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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             May 27, 2021

                                                     NORTHVILLE - WAYNE
                                                     NORTHVILLE - WAYNE

        Click it or Ticket program is now under way

           While families are celebrating  wearing a seat belt all the time.
        the Memorial Day holiday this  We see the loss of life. So often, it
        weekend, local law enforcement  could have been prevented with
        officers will be out trying to save  the simple click of a seat belt,” he
        lives.                         added.
           Officers from local police     According to the University of
        departments, the Wayne County  Michigan Traffic Research
        Sheriff's Department and       Institute (UMTRI), in 2019, 217
        Michigan State Police will all be  people killed in Michigan traffic
        on patrol conducting seat belt  crashes were not wearing a seat
        enforcement across the state dur-  belt.
        ing the Click It or Ticket cam-   Men make up the majority of
        paign that will continue until  those killed in motor vehicle traf-
        June 6.                        fic   crashes    nationwide.
           “So often, critical injuries and  According to the National
        the loss of life on our roadways  Highway  Traffic   Safety
        could have been prevented with  Administration (NHTSA), in
        the simple click of a seat belt,”  2019, 65 percent of the 22,215 pas-
        said Michael L. Prince, OHSP   senger vehicle occupants who
        director. “Wearing a seat belt is  were killed were men. Men also
        the easiest and most effective  wear their seat belts at a lower  saving message before one more  to remember to buckle up - every  According to the NHTSA, buck-
        thing you can do to reduce     rate than women do - 51 percent  friend or family member is  trip, every time.”             ling up in the front seat can
        injuries and save lives. Buckle up  of men killed in crashes were  killed.                     In Michigan, 217 people killed  reduce the risk of serious injury
        every trip, every time.”       unrestrained compared to 40       “Seat belts save lives and  in traffic crashes during 2019  or death in a crash by 45 percent.
           The City of Northville public  percent of women killed in  everyone, children and adults in  were not wearing a seat belt.   Michigan law requires driv-
        safety department along with   crashes.                       the front seat and back seat, need  During the 2019 Memorial  ers, front-seat passengers and
        officers in the City of Wayne will  Young adults are also at a  to remember to buckle up - every  Day weekend, there were 11 fatal  passengers 15 and younger in
        be participating in the campaign  higher risk of being killed  trip, every time.”           crashes on Michigan roadways   any seating position to be buck-
        to increase seat belt use.     because of riding unrestrained.   “If this enforcement period  that resulted in 13 fatalities. Two  led up.
           “During the campaign, we'll  In 2019, more than half (57 per-  wakes people up to the dangers  of the 13 deaths involved a driver  The fine and associated costs
        be working with our fellow law  cent) of young adults 18 to 34  of unrestrained driving, we'll con-  and a passenger not wearing seat  for not wearing a seat belt is $65.
        enforcement officers across the  years old who were killed while  sider our mission to be a suc-  belts.                   Children must be in a car seat or
        state to ensure the message gets  riding in passenger vehicles  cess,” said Hannewald. “If you  In Michigan, the seat belt  booster seat until they are 8 years
        out to drivers and passengers to  were not buckled up.        know a friend or family member  usage rate in 2019 was 94.4 per-  old or 4 feet, 9 inches tall, and
        buckle up,” said Northville       “If this enforcement period  who doesn't buckle up, please ask  cent. The national seat belt use  children under 4 years old must
        Police Cpt. Greg Hannewald. “We  wakes people up to the dangers  them to consider changing their  rate in 2019 was 90.7 percent.  be in the back seat.
        cannot overstate the importance  of unrestrained driving, we'll con-  habits. Help us spread this life-  The National Highway Traffic  The OHSP coordinates the
        of wearing a seat belt. It's the law  sider our mission to be a suc-  saving message before one more  Safety Administration (NHTSA)  Click It or Ticket effort, which is
        but more than that, buckling up  cess,” said Hannewald. “If you  friend or family member is  estimates that seat belt use in  supported by federal traffic safe-
        is the simplest thing you can do  know a friend or family member  killed.                   passenger vehicles saved 14,955  ty funds.
        to limit injury or save your life  who doesn't buckle up, please ask  “Seat belts save lives and  lives nationwide in 2017. Seat  For more information on
        during a crash.                them to consider changing their  everyone, children and adults in  belts are the single most effective  Click It or Ticket mobilization,
           “We see the results of not  habits. Help us spread this life-  the front seat and back seat, need  way to stay alive in a crash.  visit
        Former teacher to serve 9-30 years for sexual assaults

           A former teacher at both    happening again.”              called his actions “deplorable.”  day, to what childcare, to what  badly on those professions in the
        Wayne Memorial and Northville    While Dean issued an apology   “Your action is a reason why  teacher, to what coach,” she said  community and that he as “the
        high schools will serve nine to 30  for his actions during the court  parents lie awake at night terri-  before handing down Dean's sen-  bad actor” would serve the
        years in prison after being con-  sentencing, including a Biblical  fied about where they're going to  tence. She said that she would  prison time as the punishment
        victed of five counts of first-  quote, Judge Yasmine Poles   drop their children off the next  not allow Dean's actions to reflect  he “deserved and well earned.”
        degree sexual conduct with a stu-
        dent at Cedar Crest Academy.
           Jason Dean, 37, of Livonia,                           ROMULUS SPRING 2021
        who was sentenced to prison
        May 20, also served as a coach
        with the area-wide Michigan                   CITY WIDE YARD SALE
        Hawks girls' soccer team.
           The victim, now an adult, was
        in the eighth grade at the time of                              Participating Addresses
        the original sexual incidents. She
        went to police with her com-
        plaints last year, explaining that      Thurs., June 3rd, 2021 - Sun., June 6th, 2021
        Dean had begun the campaign of
        sexual abuse in 2010 when he                                          Registration Required • (Rain Dates) June 10 - 13
        was associated with Cedar Crest                  To register contact the Clerk's Office at (734) 942-7540 or send an email to
        Academy     in   Springfield
        Township. When he was arrested    LOCATION                  Thurs.  Fri.     Sat.   Sun.      LOCATION                 Thurs.  Fri.     Sat.   Sun.
        in 2020, Dean was teaching at                                 6/3    6/4      6/5     6/6                                 6/3    6/4      6/5     6/6
        Northville High School.           37710 Barth                  x      x      x       x        37600 Herman                 x      x      x      x
           The victim told police that    38610 Superior St                   x      x       x        9660 Essex                   x      x      x      x
        Dean took a “special interest” in                                                             38235 Castle Dr                     x      x      x
        her as she was a soccer and bas-  16131 Hannan                 x      x      x
        ketball player at the school. She  9672 Essex                  x      x      x       x        15320 Colbert                              x      x
        said that months of sexual activi-  34808 Stewart              x      x      x                15378 Woodmont               x      x      x      x
        ty occurred with Dean, including  35720 Goddard                x      x      x       x        15715 Woodmont               x      x      x      x
        in the school classroom and at    15400 Woodmont                      x      x       x        15497 Maple Ct                      x      x      x
        Dean's apartment.                                                                             9418 Cogswell                              x      x
           Following Dean's arraignment   37000 Porter                 x      x      x       x
        on the charges, allegations of    9004 Whitehorn               x      x      x       x        39176 Cherokee DR
        inappropriate conduct of a sexu-  15835 Brandt                 x      x      x       x        (West Village Estates)                     x
        al nature were reported at both   15771 Orchard                x      x      x       x        15129 Woodmont               x      x      x      x
        the Wayne and Northville high     38727 Wade                   x      x      x       x        15101 Woodmont               x      x      x      x
        schools where he previously was                                                               15080 Woodmont               x      x      x      x
        employed.                         36915 Ferndale               x      x      x       x
           Dean entered a plea of no-     12084 Schultz                x      x      x       x        35608 Smith
        contest to the charges and        35249 Atlas                  x      x      x       x        Wellesley Townhouses         x      x      x      x
        through his attorney agreed to a  15144 Woodmont                             x       x        28461 Halecreek              x      x      x      x
        minimum of nine years in prison   11353 St. Aloysius           x      x      x       x        15821 Oakbrook                      x      x      x
        with prosecutors.                                                                             6655 Amarillo Dr             x      x      x      x
           During Dean's sentencing, the  28834 Leroy                  x      x      x       x
        victim told the court, “I was stuck  38333 Tyler               x      x      x                16220 Wildfox Ct                    x      x      x
        with the decision of ensuring     37008 Herman                 x      x      x       x        29043 Cullen Dr                     x      x      x
        that this does not happen to      38997 Nottingham             x      x      x                15701 Huron River Dr                x      x      x
        another child. Obviously, I chose  38440 Wade                  x      x      x       x        15668 Isabelle                             x      x
        to report because I couldn't live                                                             15685 Springhill             x      x      x      x
        knowing what I know and not       34700 McBride                x      x      x       x
        doing anything to prevent it from  37755 Westvale                            x       x        16809 Breaburn               x      x      x      x
                                          5871 Dexter                  x      x      x                35276 Beverly                x      x      x      x
                                          9050 Cogswell                x      x      x       x        7056 Lorenz                                x      x
                                          10067 Romaine                x      x      x                30525 Cherry Ave             x      x      x      x
                                          6091 Edmund                         x      x       x        27471 Cleveland              x      x      x      x
                                          28083 Leroy                  x      x                       32272 Henry Ruff                           x      x
                                          15815 Orchard                       x      x       x        37225 Menton                 x      x      x      x
                                          35541 Ronald                 x      x      x       x        15806 Taft                   x      x      x
                                          36833 Ferndale               x      x      x                9090 Wayne                   x      x      x      x
                                          5840 Chamberlain             x      x      x       x        39101 Buckingham             x      x      x      x
                                          37523 Castle                 x      x      x       x        15433 Colbert                x      x      x      X
                                          11249 Moore                  x      x      x                32679 Gateway Dr                           x      x
                                          37691 Wabash                        x      x                38490 Westvale               x      x      x      x
                                          9373 Terry                   x      x      x                30161 Kipling                       x      x      x
                                          36709 Herman                 x      x      x       x        15434 Collins                       x      x      x
                                          36908 Chase                  x      x      x                31481 Ecorse                 x      x      x
                          Jason Dean
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