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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             July 20, 2023


        City council OKs design work for roundabout

           Members of the Northville   preliminary design and engi-   Northville, developer of the  Program, a new federal program  will be scheduled during the
        City Council approved prelimi-  neering work for the traffic con-  Downs property, as part of the  to provide funding for projects  design process. Officials said
        nary design work for a round-  figuration. The $150,000 fee will  development agreement in  and strategies that reduce car-  Wayne County, owner of the
        about at Seven Mile and South  be paid from the city Major    progress.                     bon dioxide emissions from on-  roads, is also involved and sup-
        Center.                        Streets Fund, following approval  The engineering design work  road vehicles.               portive of a roundabout.
           During a recent meeting,    of a budget amendment to fund  is needed to secure grants, start-  Data from both new and exist-  Officials said the roundabout
        council members authorized a   the cost. Officials said a reim-  ing with a $1.5 million grant from  ing traffic impact studies will be  was the first step toward improv-
        contract for professional services  bursement for the cost would be  SEMCOG, officials explained, as  incorporated into the plans, and  ing an underperforming intersec-
        with OHM Advisors to provide   requested from  Hunter Pasteur  part of the Carbon Reduction  public informational meetings  tion and a gateway to the city.
        Coffee with the Council

        prompts traffic questions

           The second Coffee with Council event  making some good changes in regard to
        in the City of Northville July 15 drew  adding new stop signs and pedestrian
        about 10 residents to discuss a range of  crossings but said government moves
        topics with council members Marilyn    slowly with more to be done.
        Price and John Carter along with City    Northville resident Nancy Chirri said
        Manager George Lahanas. Special guest  she wants the city to collect data from
        U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Dingell      homeowners on whether the downtown
        attended later in the meeting, noting she  streets should be open or closed to traffic
        was there to listen.                   since residents are largely impacted by it.  Northville City Manager George Lahanas, left, Congresswoman Debbie Dingell,
           One of the chief concerns of residents  Carter said he wants to see data on how  Marilyn Price and John Carter gather for a group photo following the July 15 Coffee
        was the effects of the closure of sections  the traffic patterns have changed since  With Council event. Photo by Liz Cezat
        of Main and N. Center. Jeff Snyder, a resi-  the downtown streets were closed.
        dent of Beal Town, said wayfinding apps  Lahanas said the Downtown             Several citizens mentioned the need  responded that he tends to hear more
        are directing people through his neigh-  Development Authority is a great avenue  for the city to attract residents of all  from residents with young families
        borhood and along River Street, which  for business owners to weigh in on how  demographics. Some felt that council  because they are a similar age and in a
        has been much busier, especially during  their businesses are doing with the street  members were more focused on attract-  similar place in life but he proactively
        morning and evening rush hour. Andrew  closures. There are plans to host a busi-  ing younger families as residents than  works to make sure that the council mem-
        Daily, a downtown resident and real    ness forum in the near future to gain  any other age group due to statements  bers are getting feedback from all resi-
        estate developer, noted that the city is  more insight, he told the audience.  made at council meetings. Carter    dents.
                                                                                     Fire hydrants being repainted

           On the

           record                                                                       Northville Township Department of  ers, according to fire officials who warned

           Northville Township Records                                               Public Works employees have been      residents of the danger of decorating or
                                                                                     repainting and inspecting township fire
                                                                                                                           repainting hydrants in their neighbor-
           Clerk Melissa Sullivan has                                                hydrants to ensure their optimal function-  hoods.
           been selected to serve on                                                 ality.                                   The distinctive appearance of the
           the board of trustees for the
           Law Enforcement Records                                                      The bright red paint is designed to  hydrants is necessary for efficient emer-
           Management       Agency                                                   facilitate swift identification by firefight-  gency response, they said.
           (LERMA). With more than 25
           years of membership,                                                         To subscribe to The Eagle visit
           Northville Township has
           benefited from LERMA
           efforts to enhance knowl-
           edge and efficiency among
           law enforcement agencies,
           police officials said. The
           agency provides a platform
           for records clerks across the
           state to discuss common
           issues and find solutions
           together, they explained.
           Sullivan, a recognized
           expert in records manage-
           ment, will  represent
           Northville Township with the


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