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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             June 2, 2022


        Canton River Day celebration is set for Saturday

           River Day in Canton Township will   which runs one-third of a mile in length;
        take place from 9 a.m. until noon this  the Canton ITC Corridor Trail, with a
        Saturday, June 4 at the Lower Rouge    trailhead located at Flodin Park; and the
        River Trailhead.                       Lower Rouge Trail, which interconnects
           The annual celebration will be com-  Heritage Park with the Michigan
        bined this year with National Trails Day  Department of Transportation's I-275
        and will be sponsored by the township  Metro Trail, a regional trail system offer-
        municipal services and leisure services  ing approximately 6 miles of non-motor-
        departments. Officials said the trailhead  ized pathways in Canton. These trails in
        event, located off Morton Taylor Road and  Canton offer nearly 15 miles of non-
        Michigan Avenue, “will take place rain or  motorized pathways, open year-round,
        shine.”                                officials noted.
           The free event includes scheduled     American Hiking Society National
        activities for all ages, including birdhouse  Trails Day® is a nationally recognized
        building, log jam openings, and self-guid-  trail awareness program that occurs
        ed hiking along the Rouge River.       annually on the first Saturday of June and
        Educational exhibits will also be on dis-  inspires the public to discover, learn
        play provided by local environmental and  about, and celebrate trails while partici-
        conservation organizations. In addition,  pating in outdoor activities, clinics, and
        informational resources will also be avail-  trail stewardship projects. National Trails
        able on the 'Leave No Trace' outdoor prin-  Day® is a registered trademark of the
        ciples, trail biking, recycling, and more.  American Hiking Society.
        Local vendors will also set up booths for  For additional trail information about
        participants to browse. Light refresh-  this free family and pet-friendly event,
        ments will also be served on a first-come,  visit,
        first-served basis.                    ton NTD22, or call (734) 394-5460.  For up-
           Additional trails within the Canton  to-date information on this event, includ-
        trail system include:  Fellows Creek   ing cancellation notices, visit www.face-
        Wetland Nature Trail at Flodin Park, CantonMSD.
        Township honored by state for environmental leadership

           Canton Township was recently  tation, energy efficiency, renew-                                                         Counties;    the   Michigan
        recognized by the statewide    able energy, materials manage-                            ”                                 Municipal League; and the
        Michigan Green Communities     ment (AKA recycling, composting,                We are thrilled and proud                   Michigan Townships Association
        program for environmental lead-  waste diversion), water conserva-          to be awarded a Gold Certified                   “Canton has made it a strate-
        ership. As part of the 2021    tion and protection, clean mobili-                                                          gic goal to support a healthy
        Michigan Green Communities     ty, and community engagement.           Michigan Green Community, in Canton.                ecosystem and to create an acces-
        (MGC) Challenge, 44 participating  “We are thrilled and proud to                                                           sible and sustainable environ-
        local governments were awarded  be awarded a Gold Certified                                                                ment,” said Municipal Services
        gold, silver, or bronze seals of  Michigan Green Community, in                                                             Department Director Jade Smith.
        achievement reflecting communi-  Canton,” said Canton Township  Michigan Roundtable for     infrastructure, improving the  “Receiving this designation con-
        ty leadership in areas such as  Supervisor Anne Marie Graham-  Diversity and Inclusion also con-  quality of life for residents, and  firms that we have sustainable
        energy efficiency, climate adapta-  Hudak. “We continue to collabo-  tributed to make us a shining  creating a more environmentally  practices in place and has creat-
        tion and resilience, recycling,  rate and target actions to become  example of a Gold Standard com-  and economically sustainable  ed a benchmark that will moti-
        environmental justice, and more.  a more sustainable community  munity.”                    future for the state of Michigan.  vate us to continue to evaluate
        Ten communities received       through our board goals and the  The    Michigan     Green      Michigan Green Communities  and support future sustainable
        bronze certification, 12 received  hard work of our employees.  Communities (MGC) program is  is supported by the Michigan  initiatives.”
        silver certification, and 22   Some of those initiatives are well  open to all local governments in  Department of Environment,  Questions regarding sustain-
        received gold certification.   under way such as expanded     Michigan, at no cost. MGC is a  Great Lakes, and Energy; the  ability and environmental efforts
           Canton achieved gold status  parks, trails, sidewalk continuity,  sustainability networking, bench-  Michigan Department of Health  in Canton Township can be
        for exemplary action in multiple  hybrid fleet vehicles, and effi-  marking, and technical assistance  and Human Services; the  directed to David Norwood,
        categories, including: planning,  cient infrastructure.  Our diversi-  program. It guides and supports  Michigan  Economic  deputy director of the Canton
        economic development, land use,  ty, equity and inclusivity initiative  communities in adapting to a  Development Corporation; the  Municipal Services Department
        climate resilience, climate adap-  with our employees and     changing climate, protecting  Michigan    Association    of  at (734) 394-5160.

           Help wanted

           Liberty Festival volunteers sought

             Organizers of the Canton Liberty Fest  helpers, and many others,” organizers
           are seeking volunteers to help with the  said.
           event. The festival will return June 16, 17  To become a volunteer complete the
           and 18 after a two-year hiatus due to the  adult or youth volunteer application
           COVID pandemic.                      available at and
             The festival usually brings more than  return it to Volunteer Coordination
           50,000 visitors to Heritage Park and it  Heather VanHartesveldt at hvan-
           takes a large cadre of volunteers to help Applications
           ensure the smooth running of the event.  can be faxes to (734)394-5319 or mailed to
           Organizers said the success of the event  1150 s. Canton Center Road, Third Floor.
           is due to volunteers who support Canton.   Training session have been scheduled
             “Now more than ever we need volun-  for June 13 and June 14 at the Canton
           teer support for this year's community  Administration Building.
           festival. Plenty of exciting opportunities  All volunteers must attend one train-
           are available including: Welcome and  ing session. For questions or more infor-
           Information Booth Greeters, Bike Corral  mation, contact VanHartesveldt as listed
           assistants, Adult Beer and Wine Garden  above.


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