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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             June15, 2023

                                                           CANTON - WAYNE
                                                            CANTON - WAYNE

        Judge finds sufficient evidence for murder charges

           Judge Michael Gerou of the  Locke to work on one of his vehi-  blood on them as did a roll of  open the truck of the vehicle
        35th District Court in Plymouth  cles and the two shared an inter-  duct tape. Other evidence sub-  where McLean's body was locat-
        has ruled there is sufficient evi-  est in cars.              mitted included photos of the  ed.
        dence to charge Jeffrey Dwight   McLean told the court that the  bloody scene and the autopsy  “This matter started off as a
        Locke with first degree premedi-  friendship between the two  report of the Wayne County coro-  missing person investigation that
        tated murder.                  became toxic and that his father  ner which found that McLean  culminated finding the missing
           Locke, 50, is accused of the  told him that Locke had assault-  suffered at least 13 severe blows  person badly beaten, wrapped
        brutal beating death of 69-year-  ed him on occasion. When his  to his head, neck and torso, along  up in duct tape in the trunk of his
        old Glen McLean of Canton      father failed to respond to phone  with other areas of his body.  own car,” Gerou said following
        Township. According to court fil-  calls, McLean went to his father's  Police attempted to locate  several hours of testimony.
        ings, McLean allowed Locke,    home and discovered a bloody   McLean by pinging his phone   “There's certainly ample proba-
        who is reportedly homeless, to  scene in the garage. His father  which was located in Dearborn.  ble show that homicide
        intermittently stay in his River  was missing as was a 2021 Ford  Officers found the missing phone  in the first degree, premeditated,
        Woods Drive North home.        Mustang.  During the court hear-  in the victim's Mustang parked in  was committed.
        According to the victim's son,  ing, a neighbor testified that she  Dearborn with Locke at the  “I think there's a strong case
        Derek McLean who testified dur-  heard the men arguing on sever-  wheel.  Locke gave responding  that (Locke) committed a brutal
        ing the preliminary hearing last  al occasions.               officers conflicting statements  murder,” Gerou said in his rul-
        week, Locke also brought five or  Police officers testified to the  regarding McLean's where-  ing, sending Locke to face a cir-
        six cats and a dog to stay at the  bloody scene in the victim's  abouts. A Canton Township offi-  cuit court trial. If convicted he
        home. He said his father paid  garage noting several items had  cer had cause to request Locke to  faces life in prison.             Jeffrey Dwight Locke
        Park cleanup prompts warning about dangers of plastic debris

           The volunteer effort to clean  strong advocate of the environ-
        and renovate city parks in     ment posted.
        Wayne continued last weekend     There are a number of things
        with work at  Soroptimist Park,  that can be done to reduce the
        Rotary I Park, and Attwood     amount of microplastic pollu-
        Park.    Members     of  the   tion including, reducing the use
        Department of Public Works     of single-use plastics like plastic
        (DPW) joined volunteers in the  bags, straws, and water bottles,
        efforts along with students from  which are a major source of
        Upward Bound.                  microplastic pollution.
           The large number of volun-    Recycling plastic whenever
        teers allowed DPW employees    possible helps to keep it out of
        to complete split rail fencing at  the environment and con-
        Attwood Park while work con-   sumers are urged to avoid prod-
        tinued at the two other loca-  ucts that contain microbeads.
        tions. Volunteers included     Microbeads are tiny plastic
        Wayne Police Sgt. Jeff Perez   beads that are often found in
        who helped install mulch at    facial scrubs and other personal
        Soroptimist Park and Fire Chief  care products. These beads can
        Mike Stradtner who cut the     easily be mistaken for food by
        debris from the fence line dur-  animals and birds.
        ing the effort. Former city coun-  “By taking these steps, we
        cilmembers Jeremiah Webster    can help to reduce the amount
        and Phil Wagner joined the vol-  of microplastic pollution and
        unteers led by City Councilman  protect the animals and birds  Wayne took one step closer to becoming “the cleanest city on Earth” last weekend, according to
        and Park and Trails Leader     that we share our planet with,”  Councilman Alfred Brock who led a large contingent of volunteers in the continuing effort to clean and
        Alfred Brock. Wayne City       Brock posted.                  renovate the city parks.
        Manager Lisa Nocerini and
        Assistant Director of the DPW
        Ed Queen also joined the work
        crew. Brock noted that while
        working in Soroptimist and
        Rotary Park 1, the volunteers
        found multiple plastic items
        among the debris. He explained
        the serious negative effects of
        plastics on the environment as,
        he said, the material does not
           “Because of the fine work by
        volunteers to fit out the local
        Rain Garden at Soroptimist
        Park this material is trapped
        before it can make its way into
        the water system and end up in
        the Rouge River. The river is
        only a few minutes away,” Brock
        posted online.
           He added that the work last
        weekend took the community
        “one step closer to making
        Wayne the cleanest city on
           Small plastics persist in the
        environment, he said, and cause
        problems for wildlife and
           Small pieces of plastic, also
        known as microplastics, can
        cause a number of problems for
        animals and birds. These prob-
        lems can include ingestion by
        animals and birds which may
        mistake microplastics for food
        and eat them. This can lead to
        digestive system blockages
        which can be fatal.
           Another danger is inhalation
        of microplastics by animals and
        birds. This can lead to respirato-
        ry problems, such as pneumo-
        nia. The toxicity of microplastics
        can leach chemicals into the
        environment, which can also be
        harmful to animals and birds,
        Brock said in his Facebook post.
        These chemicals can cause a
        variety of health problems,
        including cancer, reproductive
        problems, and immune system
        suppression, he said.
           Microplastics can also reduce
        the reproductive success of ani-
        mals and birds as the substance
        can damage eggs and embryos
        and can also interfere with the
        hormonal balance of animals.
           “The problem of microplastic
        pollution is a global one.
        Microplastics have been found
        in oceans, rivers, lakes, and
        even in the air. As a result, all
        animals and birds are at risk
        from this pollution,” Brock, a
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