I got the idea for this as my Eagle  working with their dogs on the course.”  forming a project for the benefit of their  Road. It is open from 7 a.m. until 9 p.m.
        Project after I took my dog to an agility  An Eagle Project is a requirement to get  community,  Scouting officials said.   daily. To become a dog park member, visit
        course that was far away,” said Barringer,  the Eagle Scout designation, the highest  “I was 16 when I started this project and
        17. He wanted something closer to work  rank in the Boy Scout program. Only 4 per-  it took six months to build,” Barringer said.  _facilities/parks/dog_park.
        Six Mile Road bridge closed during I-275 reconstruction

           Construction barrels are      The I-275 exit and entrance  Will Carlton Road in Wayne                      Road, is on hold pending some
        already in place in the        ramps will remain open. Some   County in six phases over four   Separately, Wayne County is  necessary surface treatment on
        Northville area.               lanes on 275 may close inter-  years.                        resurfacing Seven Mile Road    the bridge over Johnson Creek.
           The Michigan Department of  mittently during off-peak hours  The Five Mile bridge repair  from Beck to Clement roads    Once that bridge work is com-
        Transportation (MDOT) closed   for the bridge project.        was delayed until 2022, so the  and Northville Road between  pleted, the Wayne County road
        the Six Mile Road bridge over I-  The bridge closure is part of  timeline on the Six Mile bridge  Seven Mile Road and Johnson  crew will return to resurface
        275 last week for repairs which  Revive 275, a project to repair  project was moved up.     Street.                        the remaining half mile.
        will continue approximately    and rebuild 24 miles of I-275    For more information on        Beck Road, the section from   The exact timeline is
        eight weeks.                   between Six Mile Road and      Revive 275, visit https://revive  Curtis Road, south to Six Mile  unknown.
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