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June 15 – 21, 2023                                      NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 24                                                                                    www

                                       Racetrack project wins planning commission approval

               Vol. 138, No. 24           A final decision on the con-                                                           track and the increase in traffic
             Members of the Rotary     struction of a new harness race                          ”                                in the area. Residents accepted
          Club of Belleville presented  track in Plymouth Township              Plymouth Township officials denied               the legality of the gambling but
          six $5,000 scholarships to   could come before the board of             any plans for a rumored casino                 protested having it in Plymouth
          Belleville-area graduates    trustees by the end of this month.                                                        Township.
          during the 78th Annual          Following approval of the                  at the proposed racetrack.                     Plymouth Township officials
          Scholarship Program May      development plans by the                                                                  denied any plans for a rumored
          23.                          Plymouth Township Planning                                                                casino at the proposed race-
                          See page 3.  Commission earlier this month,  wetlands, according to township  included a 54,000-square-foot  track.
                                       the plans will now be sent to the  records. The plans for the  gaming facility to be constructed  Northville Downs was sold to
                                       township trustees for final   Plymouth site include construc-  during a future phase of devel-  a developer five years ago and
                                       approval which could be on the  tion of a half-mile oval harness  opment. Any casino or racino  plans for residential, retail and
                                       June 27 meeting agenda.       racetrack; a two-story, 4,900-  gambling would require state  office space at the Seven Mile
                Vol. 76, No. 24           The proposed Northville    square-foot grandstand with a  approval.                    Road and Sheldon property are
             Judge Michael Gerou of    Downs of Plymouth Township is  patio for viewing; a 23,000-    Those plans prompted con-  under way. Northville Downs
          the 35th District Court in   planned for a 128-acre site near  square-foot racing building; a  cern from residents when the  has been offering harness racing
          Plymouth has ruled there is  Five Mile and Ridge roads. Only  35,000 square foot horse barn  track was originally proposed.  since opening in 1944 and is the
          sufficient evidence to charge  52 acres of the site are suitable  and a 3,200 square foot mainte-  Residents questioned the  only remaining harness track in
          Jeffrey Dwight Locke with    as the remainder is protected  nance building. Originally, plans  accompanying gambling at the  the state.
          first degree premeditated
                          See page 6.

                                          Liberty Festival
                                          begins in Canton
                Vol. 76, No. 24
             Registration is under way      A 30 year tradition begins
          for Summer Reading at the       today in Canton Township when
          Leanna    Hicks    Public       the Liberty Fest opens.
          Library, 2500 Hamlin Dr. in       The annual celebration of
          Inkster.                        community spirit offers  family-
                          See page 2.     friendly activities, exciting car-
                                          nival rides, thrilling Midway
                                          games, two stages of live enter-
                                          tainment, a popular market-
                                          place, festival food, and Beer
                Vol. 23, No. 24           Garden, as well as the Annual
                                          Liberty Run, a special
            More than15,000 visitors      Juneteenth     Community
          are expected to attend the      Celebration, Friday night fire-
          Northville Art House Arts       works, and much more for all
          and Acts Festival as the        ages to enjoy.
          three-day event begins            Major sponsors for this annu-
          tomorrow, June 16.              al community event include:
                          See page 4.                                  Heritage Park will come alive with the sights and sounds of Canton Liberty Fest from June 15-17,
                                          BJ’s Wholesale Club, National  2023, which is Canton’s ultimate community celebration of summer fun. (Provided courtesy of
                                          Heritage Academies and the U.  Canton Township)
                                          S. Army.
                                            This year Canton Liberty  and Midway games.            Heritage Park will be closed to  reminded that all bikes must be
                                          Fest will feature a new mobile  The  highly-anticipated  vehicular traffic.           parked in a bike corral.  In addi-
                Vol. 23, No. 24           app for Apple and Android   Canton Liberty Fest fireworks   Event organizers strongly  tion, a convenient Uber, Lyft, or
             The first phase of the 2023  users prior to the event.   display will take place just after  discourage visitors from bring-  parent drop-off/pick-off spot has
          Central Parking Deck reno-      Festival-goers will be able to  dusk tomorrow, June 16,  allow-  ing pets onto festival grounds.  been designated on Civic
          vation project in downtown      access everything about the  ing for a Saturday night rain  However, dogs that attend the  Center Boulevard in front of the
          Plymouth was expected to be     event, including entertainment  date, if necessary. Starting as  festival must remain on a leash,  Canton Public Library main
          complete last week.             schedules and performer infor-  early as 6 p.m. tomorrow,  be under their owner’s control,  parking lot.  For more informa-
                          See page 5.     mation, Carnival Zone informa-  Veterans Way, Heritage Drive,  and be on their best behavior at  tion, visit www.cantonliber-
                                          tion about amusement rides  and Summit Parkway near      all times. Festival-goers are or call (734) 394-5360.

                                       State of the City 2023

                Vol. 138, No. 24
             The Romulus Police
          Department recently cele-    Romulus mayor reports progress in every city department
          brated the induction of two
          new officers and the promo-     During his State of the City                          ”                                invest.” McCraight said an
          tion of veteran officer Keith  address last year, Romulus                                                              example of that mutual benefit
          Haynes to the rank of ser-   Mayor Robert McCraight out-                   Romulus is the gateway to                   is major events in Detroit. He
          geant.                       lined his goals for the next 12           Michigan and the first impression               said there is often a lack of
                          See page 2.  months. This year, McCraight                                                              hotels which often results in
                                       was able to report an 87 percent            of the state is our community.                Romulus hotels “at 100 percent
                                       completion rate for those plans                                                           occupied.”
                                       with the remainder of his goals                                                              The core values of his admin-
                                       for the community already        McCraight, serving his first  elected officials and digni-  istration, McCraight said,
                                       under way.                    term, told the crowd that his  taries.” He stressed the impor-  remain integrity; transparency;
                Vol. 76, No. 24           McCraight presented his 2023  goal was to take the city to the  tance of communication with  solution orientation, an endeav-
             Councilman Alfred Block   State of the City address last  next level and to accomplish  both state and county officials  or to improve and simplify
          said the volunteer work last  month from the Romulus High  that goal he needed detail peo-  and neighboring communities in  processes and inclusive service.
          weekend took the communi-    School auditorium before an   ple whom he could trust and   an effort to ensure that “they  He spoke about  each of those
          ty “one step closer to making  audience crowded with mayors  that Wojtylko was the type of  know who we are.” In meetings  values during his address, citing
          Wayne the cleanest city on   from neighboring communities,  detail person who was a huge  with SEMCOG (Southeast       examples from every city
          Earth.”                      county and state officials and  asset to his administration and  Michigan  Council    of  department as evidence of the
                          See page 6.  community residents. Following  the community. McCraight    Governments) and the Michigan  dedication to those values. He
                                       the pledge of allegiance led by  praised the leadership of every  Municipal League as examples,  added that rather than “fluffy”
                                       several local Girl Scouts and the  department in the city, noting  he said the city has five people  answers his administration
                                       presentation of the colors by the  the accomplishments of each of  in the room explaining that  takes pride in transparency.
                                       honor guard, City Clerk Ellen  them and the state and local  Romulus is regionally signifi-  “We're not hiding from chal-
                                       Craig Bragg sang the national  honors awarded to several    cant. He noted the participation  lenges,” he said. “We're going to
                                       anthem. McCraight was then    department leaders as he      of Romulus in multiple local  tell you what's going on. We will
                Vol. 76, No. 24        introduced by his Chief of Staff  reported the accomplishments  and county organizations all  always give you an honest
             A 29-year-old man has     Julie Wojtylko who noted that  of each department during the  working to enhance the area.  answer to an honest question. It
          been arrested and charged    McCraight is always focused on  past 12 months.                “This is regional,” McCraight  may not be the answer you want
          with the fatal shooting of a  doing the right thing for the resi-  “Romulus is the gateway to  said. “We are all in this together.  to hear, but we're going to be
          woman and serious injury of  dents of the city. She said he is a  Michigan,” McCraight told the  A win for Romulus is a win for  transparent the whole way
          a man that occurred in       man who “exemplifies leader-  crowd “and the first impression  Taylor is a win for Huron.”  through,” he said.
          Westland during the early    ship and understands the impli-  of the state is our community. We  Developers don't look at bor-  One of those challenges,
          morning hours of June 1.     cations and responsibility of  are trying to raise that bar up  ders, they look strategically at
                          See page 5.  being the mayor.”             right now working with our    what makes sense for them to          See Address, page 2

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