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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            August 5, 2021

                                                           INKSTER - WAYNE
                                                           INKSTER - WAYNE

        Learn to earn

        Wayne Champions program receives

        $500,000 funding endowment pledge

           Wayne Memorial High School students  Wayne County which last year served
        can continue to compete for cash based on  16,000 children and adults. The program
        improving their grades.                offers early childhood and mental health
           The Champions of Wayne program, an  support among a vast array of other servic-
        educational incentive program established  es as part of the 25 programs operated by
        at Wayne Memorial High School in 2008,  the agency throughout Wayne County.
        has received a pledge of $550,000 from the  The champions program, open to all stu-
        Helppie Family Charitable Foundation.  dents at Wayne Memorial High School, con-
        The grant, to be delivered over five years, is  tinues unchanged as originally developed
        designed to be the sustaining financial  and maintains the champions name.  The
        base for the champions program at the  Guidance Center  will seek additional and
        school.  Helppie Foundation co-founders  new funders to achieve the goals of the pro-
        Richard and Leslie Helppie have been the  gram and enhance student impact.
        primary sponsors of the champions pro-   From its inception in 2008 with a small  Richard Helppie, at left, of the Helppie Family Charitable Foundation and one of the
        gram since 2009 and have contributed   number of student champions (the student  Wayne Memorial High School 'Champions' along with Lisa Styers of Arrow Cares, Kari
        more than $1.3 million to the grade-   participants are referred to as champions)  D. Walker, president and CEO of The Guidance Center and Dr. James Anderson princi-
                                                                                     pal of Wayne Memorial High School celebrate the new endowment outside Wayne
        enhancement opportunity.  Students sign a  the program has grown significantly, reach-  Memorial High School.
        contract to make a specific grade point  ing 600 students and 130 mentors in some
        improvement and choose a mentor to help  semesters. Academic improvements are  Wayne Memorial High School and work to  and continued success.” Dr. James
        them achieve their goal. When they make  seen in 65 percent of the champions.  expand the effective program to other  Anderson, principal of Wayne Memorial
        their goal, the program pays them $200 in  Champions who successfully achieve their  school districts in Wayne County,”  High School, added.
        cash as a reward for their improved grades.  goals for a semester receive their $200  explained The Guidance Center President  Richard Helppie, co-founder of the
           Champions also has received a commit-  incentive and are celebrated at an awards  and CEO Kari Walker who has been serv-  Helppie Family Charitable Foundation
        ment from Jeff and Lisa Styers, adding  banquet.  At the end of each semester stu-  ing as board chair for Champions of Wayne.  was enthusiastic about the new venture.
        another $50,000 to their support as found-  dents look forward to the awards and  Walker is an alumnus of Wayne Memorial  “Champions of Wayne has had a materi-
        ing donors.                            recognitions banquet that includes inspira-  High School.                   al positive impact on both individual stu-
           Simultaneous with the grant from the  tional speakers, shared success stories, and  “Since coming to Wayne Memorial in  dents and the learning culture at Wayne
        Helppie Foundation, champions has      individual recognition. To date the pro-  2019, I have seen firsthand how Champions  Memorial. Leslie and I have long sought a
        announced that  the program operations  gram has provided more than $600,000 in  of Wayne impacts students' lives in positive  way to give champions a pathway to perpe-
        will combine with The Guidance Center  awards at banquet celebrations to the stu-  ways.  This partnership between  tuity. By combining with the outstanding
        (TGC). TGC, established in 1958, is one of  dent champions.                  Champions of Wayne and The Guidance   management of TGC, we believe that the
        the premier non-profit organizations in  “The goal is to serve all students at  Center solidifies the future of the program  program's future is very bright.”
        Free Comcast wi-fi ‘Lift Zone’ is now open in Inkster

           The first wi-fi connected “Lift Zone” is  “We believe the Lift Zone will not only
        now open in Inkster.                   provide access to a necessary and essen-                                 ”
           The service, provided by Comcast,   tial service, but also it will empower our               We are quickly working to ensure the
        offers free robust WiFi in safe spaces  community,” said Kristin Burney, interim
        designed to help students access the inter-  executive director of New Step                      children in our community have the
        net, participate in distance learning and  Community Development. “We are quickly                 programming and the safe space
        do homework, especially in areas where  working to ensure the children in our
        there is a significant digital divide. Low-  community have the programming and                        to help them succeed.
        income students face a great risk of being  the safe space to help them succeed.”
        left behind, particularly during the sum-  In March, Comcast announced it will
        mer months while school is out, Comcast  invest $1 billion nationally over the next  New Step Community Development will  nect to the Internet have access to these
        officials noted and these Lift Zones are  10 years to help further close the digital  help those families who are unable to con-  life-changing opportunities.”
        designed to help those students who, for a  divide and give even more low-income
        variety of reasons, are unable to connect  Americans the tools and resources they
        to the internet at home.               need to succeed in an increasingly digital
           Lift Zones also serve adults and can  world.
        connect them to online education, job    The Comcast $1 billion commitment
        searches, healthcare information and pub-  includes investments in several critical
        lic assistance. These sites offer access to  areas, including: additional support for
        hundreds of hours of digital skills content  the ongoing Lift Zone initiative; new lap-
        to help families and site coordinators nav-  top and computer donations; grants for
        igate online learning, officials explained.  nonprofit community organizations to cre-
           The Lift Zone in Inkster is a partner-  ate opportunities for low-income
        ship with New Step Community           Americans, particularly in media, technol-
        Development and Inkster Housing        ogy and entrepreneurship and continued
        Commission, along with Comcast. A grand  investment in the landmark Internet
        opening of the new facility took place last  Essentials program. It is estimated that
        week at 29150 Carlysle St. in Inkster.  these new commitments will impact as
           “This is a fantastic and critical partner-  many as 50 million Americans over the
        ship,” said Aaron Cooper, executive direc-  next 10 years. In 2021 alone, Comcast esti-
        tor of the Inkster Housing Commission.  mates students will be able to complete
        “The ability for such an established com-  more than 25 million hours of remote
        pany, like Comcast, to invest in the com-  learning lessons to further address the
        munities with the most need is very    “homework gap” at the hundreds of Lift
        important - especially in the arena of low-  Zone locations that have already opened
        income, affordable housing. Our residents  or will open soon.
        have been the most disconnected, and the  “A connection to the Internet is impor-
        pandemic made this even more evident as  tant to every family, whether they are
        so many of our families were dispropor-  learning from home, applying for jobs or
        tionately affected.” Cooper said that dur-  scheduling medical appointments,” said
        ing the grand opening, residents were  Tim Collins, senior vice president of
        shown how the Lift Zone can help them  Comcast in Michigan. “Our partnership
        get connected online.                  with the Inkster Housing Commission and


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