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June 2, 2022                                                   ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Arts & Acts event returns to downtown streets

           Arts and Acts, presented by  writers can also enjoy readings
        the Northville Art House, will  and music at the Short on Words
        take place June 17-19 this year  event that will take place at the
        throughout         downtown    Northville Art House on nearby
        Northville.                    Cady Street.
           The Northville Art House, a   Admission is free. For more
        501(c)3 comprehensive art facili-  information and updates, visit
        ty, is hosting the fundraiser
        which includes Art in the Sun  sandacts/ and @ArtsAndActs
        Juried Art Fair, an outdoor    Festival. Proceeds benefit the
        gallery of more than 75 local and  Northville Art House's mission to
        national artists who have been  cultivate the arts through cre-
        selected from a pool of more   ative experiences and education-
        than 150 applicants to display  al programs in the community.
        their work.                      The festival will be open from
           Arts and Acts, staged along  3 p.m. until 8 p.m. June 17; from
        Main, Center, and Wing streets,  10 a.m. until 8 p.m. June 18 and
        adjacent to the downtown       from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. on June
        Northville Social District, offers  19.
        visitors the chance to buy, learn,  The 34th Annual Art in the
        and socialize with a like-minded  Sun Juried Art Fair, which will
        crowd. Families will discover an  be open each day of the festival,
        abundance of entertainment     showcases contemporary art and
        such as the interactive chalk  unique creations by 75 fine
        wall, the Chalk Festival, and  artists and crafters from around
        musical acts as well as festival  the country competing for mone-  throughout the day both Friday  and adults (ages 18 and up) with  Preservation Dental - The Office
        food and drink at mobile trucks,  tary awards based on original  and Saturday, June 17 - 18. Solo  a Jury Award and a People's  of Dr. William S. Demray. Awards
        food pods, and local restaurants.  artwork and booth presentation.  musicians will be strolling along  Choice Award given in each divi-  to be given to the top three works
        Aspiring poets and short story     Live acts will perform     the festival path and from 7 - 9  sion.                      in both the youth (ages 17 and
                                                                      p.m. acoustic groups will be per-  The Author's Brunch to cele-  under) and adult (18 and up) cat-
                                                                      forming in the festival area.  brate the 10th year - 9th edition  egories.
                                                                        The Northville Art House    of Short on Words poetry and      Arts and Acts 2022 partners
                                                                      Chalk Festival, set for 10 a.m.  short story competition, will take  include: Bath Planet, Midwest
                                                                      until 4 p.m. Saturday, June 18  place at 11 a.m.  on Saturday,  Gutter Gard, DTE Foundation,
                                                                      between Main and S. Center    June 18 at the Northville Art  Flagstar Bank, Orin Jewelers,
                                                                      streets, features artists trans-  House. The event will feature  Tuscan Café, The Northville
                                                                      forming the pavement into a   readings, live music, light    Gallery Artwork & Framing, Two
                                                                      checkered pattern of color and  refreshments, and an awards  Stones Events, Garage Grill &
                                                                      imagination, while visitors view  presentation. This year more  Fuel Bar, Detroit Vineyards,
                                                                      the chalk art at their feet, and  than 70 local, national, and inter-  Alexander's Custom Clothiers,
                                                                      then vote online for their    national authors shared their  Preservation Dental-The Office
                                                                      favorite.                     original short stories and poetry  of Dr. Williams S. Demray,
                                                                        Divisions include children  inspired by one of 10 photo-   Precision Print & Label, and
                                                                      (ages 0 - 11), teens (ages 12 - 17)  graphs taken by event organizer,  Northville District Library.
        Reception for retiring school superintendent planned

           It will be the last day of school for both  ment plans last year. The district is hosting  noon event is open to the public.  is far reaching. The event will be an opportu-
        students and outgoing Superintendent of  an open house retirement party for her from  The district is collecting RSPVs to help  nity for the community to share mementos
        Northville Public Schools Mary Kay     4 until 4:50 p.m. June 16 in the cafeteria of  with planning, but it is not required to attend  and appreciation of Gallagher's long career.
        Gallagher June 16.                     Northville High School. There will be a  the event.                         Appropriate mementos such as photos, let-
           Gallagher, who has been with the school  recognition program beginning at 5 p.m. in  Gallagher joined the Northville Public  ters or cards, would be welcomed by email
        district for 37 years, announced her retire-  the school auditorium and the entire after-  Schools in 1985, officials said and her impact  at rorkka@northville
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