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June15, 2023                                                   ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                  BELLEVILLE - SUMPTER
                                                  BELLEVILLE - SUMPTER

        Invasive plant species threatens township park

           Sumpter Township trustees     She explained that during
        are attempting to find ways to  efforts to clear the plant from
        control or eradicate an invasive  the park, volunteers once had a
        species currently attacking com-  good-natured contest to see who
        munity parks.                  could pull out the longest root of
           The species is autumn olive, a  the species and the winner was
        plant which is flourishing near  a root 28 feet long. She said cut-
        Sherwood Pond and in Banotai   tings of the plant have to be dou-
        Park. During the May 23 meeting  ble bagged and taken to a land-
        of the trustees, the conse-    fill as branches cannot be used
        quences of allowing the plant to  for making wood chips used as
        continue to propagate were     mulch by gardeners.  Gardner
        brought to the attention of the  explained that the plant can
        board members by Jo Gardner, a  grow on any mineral surface
        volunteer who spends time      and home gardeners using wood
        attempting to beautify the town-  chips as mulch could find the
        ship parks.                    plant growing in their yards
           Gardner told the board mem-  within a few years. She
        bers that while she was not a  explained that the plant is so
        certified horticulturalist, she  intrusive, it could begin to affect
        spent many hours learning what  real estate values in the commu-
        she could about the autumn     nity. “There have been town-
        olive plant. She told the board  ships and small cities where that                                                          Sherwood Pond at Banotai Park
        members that the species has   has occurred,” Gardner told the  had no one from the board, no  needed in the playground, on  resource for the township.
        doubled in mass at Banotai Park  trustees. “They're very nasty,”  one from businesses come out  the beach and the volleyball  “We're not going to get rid of
        in the past three years. Autumn  she said.                    and nobody showed up at either  court. That is not what we (vol-  it, but we've got to get it under
        olive is a problem for parks as  Gardner came to the board    park.” She said while Home    unteers) are there for. I think we  control,” she said.
        the plant displaces native     members to plead for more help  Depot had promised volunteers,  need a park person, a forestry  Deputy Supervisor and
        shrubs. It threatens native    with general maintenance and   a date change had canceled that  person who really knows what  Trustee Tim Rush, who chaired
        ecosystems by out-competing    help at the pond and in the park.  offer.                    we need and knows the invasive  the meeting, said he had some
        and displacing native plant    She explained the lack of volun-  “Changing the date at the last  species,” Gardner said.   contacts with the DNR he could
        species, creating dense shade  teer help was placing the bur-  minute is a problem. Some of    She noted that the state    ask for advice and direction
        and interfering with natural   den of cleaning up the park for  the people who volunteered are  Department  of   Natural   regarding the situation. “Let's
        plant succession and nutrient  spring and fall on only three vol-  not going to come back,” she  Resources (DNR) and Michigan  see what they can do and see
        cycling, plant specialists     unteers. She said that during the  said.                     have programs, grants and stew-  what kind of programs are avail-
        warned.                        last scheduled clean up, “we     “There is a lot more work   ardships and could be a possible  able,” he said.
        Belleville Rotary Club presents annual scholarships

           Members of the Rotary Club  Krishna Sharma and Sean        zens, communities and other   discussed the importance of    attendees, the scholarship com-
        of Belleville presented six $5,000  Tinsley. The Charles B. Cozadd  charities in carrying on their  civic engagement as the students  mittee, and any others whose
        scholarships to Belleville-area  Community Service Award for  work.                         move forward in their lives and  work made the evening possible.
        graduates during the 78th      service to school and other stu-  Each of the awardees       careers.                         Since its inception, Rotary
        Annual Scholarship Program     dents was presented to Luke    thanked Rotary and spoke about   “The Rotary is happy to cele-  Club of Belleville has awarded
        May 23.                        Budd while the Donald Juchartz  his or her plans going forward  brate these amazing young indi-  $642,500 to Belleville High
           The awards presentation took  Award for Community Service  and how the scholarships will  viduals, who have all contributed  School students as part of the
        place at Belleville High School  was presented to Ethan Delaney.  assist in reaching academic  so well to their communities,  club scholarship program. This
        and included school administra-  During the meeting, Belleville  goals.                     their school and their families,”  year, as in recent years, the pri-
        tors, parents, family members  Rotary Club President Mary Jo    Van Buren Township Clerk    Suchy said.                    mary funding source for the pro-
        and Rotarians.                 Suchy offered a welcome,       Leon Wright was the guest        After the presentations,    gram has been the Charles B.
           The     four    Academic    including an explanation of what  speaker during the award pres-  Suchy, who is also the chairper-  Cozadd Rotary Foundation
        Scholarships went to Hope      Rotary is and a summary of club  entation. He offered words of  son  of  the  Scholarship   which assists the club in the
        Copeland, Samantha Pause,      activities helping individual citi-  inspiration to the awardees and  Committee,  thanked all the  funding many projects.
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