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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             June 2, 2022


        On the market

        Student-built home now for sale

           The City of Westland and the Wayne    The Building Trades Program allows for
        Westland Community Schools District are  the economic stimulation by creating new
        celebrating the 10th anniversary of their  homeowners and adding to the tax base,
        joint initiative, the Building Trades part-  officials said. For students, it provides the
        nership. Originally launched in 2010, the  opportunity to learn a skilled trade. Since
        Building Trades program allows for the  its approval in 2010, the partnership has
        removal of vacant, blighted properties and  resulted in the new construction of 11
        transforms them into                                    houses in Westland.
        new homes.                         ”                       “The partnership
           Under this part-                                     between the City of
        nership, Westland           We look forward to          Westland and Wayne
        provides the building   continuing the partnership      Westland Community
        materials, with funds        and growing the            Schools has been a
        from the HOME                                           longstanding and     Students proudly show off their completed home renovation as part of the Building
        Partnership Program          All American City.         beneficial collabora-  Trades partnership between the City of Westland and the Wayne Westland Community
                                                                                     Schools district.ome on Beatrice Street is the latest project in the award-winning joint
        and    the  Wayne                                       tion serving both the  effort of the City of Westland and the Wayne Westland Community Schools Building
        Westland Community                                      students and the com-  Trades initiative.
        Schools    District                                     munity. We look for-
        (WWCSD) provides labor through the     ward to continuing the partnership and
        William D. Ford Career Technical Center  growing the All American City,” said Mayor
        Construction Technology Program.       William R. Wild.
           In 2019, the city and school district  “This partnership is an amazing oppor-
        marked 10th anniversary celebration with  tunity for the students in the Construction
        the wall raising of a house on Schuman  Technology Program to not only learn a
        Street. Despite challenges due to COVID,  skilled trade that can evolve into a lifelong  A  home  on
        students in the Construction Technology  career, but also positively impact their com-  Beatrice Street is
        Program were able to complete the house  munity in a way that will give families last-  the latest project
        during the 2020-21 school year and it sold to  ing memories. I am proud of the students  in the award-win-
        a first-time homebuyer.                and our commitment to building a better  ning joint effort of
           Now, under the partnership, a home  community,” said Superintendent of Wayne  Westland and the
        located at 1612 Beatrice St. is the latest site  Westland Schools John Dignan.  Wayne Westland
        for renovation. The house will be sold to a  The partnership received the    Community
        first-time homebuyer with an asking price  Excellence in Practice award from the  Schools Building
        of more than $200,000.                 Michigan State Board of Education.    Trades initiative.
        Acts of Kindness by students rewarded at council meeting

           Members of the Westland City  Przybyla  of   Schweitzer    everyone and leading by example  helping two classmates with their  and is inclusive with all of her
        Council    along   with   the  Elementary, Kadence Lindsey of  with her friendly and helpful per-  work. She is a polite and helpful  peers. She meets all the staff
        Compassionate City Committee   Taft-Galloway   Elementary,    sonality.                     student that loves to encourage  members with a big smile and
        and  Wayne-Westland Community  Yuritzi Antonio-Olmos of Walker-  Kadence Lindsey was nomi-  her peers to do well and is often  excitement to learn every single
        Schools administrators acknowl-  Winter Elementary, and Chloe  nated for cleaning up the class-  one of the first students to volun-  day, her nominator said, and “this
        edged the recipients of the April  Falis of Stottlemyer Early  room when all her peers went  teer to help her classroom and  year, her kind, sensitive, compas-
        Random Acts of Kindness        Childhood     and     Family   outside for recess. She is a very  Walker as a whole, her teacher  sionate and joyous personality
        awards. The program recognizes  Development Center.           polite and sweet young girl and is  said.                    have blossomed and bloomed.”
        four of the many students nomi-  Tessa Przybyla was nominated  very helpful and is always capa-  Chloe Falis has “done a fantas-  Each of the student received a
        nated from the 17 schools in the  by her teacher for being caught  ble of making others smile,  tic job at being the class leader.”  $20 gift certificate from a local
        district who have demonstrated  spreading kindness by being a  according to her nomination.   According to her nomination, she  merchant along with the official
        random acts of kindness.       leader every day in class, helping  Yuritzi Antonio-Olmos was  is always willing to help a class-  recognition by city and school
           The four winners were Tessa  others, and being a friend to  nominated by her teacher for  mate who is having a difficult day  officials.
        Juneteenth is marked at library

           The William Faust Public Library of   This artistic and historical presentation
         Westland will host a Junteenth celebration  will include an introduction to Juneteenth,
         from 3 until 3 p.m. June 4.           and provide a description of the shackles
           Drs. Micala Evans and Imelda Hunt of  and obstacles that bonded people as prop-
         the Eastern Michigan University       erty and upheld a system of racism and
         Department of Africology and African  negative stereotypes. Register at:
         American Studies will share the reason for  https://westlandlibrar y .
         the recognition of Juneteenth as a federal
         holiday, and the importance for people of  =16656&backTo=Calendar&startDate=20
         every background to celebrate Juneteenth.   22/06/01.
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