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June15, 2023                                                   ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                  PLYMOUTH - WESTLAND
                                                  PLYMOUTH - WESTLAND

        Suspect faces murder charges in fatal shooting

           A 29-year-old man has been                                                                  Officers provided first aid  ble condition last week.
        arrested and charged with the               Patterson is incarcerated at the                and Westland EMTs subse-         Patterson is incarcerated at
        fatal shooting of a Dearborn                                                                quently transported both the   the Wayne County Jail following
        woman and serious injury of a               Wayne County Jail following his                 injured victims to a local hospi-  his arraignment before Judge
        Romulus man that occurred in          arraignment before Judge Mark McConnell.              tal for emergency treatment.   Mark McConnell at the 18th
        Westland during the early                                                                   The Romulus man was report-    District Court where bond was
        morning hours of June 1.                                                                    ed in stable condition but the  denied.
           The suspect, Amir Patterson,  three felony firearm violations.   Subsequent investigation by  Dearborn Heights woman, iden-  Police said the preliminary
        29, of Taylor, was scheduled for  According to police reports,  officers revealed the shooting  tified as Bushra Mawry, the  investigation indicated the
        a court appearance in 18th     officers responded to a call at  took place in the 37000 block of  founder of Hand in Hand, a  shooting was not a random inci-
        District Court today, following  about 2 a.m. June 1 reporting a  Scottsdale Circle. When officers  nonprofit established to aid the  dent. Court records indicate
        his arraignment last week on   shooting. When officers arrived  arrived at that location they dis-  humanitarian crisis in Yemen.  that Patterson was on parole
        charges of first-degree murder,  on the scene, they found a 32-  covered a 36-year-old Dearborn  Mawry, a nurse, founded the  following serving prison time
        assault with intent to murder,  year-old Romulus man who had  Heights woman who had also    organization in 2020. The      for manslaughter when the
        first-degree home invasion and  suffered a gunshot wound.     suffered a gunshot wound.     Romulus man remained in sta-   shooting occurred.
        Repairs to downtown

        parking deck continue

           The first phase of the 2023 Central  and/or tow 24 hours after the new work
        Parking Deck renovation project in down-  zone is in place, Plymale cautioned.
        town Plymouth was expected to be com-    Phase II is expected to be complete by
        plete last week.                       July 3 and a majority of the parking will be
           Crews were scheduled to move to the  reopened at that time, he added. There
        northern half of the deck to begin work on  may be some minor work done during the
        Phase II. Crews will be replacing con-  month of July, but only minimal parking
        crete, working on joints and completing  should be impacted. Additional public
        other repairs on both the upper and lower  parking is available at the Christian
        levels. About half of  the parking spaces  Science Church located at 1100 W. Ann
        will remain unavailable on both levels  Arbor Trail through the month of June.
        during the second phase, according to a  Some sealant work will take place in
        Sam Plymale from the Plymouth          September after the Plymouth Fall
        Downtown Development Authority.        Festival, Plymale added. Drivers and
           Officials request that drivers do not  pedestrians should use caution inside and
        leave vehicles in the new construction  around the work zone and not walk within
        zone once crews move to Phase II.      the taped off areas, he concluded.
        Vehicles left unattended in the new con-  For more information, email dda@ply-
        struction zone will be subject to tickets


                                                                                       Class of 2024 members Ava Williams and Kim Barron have been named Horatio
                To subscribe to The Eagle visit                                        Alger Association State Scholars and each awarded a $10,000 scholarship.  The
                                                                                       association is one of the largest need-based privately-funded college scholarship
                                                                                       providers. The Horatio Alger Association assists high school students who have
                                                faced and overcome great obstacles to pursue their dreams through higher edu-
                                                                                       cation. While many scholarship programs primarily recognize academic achieve-
                                                                                       ment or leadership potential, the Horatio Alger Scholarship Program awards stu-
                                                                                       dents who have exhibited determination, integrity and perseverance.
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