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Changes to Plymouth Township tree ordinance proposed
A new tree ordinance in nance requires property owners
Plymouth Township may have ” to secure a permit to cut down
roots in the City of Plymouth, but There are currently thousands trees on their property. They
will need to be pruned to accom- claimed the ordinance was too
modate the needs of township of lawsuits against tree ordinances restrictive and violated their pri-
residents, according to of this kind going on right now. vacy rights.
Supervisor Kurt Heise. Duane Zantop claimed that
Heise, who brought the ordi- Are we prepared for more lawsuits? the city ordinance, if adopted,
nance provisions before the would be a violation of his “con-
township board of trustees dur- depending on your point of USA designation, something the stitutional rights.” He called the
ing a May 25 study session, view”and detailed ordinances City of Plymouth already enjoys. consideration of the ordinance
repeatedly stressed that the ordi- from a comparable community. He said that the township was outrageous and an intrusion.
nance was under discussion and He added that the city ordinance already complying with the regu- “There are currently thou-
that provisions would be tailored had already been thoroughly vet- lations required by the National sands of lawsuits against tree
to the needs of the township. The ted, allowing Bennett to alter and Arbor Day Association to be des- ordinances of this kind going on
current 74-year-old tree ordi- edit the ordinance as township ignated as a Tree City USA and right now. Are we prepared for
nance needs revamping, Heise officials found necessary. He that the township was already more lawsuits? Get the hell out of Supervisor Kurt Heise
said, and suggested that town- added that using the city ordi- planting and funding the mainte- my yard,” Zantop said.
ship attorney Kevin Bennett nance would also save the town- nance of trees in the township. Another resident said that he explained that this was a sugges-
could use the City of Plymouth ship time and money. “It's a start- “The designation would be a nice agreed with restrictions on busi- tion for a revamping of the ordi-
ordinance as a starting point for ing point,” he told the board of way to show current and future ness clear-cutting trees, the nance designed to in the best
updating the township rules. trustees. residents that we care about “bureaucratic monstrosity” of the interests of the township.
Heise said, during the meet- He also claimed that the even- trees,” he said.” ordinance would challenge the “Let me make this clear: I
ing, that the city ordinance was tual approval of a new set of His suggestion, however, was current township staff. would never vote for this ordi-
only a starting point and that it rules in the township would be a not popular with some residents In response to the reactions of nance in its current form,” Heise
was one of the “most restrictive- first step in securing a Tree City who noted that the city ordi- the audience, Heise again said . “It's a starting point.”
Art In The Park set to return to Plymouth next weekend
Next week, a 40 year tradition will return to the
downtown streets of Plymouth with Art In The
Park, the second largest art fair in the state. This
year, the massive art sale will take place beginning
Friday, July 9 through Sunday, July 11.
The staple of Plymouth Art in the Park remains
the 400 plus artists from around the United States
and Canada. Thousands of pieces of original art-
work will be available for purchase including;
paintings, sculpture, ceramics, jewelry, fiber, fine
glass, woodwork, mixed media, photography, and
folk art. Young visitors can participate in the paint-
ing of the children's mural and young artists will
have booths around Kellogg Park displaying their
artwork for sale. There will be musical entertan-
ment and performers all weekend.
Parking for the event is free at Schoolcraft
College where a $3 shuttle ride will bring visitors
to the center of the festival at Plymouth City Hall.
The coaches are air-conditioned and have rest-
rooms on board.
Due to predicted warm temperatures, visitors
are advised not to bring pets as the hot pavement
can cause serious injuries to paw pads.