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July 20, 2023                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        Veteran police officer retires from department

           Canton Township Police Ofc.  longest standing members and                                department's younger police
        Erik Kaledas has retired from the  team leader of the prestigious         ”                 force. On the personal side, co-
        department.                    department Honor Guard Unit          Erik has forged         workers will miss his ever-pres-
           Kaledas began his 25-year   responsible for posting of the col-                          ent smile and sense of humor,”
        career in law enforcement in   ors at various ceremonial events.         a path             noted his fellow officers.
        1998, after serving in the 1776th  While Kaledas was respected       of excelling ...          “Detective Kaledas embodies
        Military Police Company of the  among his peers and supervisors                             unwavering determination and
        Michigan Army National Guard.  for providing consistently solid                             has achieved remarkable feats
        As a road patrol officer, Kaledas  police work as a patrol officer, he                      throughout his tenure as a police
        responded to calls for service,  thrived as an investigator in the  Kaledas joined the U.S. Coast  officer and detective. Possessing
        provided traffic enforcement,  Detective Bureau where he spent  Guard Reserve Investigative  an unyielding dedication to jus-
        conducted criminal investiga-  10 of his last 12 years of service,  Services in 2016. This augmented  tice and a profound sense of
        tions and responded to emer-   officials said. “Kaledas possessed  experience enhanced his skills in  responsibility, Erik has forged a
        gency situations throughout the  a passion for thoroughly investi-  his current position within the  path of excelling as an investiga-
        community, officials said.     gating crimes and preparing    police department, according to  tor while dutifully serving as a
           In addition to his patrol duties,  felony cases for prosecution. His  officials.         reservist in our nation's military.
        Kaledas participated in many   tenacity, attention to detail, and  “Erik's knowledge and input  He has balanced the demands of
        special units including Explorer  innate ability to read people and  as a senior officer has been val-  serving our community and        Ofc. Eric Keledas
        Advisor, Evidence Technician,  situations contributed to his suc-  ued by those who have had the  defending our country. His excep-
        Bicycle Unit, Range and Rifle  cess as an effective investigator  pleasure to work with him. His  tional service demonstrates a  thank Detective Kaledas for his
        Instructor, Field Training Officer,  and lead detective within the  passion for law enforcement  rare combination of commitment  service and say goodbye knowing
        and the Search Warrant Team.   division,” according to an official  excellence has made him a high-  and bravery, earning the admira-  his absence will be deeply felt,”
        Kaledas was also one of the    statement from the department.  ly-regarded role model for the  tion and respect of many. We  said Police Chief Chad Baugh.
        Internet survey by Canton Leisure Services is now online

           Speeds in Canton Township are being
        carefully checked, but no tickets will be
        issued and the response is strictly volun-
           Officials said that as broadband
        Internet becomes a more essential and
        crucial service for those who live, learn
        and work in Canton, expansion availabili-
        ty may become necessary. In some areas
        of Wayne County, reliable high-speed
        Internet is not available, they said, and in
        an effort to bridge this digital divide,
        Canton and county representatives need a
        more accurate picture of the reliability of
        the internet and which properties do not
        have the essential internet services.
           By completing a five-minute survey
        available at
        county-broadband, officials can compile
        accurate data regarding which properties
        have reliable and affordable Internet
        access, if access is available. Those taking
        the survey on a smart phone or wireless
        device at home or at a Canton business
        location, and access to wireless Internet is
        available, should be sure their device is
        using the Wi-Fi connection while taking  Any information submitted will not be
        this survey.                           sold, but may be used in planning to verify
           Information gathered will only be used  and expand access opportunities with
        to support broadband Internet expansion  government and local partners. While
        efforts and will aid in seeking grant fund-  each participant may not have all the nec-
        ing to increase reliable broadband avail-  essary information to answer each ques-
        ability in the Wayne, Oakland and      tion on the survey, officials ask respon-
        Macomb County areas, officials said.   dents to answer as much as possible.

         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing of the Sumpter Township Planning Commission is being held at the Sumpter
         Township Hall, on Thursday, August 10, 2023, at 6:00 pm regarding the pond ordinance amendment, Section 6.39.
         A full text of the aforementioned adopted ordinance amendments may be examined at the Sumpter Township Offices, located at
         23480 Sumpter Road, Belleville, MI 48111, by interested persons, during office hours, weekdays, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30
         Esther Hurst
         Township Clerk
         Published: July 27, 2023                                     ST0161 - 07 27 23   2.5 x 1.283

                                    INVITATION TO BID
                                    SUMPTER TOWNSHIP
                                 WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN
                                  MARTINSVILLE CEMETERY
                                 43057 Willis Ct, Belleville, MI 48111
                             The Township of Sumpter is accepting sealed bids for the
                                  Martinsville Cemetery Fencing & Gates
                                in Sumpter Township, Wayne County, Michigan
         Sumpter Township will only accept and entertain sealed bids submitted on or before;
                                     Monday, August 28th, 2023
                                           2:00 pm
         Sealed bids will be received by:
                                        The Clerk’s Office
                                        Sumpter Township
                                        23480 Sumpter Rd.
                                        Belleville, MI 48111
         Bids shall be publicly opened and read on:
                                     Monday, August 28th, 2023
                                           3:00 pm
                                    Sumpter Township Board Room
                                       23480 Sumpter Rd.
                                       Belleville, MI 48111
         QUOTED PRICE MUST BE  TO  THE SPECIFICATIONS.  Specifications for this opportunity may be obtained at the
         Sumpter Township Clerk’s Office (address above) between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday or by
         visiting the Township WebSite at
         Please call Sumpter Township, Clerk’s Office at (734) 461-6201 if you require additional information.
         Esther Hurst, Clerk
         Published: The Eagle – July 27th, 2023
         Posted:: (Township Bulletin Boards, Township WebSite) July 19th, 2023  ST0160 - 07 27 23   2.5 x 4.616
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