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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             May 27, 2021


           Volunteers are named to city commissions

             Mayor William R. Wild has named several volunteers  to the Downtown Development Authority for a term
           to city commissions and committees, including appoint-  expiring May 2025.  Grossoehme has been very involved  Local Development Finance Authority (LDFA)
           ments to the Commission on Aging, Disability Concerns  in the Westland Community and is the priest in charge  John Sullivan has been appointed to the Local
           Committee, Downtown Development Authority,       at St. John's Episcopal Church.                   Development Finance Authority for a term expiring in
           Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Commission, Economic  Gerilyn Maurer has been appointed to the       February 2022. Sullivan is a local attorney and also
           Development Corporations/ Tax Increment Finance  Downtown Development Authority for a term expiring  served as a Wayne County Commissioner from 1999 to
           Authority/ Brownfield Redevelopment Authority,   October 2022. She has participated in Wayne-Westland  2007.
           Westland Historical Commission, Local Development  Community Schools College and Career Readiness.   The Local Development Authority primary objective
           Finance Authority, Municipal Services Bureau, Parks &  Maurer is employed at the Wayne Westland Federal  is to encourage local development to prevent conditions
           Recreation Advisory Council and Youth Assistance  Credit Union.                                    of unemployment and to promote economic growth.
           Advisory Council.                                   Westland City Council members confirmed these    Westland City Council confirmed this position at the
                                                            positions at the May 17, council meeting.         April 5, 2021 Council Meeting.
           Commission on Aging
             Desmond Jackson has been reappointed to a two-  Economic Development Corporation (EDC)/Tax       Municipal Service Bureau
           year term expiring April 2023. Jackson has served on  Increment Finance Authority(TIFA)/ Brownfield  Lekisha Maxwell  has been appointed to the
           the Commission on Aging since October 2018 and has  Redevelopment Authority(BRA)                   Municipal Service Bureau for a term expiring in July
           brought innovative programs to the Friendship Center  Selvan Murugan has been appointed to serve on  2022. Maxwell is employed at University of Michigan as
           and is very involved in the community, Wild said.   EDC/TIFA/BRA for a term expiring September 2021.  a populations studies research administrator.
             Mel Tockstein has been reappointed to a four-year  Murugan is a Regional Chief Nursing Officer of Prime  The Municipal Services Bureau oversees operations
           term expiring February 2025. Tockstein has served on  Health Care, Inc.                            of the Mike Modano Ice Arena, the Municipal Golf
           the Commission on Aging since September 2005 and is  Andrew Ward has been appointed to serve on    Course, a home chores program, a park ranger pro-
           the chairperson of the Commission on Aging.      EDC/TIFA/BRA for a term expiring March 2023. Ward is  gram, and a crossing guard unit.
             The Commission on Aging assists the Senior     employed at University of Michigan Multi-Ethnic
           Resources Department Director in promoting the   Student Affairs as a program manager.             Parks & Recreation Advisory Council
           enrichment of the lives of senior citizens.         The Economic Development Corporation/ Tax        Lashon Hart has been appointed to the Parks and
                                                            Increment    Finance    Authority/  Brownfield    Recreation Advisory Council for a term expiring in
           Disability Concerns Committee                    Redevelopment Authority were combined to facilitate  December 2021. Hart is employed at Covenant
             Lisa Kurzynski  has been appointed to the      and coordinate the work of improving and redeveloping  Community Care. She has lived in Westland for 15
           Disabilities Concerns Committee for a term expiring  properties throughout the City for the betterment of its  years.
           July 2022. Kurzynski will bring her personal life experi-  residents and businesses.                 The Parks and Recreation Advisory Council assists
           ences to this board and she is employed with Trinity                                               and advises the city with various agencies and pro-
           Health and is furthering her education in the medical  Westland Historical Commission              grams, conducts outreach, enrollment, training, and ori-
           field.                                              Brett Mahaffey has been appointed to the Westland  entation; development programs and activities, makes
             The Committee on Disability Concerns promotes the  Historical Commission for a term expiring in  recommendations regarding the acquisition, develop-
           involvement and acknowledgment of the concerns of  November 2023. Mahaffey works for Renewal by    ment, and administration of properties with recreation-
           disabled citizens through research, education, and  Anderson as a permit and inspection coordinator. He  al activities.
           encouragement.                                   has been a Westland resident for 3 years.           Westland City Council confirmed these positions at
                                                               Sharon Sullivan has been appointed to the Westland  the May 17 meeting.
           Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Commission       Historical Commission for a term expiring April 2023.
             Patrick Quinn has been appointed to the Diversity,  Sullivan has been a teacher for the Wayne Westland  Youth Assistance Advisory Council
           Equity and Inclusion Commission for a term expiring  Community School District since 1998.           John Sullivan has been appointed to the Youth
           October 2021. Quinn is retired from Ford Motor Co. and  Julie Slabaugh has been appointed to the Westland  Assistance Advisory Council. Sullivan is a local attorney
           is the past president of the Westland Civitan    Historical Commission for a term expiring in      and also served as a Wayne County Commissioner from
           Organization.                                    November 2023. She also is appointed to the Parks and  1999 to 2007.
             The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Commission (DEI)  Recreation Advisory Council. Slabaugh has lived in  Matthew Morrow has been appointed to the Youth
           Commission promotes, supports and advocates for the  Westland for many years and is involved in several vol-  Assistance Advisory Council. Morrow is employed at
           vision and values around diversity, equity and inclusion  unteer organizations. She retired from Ford/Visteon in  the City of Ann Arbor as an administrative assistant.
           at all levels.                                   Global Manufacturing IT.                            There are no term limits for members. Members
                                                               The Westland Historical Commission collects, main-  must reside or work in the City of Westland. The mem-
           Downtown Development Authority                   tains, and preserves any materials and documents  bers assists the YAP Director with necessary communi-
             The Rev. Henrietta Grossoehme has been appointed  relating the history of Westland and Nankin Township.   ty resources

        Bond sale will help fund

        city retiree pension debt

           Westland has found a way to pay the  Financing Authority (TIFA) bonds which
        majority of the city unfunded pension lia-  were originally utilized to finance the new
        bility for former city employees.      city hall and Ralph Savini Fire Station
           Mayor William R. Wild said that a suc-  projects. The new interest rate for the
        cessful debt refinancing completed in  bonds came in at 2.005 percent. By issuing
        March will result in significant savings to  the 2021 bonds at this low fixed rate, the
        the city. Westland issued $82,470,000 in  city will realize $1.5 million in savings
        bonds to pay for a majority of the costs of  over the life of the 2021 bonds and the
        the unfunded pension liability for the  maturity date will remain the same (2034).
        defined benefit pension plan for govern-  This will result in savings of $127,000 in
        ment employees administered by the     the first year alone, Wild explained.
        Michigan Employees Retirement System     “Once again Westland was able to take
        of Michigan (MERS).                    advantage of our excellent bond rating
           The new savings are the result of refi-  and historically low interest rates to save
        nancing $12,460,000 in Tax Increment   tax dollars,”  Wild said.


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