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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            June 24, 2021

                                                         ROMULUS - WAYNE
                                                         ROMULUS - WAYNE

        Performance of police, fire department earns praise

           Residents, neighboring com-  she told the council members                                                               that their work doesn't go unno-
        munity officials and city council  and mayor. “He was phenome-                           ”                                 ticed,” she said.
        members took the opportunity to  nal,” she said. “When the Metro            It is highly reassuring to know                  Council members agreed,
        commend both the Romulus Fire  Airport crew arrived, they had         our community can count on professional              commenting that the fire depart-
        Department      and   Police   the fire under control in min-                                                              ment was just recently awarded
        Department at a meeting earlier  utes,” she said.                   assistance from our neighboring communities.           licensing as an Advanced Life
        this month.                      Her comments followed                                                                     Support agency, a long-time goal
           During the public comment   remarks of Mayor Pro tem John                                                               of the city.
        portion of the meeting June 14, a  Barden who told the council that  “It is highly reassuring to  “Kudos for the expert han-  Mayor LeRoy Burcroff said
        resident of Gloria Street in the  he had received a letter from Van  know our community can count  dling of this situation. Your offi-  that he felt the city public safety
        city addressed members of the  Buren Township Supervisor      on professional assistance from  cers deserve a pat on the back,”  department was due the acco-
        city council regarding a fire  Kevin McNamara about the per-  our neighboring communities,”  he said. “This is the best, most  lades and that they were “out
        which took place near her home.  formance of the Romulus Fire  he said.                     professional response I have   there, doing the job every day”
        She explained that because of a  Department in a recent emer-   Romulus police officers also  ever seen,” to a situation with a  despite the challenges of the pan-
        serious crash on I-94 at the same  gency situation.           received praise from an outside  special needs child, the letter  demic.
        time that day, when two small    “I wish to express my appreci-  agency for their handling of a  continued.                  “They do a phenomenal job,
        children were seriously injured,  ation to the City of Romulus Fire  May 17 situation when a 4-year-  City Councilwoman Tina  day-in and day-out,” Burcroff
        only a single firefighter was  Department for their willingness  old autistic child was found wan-  Talley said that the Romulus  said.
        available to respond to the scene.  to assist at the Harbour Club  dering, unaccompanied in the  Building Department should also  Both Burcroff and Krause sug-
           She said he arrived by himself  Apartment fire in our communi-  community. A representative of  be recognized for the recent shut  gested that the exemplary per-
        and fought the blaze alone while  ty,” McNamara said in the letter.  the Third Circuit Court wrote to  down of two illegal marijuana  formance of the public safety
        awaiting aide from the Metro   He said that the efforts of the  the city expressing his apprecia-  growing operations in the city,  department staff deserve recog-
        Airport and Westland fire depart-  Romulus firefighters were  tion and admiration for the man-  tracked down by an extreme use  nition  during  the  next
        ments.                         invaluable in efforts to save resi-  ner in which officers handled the  of electrical power.  Hometown Heroes event in the
           “He needs to be recognized,”  dents during the emergency.  incident.                        “We just need them to know  community.
        Special events                                                                                                           Fond farewell

        Free concerts mark city birthday                                                                                         Sgt. Brent Cahill retired from the
                                                                                                                                 Wayne Police Department last
                                                                                                                                 month and was honored with a
           While the official celebration of the 50th birthday of the city
        of Romulus was delayed one year due to the pandemic, city offi-                                                          small ceremony at police head-
                                                                                                                                 quarters. Cahill was a highly
        cials have announced a variety of upcoming free summer com-                                                              respected member of the Wayne
        munity events to help celebrate the half-century mark.                                                                   Police Department who, in addi-
           The events, all scheduled to take place in Historical Park                                                            tion to his rank as sergeant,
        include Juggler Tim from 5 until 8 p.m. tomorrow, July 2.                                                                served  as a field training ser-
           From 5 until 8 and on July 9, Mob Opera will entertain from 7                                                         geant, evidence technician,
        until 9:30 p.m.. Raya and the Last Dragon will be the Movie in                                                           background investigator, and
        the Park planned for July 16. The outdoor movie will begin at                                                            detective during his 12-year
        dusk.                                                                                                                    career with the department.
           On July 23, Infinity & Beyond will perform from 7 until 9:30                                                          Police Chief Ryan Strong praised
        p.m.                                                                                                                     Cahill's professionalism and ded-
                                                                                                                                 ication noting, "I've worked with
           Ventriloquist Richard Paul will perform from 5 until 8 p.m.                                                           Brent in several capacities over
        on Aug. 6 while D'Tour will entertain from 7 until 9:30 p.m. Aug.                                                        my career, and I have always
        13.                                                                                                                      been deeply impressed with his
           The Movie in the Park on Aug. 20 will be Tom & Jerry and                                                              strong work ethic, insistence on
        will begin at dusk.                                                                                                      doing the right thing every time,
           Tequila Mockingbird will perform in concert from 7 until                                                              and deep respect for his co-
        9:30 p.m. Aug. 27.                                                                                                       workers and the community he
           Historical Park is located at 11120 Hunt St. in Romulus.                                                              serves."
           For more information, visit Downtown Romulus on
        Facebook or call the Romulus Downtown Development
        Authority at (734) 942-7545.
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