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June 24, 2021                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                 NORTHVILLE - SUMPTER
                                                  NORTHVILLE - SUMPTER

        High grass deemed safety hazard by Sumpter trustees

           A solution to the safety haz-  located. He said that Van Buren                                                          department finds one fire
        ard posed by high weeds and    Township was having the same                              ”                                 hydrant, they “usually know
        grass interfering with traffic  situation according to Supervisor         We need to understand the totality               about where the next one is.”
        intersection visibility and obscur-  Kevin McNamara and there was           of what needs done. We need                      LaPorte suggested the possi-
        ing fire hydrants was discussed  little or no prospect of any                                                              bility of borrowing a tractor from
        by members of the Sumpter      shared services with Van Buren.               to know how much work it is.                  Wayne County and said he would
        Township Board of Trustees dur-  He explained that by the time                                                             reach out to pursue the possibili-
        ing their most recent study ses-  city employees cleaned the                                                               ty of utilizing a country tractor to
        sion.                          growth around all the hydrants,  Bowman suggested that the   the water department and note  help clear away the high grass
           Trustees agreed that the situa-  “it was time to start over again.”  township explore the possibility  the areas of concern.  and weeds.
        tion is a “safety issue” in the  LaPorte said that the community  of purchasing a tractor to per-  Bowman agreed and inquired  Bowman said he was also con-
        township.                      needs a management plan for    form the growth clearing from  about the possible use of chemi-  cerned about the current lack of
           Trustee Tim Rush noted that  grass cutting around the      the hydrants and at some road-  cal control of growth around the  accurate reporting from the
        the township was receiving no  hydrants and to ensure there is  way intersections where visibili-  hydrants.               water department and that offi-
        help from Wayne County in cut-  enough manpower to perform    ty is reduced by the high weeds.  Oddy responded that the    cials need a day-by-day schedule
        ting the growth as county depart-  the job. He said he did not feel  Trustee Matt Oddy agreed and  township had previously used a  and “accurate reports” of the
        ments are currently under-     that the township now has an   noted that some areas and     chemical growth inhibitor and  work being done on a daily basis.
        staffed.                       accurate prospectus of the work-  hydrants in the township need  “we got lambasted by citizens  He again suggested that the
           Trustee Don LaPorte remind-  ing hours the job would take.  cleared once a season and oth-  claiming the application was  township needed to purchase
        ed the members of the board that  “We need to understand the  ers, in different locations, need  toxic. There was a real negative  equipment to perform the main-
        there are currently 1,300 fire  totality of what needs done,” he  work several times. He suggested  connotation,” he said.    tenance.
        hydrants in the city and that the  said. “We need to know how  that the township advertise a   LaPorte, who acts as the town-  “Making decisions would be a
        fire department needs to know  much work it is.”              phone number on local cable   ship liaison to the fire depart-  lot easier if the equipment is in
        exactly where each of them is    Township Supervisor Tim      channel 12 so residents can call  ment, explained that when the  our possession,” he said.
        Local dentist will exhibit photos at Northville Art House

           An exhibit of photographs by  Northville Historical Society, has  100th
        local dentist and world traveler  been recognized throughout the  Anniversary of Flight. He has
        William S. Demray will be on dis-  community as well as featured on  journeyed to exotic and romantic
        play at the Northville Art House  an episode of a PBS series.  locations throughout the world
        from July 9 through 24.          Two years ago, he received the  experiencing once in a lifetime
           The exhibit is the premiere  Detroit District Dental Society  opportunities always with cam-
        exhibition in the Hometown     2019 Dentist Citizen of the Year  era in hand.
        Artist                         award for his outstanding com-   He has a passion for photogra-
           Series showcasing artists from  munity service and commitment  phy and said he is honored to be
        Northville and neighboring com-  to the health and welfare of his  exhibiting at Northville Art
        munities. Demray, a family den-  patients and community. In addi-  House.
        tist who has lived and worked in  tion, Demray has been recog-  Emotionally Yours opens at
        downtown Northville for more   nized as a Top Dentist in HOUR  the Northville Art House with the
        than 40 years, will share 50 photo-  Detroit magazine, Northville  launch of the new *Live @ 5*
        graphs taken on his journeys   Citizen of the Year in 2011, and  reception from 5 until 8 p.m.
        around the world.              awarded    the   Community     Friday, July 9 featuring a gallery
           Demray, a general family den-  Enrichment Award by American  talk by Demray at 6:30 pm.
        tist at Preservation Dental in  Association of University       Tickets cost $35 and include
        downtown Northville, received  Women(Novi/Northville Chapter)  appetizers by Northville Sports
        his bachelor of science degree  in 2012.                      Den, two drink vouchers, and live
        from Wayne State University and  Demray is also an accom-     music by world-class jazz musi-
        his doctor of dental surgery   plished certified private pilot and  cian Vincent York of Vincent York
        degree from the University of  holds several aviation records,  JAZZistry.
        Detroit. His support for nonprofit  including a national and interna-  Tickets can be purchased at
        organizations,     including   tional record-setting flight honor-  The Tri-Motor with Aviator Taylor B. McNeill (Aviation World Record
        Northville Art House and the   ing the Wright Brothers and the  t5.                          Holder)
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