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Autistic man wins $2.5 million settlement from city
While a 24-year-old autistic Two men in the restaurant wit- mine from the body cameras of
man injured during a police nessed Blair taking the money ” the officers exactly which physi-
chase and arrest will receive a from the cash drawer and the We have to look at the totality cal contact caused the injuries.
$2.5 million settlement from the restaurant manager observed the of the evidence to prove any criminally She said it was clear, however,
City of Westland, no criminal incident and called 911. that Blair “was still fighting and
charges will be filed against for- One witness flagged down a charged case beyond a reasonable doubt. disobeying commands when the
mer Westland Police Ofc. passing police patrol car and pro- baton was used.”
Kristopher Landis accused of vided information about the “We tried everything we possi-
causing the injuries that resulted direction in which the suspect injuries, according to official about a month after the incident. bly could do to enhance the video
in Blair losing his eye. was running. Officers observed reports. “In this case Mr. Blair was an by reaching out to another local
The settlement with Blair was Blair running inside the Blair was charged with armed armed robbery suspect who fled department and the FBI, but to
approved by members of the city Woodcrest Apartment Complex robbery and three counts of from the scene to avoid appre- no avail,” said Worthy. “We have
council during a regular meeting on Wayne Road and a foot chase assaulting, resisting or obstruct- hension. The officers had infor- to look at the totality of the evi-
in May. Blair sued the city citing ensued. Five officers were ing a police officer but was found mation that he was armed from dence to prove any criminally
injuries he sustained Jan. 16, 2020 involved in the chase and Blair mentally incompetent to stand dispatch. When the officers charged case beyond a reason-
when he was identified by several was tased and struck with a police trial. His competency will be caught up with Mr. Blair, he was able doubt. This cannot be done
witnesses as the man who had baton in an effort to handcuff and heard again in 18th District Court given repeated verbal commands in this case with the evidence
robbed the Wayne Road Arby's at arrest him, according to reports in Westland July 14 following throughout the encounter. Mr. available and our inability to con-
about 7:20 p.m. A restaurant from the office of Wayne County medical and psychological treat- Blair failed to obey the com- verse with the alleged victim.
employee told police that Blair Prosecutor Kym Worthy. ment ordered by Judge Sandra mands,” Worthy said. Accordingly, charges cannot be
grabbed cash from the drawer Blair had obvious injuries to Cicerelli. In a prepared statement, issued or sustained in this case.”
after telling him, “I'm gonna need his face and was treated at the Worthy has declined to file any Worthy said that when all meas- As part of the settlement, Blair
all that.” Blair kept his hand in scene by EMS personnel and criminal charges against Landis ures failed to subdue Blair, one is prohibited from pursuing any
his jacket pocket but raised his transported to a hospital where who was accused of inflicting the officer admitted that he used his further claims against Westland,
covered arm implying he had a his eye was surgically removed blows that caused Blair to lose his baton twice to strike him. She Westland elected officials or
weapon, the employee told police. due to complications from his eye. Landis was fired by the city said that it is impossible to deter- Westland police officers.
Legislator accused of violating criminal bond provisions
State Rep. Jewell Jones, D- undergo an immediate drug test
Inkster, currently awaiting trial ” following the court hearing last
on drunk driving and gun posses- You were deceptive with your Thursday.
sion charges, narrowly avoided own attorney, less than candid When Jones was arrested
jail time last week as he was April 6, his blood alcohol level
accused of contempt of court for with prosecutor's office and with this court. classified him as “super drunk”
violating his bond provisions. according to police. After several
Jones was accused by reports from other motorists of
Livingston County Assistant during that time. practice and that Jones was given an erratic driver on Interstate 96
Prosecuting Attorney Christina Prosecutors produced social permission to leave by his com- in Livingston County Handy
Richards of contempt of court, media posts of Jones at the manding officer. Hammoud said Township, responding police offi-
alleging that he had provided Wayne Planet Fitness during the that Jones was unaware that he cers found Jones in a black
less than honest information to week of June 21 and at several was required to notify the court if Chevy Tahoe with a personalized
the court to avoid required ran- House committee meetings dur- he left the training camp. license plate “ELECTED” which
dom drug and alcohol testing. ing the time he claimed to be at The judge remained uncon- had rolled into a ditch from the
The court-ordered testing was a guard training. Livingston vinced and told Jones that he shoulder of the road.
condition of Jones' bond as he County District Judge Daniel believed he planned to leave the Police reports indicated that
awaits a court date on charges of Bain cautioned Jones that he was National Guard camp for his Jones was argumentative, abu- Jewell Jones
drunk driving, resisting police, “very disappointed because I elected duties when he asked to sive and refused to provide iden-
possession of a weapon while think that you were not candid.” be excused from his bond- tification to officers. Jones told reports. Emergency responders
under the influence of alcohol Bain told Jones the only reason ordered random drug and alco- officers at the scene he was transported Jones' unconscious
and reckless driving stemming he had previously allowed him to hol testing. “going to call the governor.” female companion to a nearby
from his April 6 arrest. forgo testing was because of “You were deceptive with Police claimed his behavior hospital for treatment, according
Jones, 26, had obtained per- Jones' claim that he would be liv- your own attorney, less than can- necessitated the use of pepper to reports.
mission to forgo testing during ing at Camp Grayling for training did with prosecutor's office and spray and a taser to subdue him. Jones was subsequently sus-
June 12-26 claiming he would be Jones' lawyer, Ali Hammoud, with this court,” the judge said, A loaded firearm was observed pended from the Inkster auxil-
at National Guard training and however, claimed that leaving the and ordered Jones to wear an in the cupholder of the console of iary police force following his
required to be at Camp Grayling National Guard camp is a usual alcohol ankle monitor and the vehicle, according to police arrest.
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