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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             July 20, 2023

                                                     ROMULUS - SUMPTER
                                                     ROMULUS - SUMPTER

        Board OKs $250,000 for remodeling of cemetery

           The “quality of afterlife” will  pected increases in cost and the                                                       the number of drivers using the
        improve     at   Martinsville  anticipated rise in pricing for the                       ”                                 driveways to turn their vehicles
        Cemetery in Sumpter Township.  planned work. He added that                                                                 around.
           Members of the board of     state is being “aggressive” with       Oddy commented that he was concerned                   Burdick agreed that the situa-
        trustees agreed at the July 11  timelines for the proposed use of     with the “quality of afterlife” at the cemetery.     tion needed attention and noted
        meeting to use up to $250,000 of  the federal funding which is                                                             that when visitors find the ceme-
        the expected American Rescue   being administered by state offi-                                                           tery gates locked, they use pri-
        Plan Act (ARPA) funding to make  cials.                                                                                    vate driveways to turn around
        improvements at the Willis Court  Trustee Matt Oddy said he   anticipated ARPA funding.        Oddy commented that he was  because of the configuration of
        facility.                      would be more comfortable in     In response to questions,   concerned with the “quality of  the road into the cemetery, a situ-
           Township Manager Anthony    approving the use of funds if  Burdick explained that the    afterlife” at the cemetery for  ation the proposed improvement
        Burdick brought the proposal to  exact costs were included.   ARPA regulations require that  those buried at the site and their  plan would hopefully correct.
        the board members noting that  Financial Manager Scott Holtz  the funding must be used “for the  families.  He said currently, with  In the excused absence of
        the cost of the planned improve-  assured the board members that  public good.”             the traffic patterns and access to  Trustee Don LaPorte, the
        ments and repairs were estimat-  if the allocated funding was not  He added that the next proj-  the cemetery, residents with  trustees approved designating
        ed at $150,00 to $180,000 and that  spent, it could be transferred to  ect under consideration for use  homes nearby have installed  the funding for cemetery
        he had used the $250,000 number  another project. He noted that  of the federal funding would be  chains across their driveways to  improvements by unanimous
        in an effort to offset any unex-  this was only a portion of the  the township parks.       ensure privacy and safety due to  vote.
                                                                                     Community Bike Ride is Saturday

                                                                                        The Fifth Annual Community Bike Ride  from 2 until 5 p.m. July 29. Riders of all ages
                                                                                     is set for Saturday throughout the City of  are welcome but children should be accom-
                                                                                     Romulus.                              panied by an adult rider, officials said.
                                                                                        The popular event is organized and host-  The event will begin and end at
                                                                                     ed by the Police and Community Together  Halecreek Elementary School located at
                                                                                     (PACT) organization; the day will include  16200 Harrison St. Riders can still register
                                                                                     food, entertainment and a 4-mile bike ride  for the event at

           Legal lunch

           As part of the Romulus Public Library Summer Reading Kickoff Carnival on
           June 13, winners in a drawing of "passport" tickets were invited to several visits
           with city officials. Prize winner Haley won lunch with the police chief, and last
           week she and her dad, Dave, enjoyed McDonald's with Chief Robert Pfannes.
           They were also treated to a tour of the police department as part of the prize.
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