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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             June 2, 2022

                                        INKSTER - PLYMOUTH - WAYNE
                                        INKSTER - PLYMOUTH - WAYNE

        Happy birthday

        Street to be renamed for centenarian resident

           The City of Inkster will honor one of  Representatives extolling her years of
        the most distinguished and revered   dedicated service in that position of
        members of the community tomorrow    responsibility.
        with the dedication of a street in her  Birthday accolades included resolu-
        name.                                tions signed by President Joe Biden,
           Lillie R. Lester, who recently celebrat-  Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Wayne
        ed her 100th birthday, with a crowd of  County Commissioner Glenn Anderson
        family members and friends, will be hon-  as well as a myriad of dignitaries extend-
        ored by the renaming of Weithoff Street  ing well wishes.  This celebration com-
        to Lillie R. Lester Drive. Lester has  memorated not only her new status of
        resided on the Inkster Street for    centenarian, a feat few have attained,
        decades.                             but also acknowledged her lifelong dedi-
           Lester is a familiar name in state his-  cation to the state of Michigan and its
        tory as she holds the distinction of being  constituents.
        the first female sergeant-at-arm and the  Inkster officials said the dedication is
        first black woman sergeant at-arms in  open to the public and that the ceremony
        the Michigan State Capitol building. In  is “with enormous pride” as the city
        2018,  Lester was recognized by the  bestows “this permanent tribute to an
        Michigan      State    House     of  authentic treasure, Mrs. Lillie R. Lester.”      Mrs. Lillie R. Lester receives an official resolution honoring her 100th birthday.
        Plymouth commissioners OK new downtown beacons

           Members of the Plymouth City  and Penniman;  Ann Arbor Trail  Changes to the policy include  The former employee working in  Morning USA Parade in down-
        Commission approved the instal-  and Forest;  Starkweather and  notification of video surveillance,  this position recently departed  town Plymouth on Monday, July
        lation of five Rectangular Rapid  Liberty, and the Main Street mid-  updates to the cancellation poli-  unexpectedly. The hiring process  4, and Robots in the Park on
        Flashing Beacons during their  block crosswalk between        cy, the prohibition of silly string,  is expected to begin immediately.  Sunday, Aug. 14 were approved
        regular meeting earlier this   Penniman and Ann Arbor Trail.  confetti and/or glitter, and an  Approval of upcoming city   by commissioners.
        month at Plymouth City Hall.   Work on these intersections is  increase in the security deposit  events, including the Plymouth  For official agendas and min-
           The authorization includes  expected to be completed this  for events starting after 4 p.m.  Farmers Market at The      utes,                   visit
        concrete work and installation of  spring and summer, officials said.  The hiring of a full-time assis-  Gathering Saturdays from May 14
        the pedestrian safety signals at  Commissioners also approved  tant facility manager at the  through Oct. 22;  the 6th grade  nter. The June regular City
        the intersections of Ann Arbor  updates to the room rental policy  Plymouth Cultural Center was  farewell picnic at Fairground  Commission meetings are set for
        Trail and Evergreen;  Evergreen  at the Plymouth Cultural Center.  also approved by commissioners.  Park on Friday, June 3; the Good  7 p.m. Mondays, June 6, and 20.

        Outdoor concerts continue at Kellogg Park tomorrow night

                                          The popular Music in the Air  ment to suit every musical taste,  June 17--The Ones and Twos  Pride, and Soul); Aug. 5--Larry
                                       free weekly concert series will  added DDA officials.        (Motown and Dance Music); June  Lee and the Back in the Day
                                       continue at 7 p.m. tomorrow, June  The concerts are sponsored by  24--Randy Brock Group  (Blues  Band  (Funk, R&B, Motown); Aug.
                                       3, and continue through Sept. 3 at  the DDA; the Bank of Ann Arbor;  Rock); July 1--Trilogy  (Variety  12--Geff Phillips and Friends
                                       the Kellogg Park stage in down-  the Plymouth Noon Rotary Club  Band); July 8-no concert due to  (Pop & Rock Variety 60s  - today);
                                       town Plymouth, officials from the  and Hines Park Lincoln.   Art in the Park; July 15--Magic  Aug. 19   Moxie Blitz  (80s - Today
                                       Downtown       Development       This year's line-up again   Bus  (Woodstock Era); July 22--  Pop); Aug. 26--Steve King and the
                                       Authority (DDA) office said.   includes various area bands and  Power Play Detroit (Greatest  Dittilies  (Wayne Newton of
                                          The ever-popular Friday night  tomorrow  Von Zippers  (Classic  Rock Hits); July 29--Lady  Wayne County) and Sept.  2--
        Von Zippers will perform tomor-  outdoor music series for 2022 fea-  Rock) will perform. The schedule  Sunshine & the X Band  Atomic Radio (Top 40, Pop Hip-
        row in Kellogg Park.           tures a wide variety of entertain-  continues June 10--Totally (80s);  (Detroit's' own - Emotion, Fire,  Hop, Rock).


           Wayne Police Sgt. Robert Amore was
           recently promoted to the rank of lieu-
           tenant with the department. Amore is a
           17-year veteran of the Wayne Police
           Department, a traffic crash reconstruc-
           tionist, the Western Wayne Crash
           Response Team Commander, and a
           Taser and Speed Measurement
           instructor. Wayne Police Chief Ryan
           Strong congratulated Amore on his
           promotion as he made the official
           announcement last week.
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